Saturn coffee maker
Saturn coffee maker

- Description and features
- Models
- How to use?
- Reviews
All lovers of delicious and aromatic coffee are well aware of how difficult it is to make a truly high-quality drink without the proper skills. And Saturn coffee maker will do this in minutes.
Description and features
The Saturn brand is engaged in the production and production of a wide range of various household and kitchen appliances. Absolutely all of its products are characterized by low cost, high quality and durability. Therefore, it is not surprising that Saturn coffee makers are in high demand among buyers.
A distinctive feature of these machines is their principle of operation.

This brand today puts on sale drip and rozhkovy coffee makers. If in the first case, the coffee is brewed by dropping hot water on it and passing through a special filter, in the second case, the coffee is brewed with steam, which passes under pressure into the reservoir for the finished drink and turns into a fragrant drink.
Among the main features of this brand's coffee makers are the following:
- Low cost. The manufacturer strives to ensure that all its customers can buy a really high-quality coffee maker at an affordable price.
- High quality and durable provided by the use of high quality materials and the latest technology in the process of creating these devices.
- Individual and stylish design.
- Easy to operate. Not every coffee maker is as easy to use as a Saturn coffee maker.
- Wide range of.
These are the main features and advantages of all coffee makers of this brand. Each of its models has its own individual characteristics and advantages.

The range of coffee makers of this brand is quite wide. In this review, we collected only the most popular and popular models among customers, which in practice proved their high quality:
- ST-CM7086 - This is a rozhkovy coffee maker, in which the drink is prepared using steam. For preparation, you can use both coffee in disposable packs and ground. There is an additional function of manual cappuccino. Simple and easy to use unit with a small water bowl - less than 300 ml.
- ST 7091 - drip device that prepares ground coffee. Prost in use, has no additional functions. The water tank is just over one liter of usable volume.
- ST 7085 - This is a combined coffee maker, in which you can make coffee and tablets. Included is a special tray for collecting drops, and the beverage tank holds 10 cups of ready-made coffee. Depending on the settings, it can make coffee both in droplet and carob way.
- ST 0166 - one of the most budgetary, but no less quality coffee makers in a plastic case. It works on the drip principle and is only suitable for the preparation of ground coffee.
All these coffee makers are characterized by ease of management, the absence of any special functions (with rare exceptions), as well as a long service life and high quality of the brewed beverage.

How to use?
For the service life of the coffee maker, as well as for the taste of the finished coffee, the correct operation of this device also plays an important role.
In order to brew delicious and aromatic coffee in Saturn drip coffee maker, you must perform the following steps:
- Fill the water tank with pre-filtered water to the desired mark.
- Pour ground coffee in the filter or use coffee in tablets.
- Connect the device to the mains and press the "Start" button.
- Wait until the end of cooking and enjoy the excellent taste of freshly made coffee.

If the preparation of coffee will be carried out in the rozhkovy coffee maker, the sequence of actions should be as follows:
- Filling the tank with water to the required level.
- Pouring ground coffee in a special compartment and its easy tamping with a spoon. Loose coffee can be replaced by coffee capsules.
- It is necessary to return the horn to its original position. To do this, you first need to turn the knob to the left, slightly press it down and lift it to the top, and then turn it to the right. Next you need to click on the "Start" button and substitute a mug for the finished drink.
Using any Saturn coffee maker is very simple and the reviews only confirm this.

Customers who have already experienced these machines in their work speak of them very positively. As the main advantages, people point out a beautiful and stylish design, ease of maintenance and operation, as well as the possibility of preparing both ground coffee and coffee in tablets and even capsules in drip-type coffee makers. Most buyers consider these coffee makers as the best choice for home use.
You will learn more about one of the most popular Saturn coffee machines in the following video.