Small tv in the kitchen
For every housewife, the kitchen is a matter of pride, where everything is equipped and furnished precisely in accordance with her preferences, because it is in this room that her magic associated with cooking takes place.

Every time, when preparing another masterpiece of cooking, the hostess of the house puts into it a piece of her soul and her mood.

Success depends on the mood in the kitchen and every housewife agrees with this, because any recipe requires love and a light hand, therefore this room must meet all the wishes of the housewife, allow her to cook easily and be in a good mood.

In this article, you are invited to the material that tells about such a device that is not typical for a kitchen as a small TV.

This device not only improves the mood of the hostess, who during cooking, watches her favorite programs and series, but also does not noticeably merge with the overall interior, the design of the kitchen gives it more functionality. See in the photo, a selection of classic methods of placing a small TV in the furnished kitchen, regardless of its size.

Which TV to choose?
Today, televisions are made in three types, differing in image quality and price:
- Kinescopic;
- Plasma;
- Liquid crystal.
Of course, the screen size is not small enough, but ultimately, this is not a living room, where the whole family gathers and the screen size matters.

For the kitchen, with its humidity parameters slightly different from other rooms, the temperature difference in the priority are completely different qualities of the TV. These priorities are called practicality and price component.

The optimal size of the screen for the kitchen, are televisions with a diagonal of 15 to 22 inches.
Of course, this size is not an axiom for those with whom this kitchen has dimensions comparable to the size of the living rooms of most houses inherited from a bygone era.

Plasma TVs are not suitable for the kitchen, due to the fact that they are not available in such sizes. This TV has a minimum screen size of 32 inches.

Kinescopic TVs are also not very suitable for the kitchen, not because of the size of the screen, as because of its bulky size as a whole.

There is not always a place in the kitchen in order to put such a box, not to mention hanging it on the wall.

These TVs are a relic of the past and gradually leave the apartments of modern people.

The best variant of the variety of these TVs for the kitchen are small LCD TVs that allow you to place them in the interior of the kitchen, without losing the already lacking useful space.

In addition, the issues of price, quality and ease of maintenance during cleaning, these models are successfully combined.

Where better to place a small TV in the kitchen?
Answering this question, it is necessary to consider several basic parameters:

Size from person to screen, this size should provide a comfortable perception of the image on the TV.

Placing the TV, on the refrigerator or hanging it on the wall, you must remember that the wrong height, will contribute to the occurrence of fatigue in the muscles of the neck, as you constantly need to raise your head to watch.
The TV placement area should provide full access to this appliance for cleaning, from the pollution arising in the kitchens.

It is also not recommended to place the TV too close to the surfaces that can disturb the cooling of the internal devices of the TV, concentrated in the back of the device.

Photo of a small TV in the kitchen