Small tables for the kitchen (109 photos)
Small tables for a small kitchen

If the kitchen is small, you should not try to squeeze a standard dining table into it, because even if you succeed in doing this, then there is no need to talk about any comfort for the hostess - there is practically no room for maneuvers there. In a small room there is where to turn design ideas - the approach to the solution of the issue should be original, so that the kitchen turns out to be beautifully equipped and functional.

Features and benefits
Features of small kitchen tables are in their high mobility and lightness of the materials used to make them (as a rule, they are made of plastic or light wood species - ash and pine). To avoid chipping, the table top is framed with special veneer inserts.

As a rule, in a small kitchen, all furniture is tried to be made to the maximum functional, therefore it is natural that many models of tables are also supplied with additional shelves on which you can place cutlery or any kitchen utensils (most often they are bar counters). One or two drawers is already a significant advantage for any table, and in this case it will be more comfortable for any housewife during the cooking process, because she doesn’t have to constantly move around the kitchen either at the cutting board, then at the knife, then at some other subject.

Types and models
The kitchen table can have a different design:
- solid;
- folding;
- modified;
- retractable.

A solid table is a design with a solid table top, which for many years has been at the same place. These are comfortable tables, but are not suitable for a small kitchen. For such a room you can choose, for example, a corner with a table. The table top can be square, rectangular or round.

Round tabletop - this type of tabletops is considered to be the most harmonious and comfortable for the whole family meal and for family communication. This table has no sharp corners, which means that kids and elderly family members will not be injured about them. A round table in the kitchen looks very attractive, but it is desirable that it be more spacious, and in the case of a small-sized kitchen, this option is rational to call it rational.

There are some models that can be called a compromise option - these are rectangular tables with rounded edges. This is a convenient and practical model, also safe due to the absence of sharp corners, and it looks quite harmonious.

A rectangular table is considered the most practical in terms of functionality. It is possible to push it tightly against the wall, or you can move it away to accommodate more guests at the table - this table looks equally good. It is also important that rectangular tables are available in a large selection of sizes, different in design - each customer will be able to choose these models to his taste.

Designers consider square models as classics of a kitchen table, because it is in this room, and not in the living room and not in the dining room, that the lack of free space is most often felt. And the square shape of the table, with all its compactness, looks quite thoroughly.

Often, the square shape of the dining table has the ability to transform into a rectangular one, and this can be very useful for hospitable owners, especially if the table is complete with a cozy corner and stools - everything will be comfortable.

Another variant of the compact table looks like a folding table top (sometimes square, but more often semi-circular), which is hinged on the wall. When it is necessary - the tabletop is raised and fixed on one leg-strut, and then everything is removed and again there are no problems with moving around the kitchen.

Modified models are called tables made on the principle of window sills, as well as a bar table. It is also a great economy of kitchen space and a modern look.

An elongated bar counter that has an approach on both sides and built-in functional shelves is capable of accommodating five people. Another plus is that it can serve as a working surface during cooking.

Corner table can replace a window sill. Masters of many companies can provide such a service - they will make a corner table instead of a window sill, which will significantly save space.

Such models of tables are now considered very fashionable. In the small space of a small kitchen, such a decision will be very correct, because at the expense of the corner table you will free up valuable free space.
Another option is to make the table, fully using the length of the wall on one side of the kitchen. As a rule, such a table is divided into zones - a place for a dining table and a place for storing kitchen attributes.

Additional table. In the center of the kitchen is a small table with a pair of chairs, and a corner table is on both adjacent walls. It can be a place of storage, or a decorative area, and even a study if necessary.

Compact table-book has large and wide swing surfaces and retractable supports. The object seems to be small, but heavy, usually performed with wheels, so as not to drag it, but roll it. In the folded position, it has a maximum size of 60x80 cm and it can stand compactly in the corner of the kitchen, and if necessary, one or the shelves rises and the table becomes quite spacious.

Tables added. Such models with one side (necessarily flat) are attached to something, and on the other side they have two legs. The free side can be of any shape, but the most frequent option is a semicircle. They can serve as a comfortable work surface in the kitchen, you can put a vase with flowers on the table.

Wall mounted. The table is attached to the wall as a shelf. It can be a folding view, also saves free space of the kitchen when not involved in the work.

Wall folding models. They look like a book with a tabletop, divided in two and folded one on another. Convenient for the quick organization of additional places for guests - just throw away the second half. In order for such a model to fit into your kitchen as successfully as possible, it is better not to buy a finished model, but to invite the master to make all the necessary measurements and order the table individually.
All wall structures must have a reliable mechanism that holds the tabletop when it is opened and folded, as well as during operation. The same applies to such designs as table-dresser.

Any of the varieties of sliding, sliding, roll-out tables with storage boxes - this is a great solution for a close kitchen.

Owners of close kitchens who are able to intelligently organize kitchen space and think well about how to use each square centimeter of space will be able to successfully solve all their problems.

Rationally using a small kitchen space, remember the aesthetic component of the interior. The panels should be beautiful, the details - original, the materials - stylish - and your kitchen will be the best!

The form
The kitchen table can be round, oval, triangular, square, rectangular or even irregular. And it is very important what type of geometry you chose in your small kitchen. Geometry in this case depends on how the kitchen changes visually, how comfortable and safe it will be to move around it.

The round kitchen table looks light and compact, creates a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, it blows homely warmth from it, and such a table will fit into any interior. But if the room is made in strict geometric proportions, such a model is not attached there.

Oval tables take up too much space, and they are rarely placed in an ordinary kitchen, only if space permits. But if you really want to see the kitchen in smooth lines, then stop your choice on a semicircular table - this is the smoothness of the line, and you can move it evenly close to the wall.

Square or triangular patterns. Both options are certainly convenient, but they are less safe in terms of injury from sharp corners. An exception can only be models with such a table top, which, after their operation, can be immediately removed, retracted or folded.

Placed along the wall is a rectangular table. A great option for a kitchen in a rectangular room. The only thing that is bad - during the dinner will have to look at the wall, not interesting. As an alternative, such a table can be placed along the window, then the view will be more interesting.

Oddly enough, but there are dining tables and irregular shapes - this happens when arranging a kitchen with a non-standard layout. The table is made to order, repeating in measuring its parameters, the entire geometry of the kitchen.

The best furniture has always been considered the one that is made of natural material. This is due primarily to the environment, and for the kitchen room, where there is often a hot atmosphere, it is very important - no harmful substances will be emitted into the air. The dignity of the rest of the materials - in their low cost, which means - accessibility for most buyers.

Of metal, as a rule, make furniture frame. It is a durable material and also resistant to moisture. The downside is that metal only looks good in a modern kitchen. Strength does not take away from him, but here is no heat. Imagine a fully metal table - you can't call it comfortable. As a rule, metal models are complemented with glass elements.

Natural wood is usually preferred for the manufacture of luxury furniture. Products turn out environmentally friendly, reliable and very beautiful. The problem is the consequences of the interaction with water and in more thorough care.

Products made of chipboard are cheaper, but they are more resistant to moisture, which is why they are widely used today in the production of sets and kitchen worktops.

Plastic products do not differ in durability, although they are probably the most bright and beautiful, thanks to the rich range of shades. Here are just the slightest scratches and cracks will quickly lead the plastic product into disrepair. It will be more practical to make kitchen aprons.

Color solutions
Dark-tinted dining table looks solid and solid, but not in a small kitchenette. Here, such a spectacle will be cumbersome and inappropriate. But white, beige shade or light wood - this is just what you need.

The use in the interior of a small room of light shades always expands it, so the lightness and airiness of the pastel table in the kitchen will be appropriate and will not give the impression of excessive clutter.

Today, the Russians are available tables of any color. The color gamut is selected according to the design of a certain interior or even set using virtual design. White color of the table, beige and black, remains the most popular among buyers, but everyone has the right to make his choice according to his preferences or on the recommendations of his designer.

When it comes to a table for a small kitchen, you need to keep in mind that no matter how tight the space is, but at the table a person should be comfortable, and for that he needs a space of 60 cm wide. So, planning a dining area in his kitchen, You should be guided precisely by this figure, then everyone sitting at the table will be comfortable.

Finished tables today are mostly made of laminated chipboard, some only have plastic tops. In size and configuration, tables for a small kitchen are available such as: round, 75 cm in diameter and rectangular mini-tables - 50x70 cm.

Tables are the most simple, not transforming and does not increase the area of the tabletop, but this is not the best option for a close kitchen. A convenient and compact model of folding type with an additional drawer or without it will fit here. Such, for example, a table, in which when folded, the depth of the tabletop is 56 cm, and if it is expanded, its width increases by another 56 cm to 112 cm.

How to choose and which one is better
No need to worry about the fact that if the kitchen is small, then buy a table there - an impossible task. A bit of theory, common sense and a huge selection of models from different manufacturers - and this will definitely help you to choose the table that in all respects is suitable for your small kitchen.

It seems that everything is clear, since the kitchen is small, then the table needs a small one. And which one, not a child? How many people will sit behind him, how many plates should fit, a glass for everyone, cutlery, a piece of bread. It turns out that at least 60x40 cm table should be.

Suppose there are five people in your family, but it’s impossible to eat together, then all right - two people will be accommodated at such a table. And if you are lovers of joint family gatherings, then you better arrange the dining table in the living room, and let the little one stay in the kitchen - it doesn’t hurt.

Another option can be used even for a very small kitchen. Speech about moving out of the headset plate. It is without legs and cannot be completely removed, and two can sit behind it - no more.

Table transformer
It can be said to be a godsend for cramped spaces. The whole transformation is based on changing the area of the tabletop, behind which you can arrange a place for two people, and if necessary for six, for example. When folded, this is a compact thing that takes up very little space, so it can be rearranged to any place. There are some original transformers that are folded into a drawer, and if necessary, a minute of work and you have a dining table in front of you.

When buying such a model, keep in mind that they are displayed differently. There are models with a wing, there is a retractable surface, and there is a special tab. To choose the model that suits you the most, you need to try to expand and fold each one back in the store.

How to do it yourself
Do you live in the house of an old building or in a private new building, where the window frames are sturdy, which do not let the damp or the rain flow through when the storm weather is raging outside? Surely in such houses and a window sill made of wood is a real example of durability. You don’t need to spoil such a thing and you don’t need to break it out either. It is best to fasten the tabletop with the help of hinges to such a window sill so that it can recline down and rise as needed.

The downside will be that there is no wholeness of the working surface - this is true, but then there will be a minimum of labor costs. And if the reliability of the window sill inspires suspicion, then dismantling cannot be avoided.

Feel free to break out unnecessary detail, measure the dimensions of the notch under the former sill and cut the workpiece (plywood, chipboard or MDF). The easiest way to do this is from plywood using a regular jigsaw. Plywood will need waterproof, with a minimum thickness of 12 mm. This is necessary in order to avoid any deflections.

Such work is necessary if it is decided in the kitchen to make a table from the window sill, because another opportunity to acquire a dining table in the kitchen is simply not foreseen due to its too small size. On the one hand, this is even for the better - you don’t have to spend money on a dinner set, and the room will remain more or less spacious without a table, although you can’t do without stools.

So, we solve this not very simple task. Prepared billet must be inserted on the place where recently was a typical window sill. If necessary, we lay plywood on wooden blocks or on boards to achieve the required level. Then the structure should be fixed with steel corners - brackets.

A plywood or other selected material is screwed to the opening of the window with screws, and its base is covered with a special ceramic glue using a notched trowel. We try to remove the joints to the maximum - they will be to nothing on the kitchen desktop. The ends are closed with a special ceramic lining or aluminum molding.

Interesting ideas in interior design
How to place a dining table in the kitchen of a small square - put it near the wall or in the middle? What are the options?
Kitchen furniture looks great, including the table, if you place them near adjacent walls.

Pay attention to the tabletop and table legs, if they are too thick, the product will look cumbersome - even so small.

If you choose an original table made of glass, this will give your kitchen a visual lightness and make it seem more spacious. And if the transparent design constantly inspires you with fear of its fragility, choose the best frosted glass.

You can show the kitchen from the best side, if you choose a light table - this is what you need in a small kitchen. By design, the kitchen set and table should overlap.

The tablecloth will make a light small table something voluminous, and therefore it is better to refuse it, and as an alternative you can use an openwork napkin in the center of the table.

If the table layout had to be opposite the cooking zone, the distance between them should not be less than 60 cm so that you can comfortably move.

One should not forget about such a piece of furniture as stools! Constantly carrying them back and forth from the kitchen and into the kitchen is not the case, and since they will be constantly in the kitchen, then the tabletop should be sized so that the stools can fit under it freely and free up space.

You can decorate the sofa of the kitchenette with pillows and ottomans on it, let an unusual napkin stand on the table, and use the wallpaper at the table to help you with friends enjoy the friendly chat and a big tasty pizza that they brought with you, and you placed it on your folding table -transformer.

Even if the kitchen is quite small, you can, if you try, arrange a beautiful, modern and practical dining table. Just pay attention to the choice of model.