Samsung refrigerator (128 photos)
Samsung fridge

Samsung, called the Korean giant, is a popular electronics manufacturer and has a strong position in the home appliance market thanks to its reliable and affordable refrigerators. They are available in a variety of colors and designs, whether they are basic mini-refrigerators, classic models with a bottom or top freezer, or designer “monsters” with a touchscreen display on the door, a set of programs, and an Internet connection.

Features and benefits
Brand Samsung produces many options for refrigerators. In addition to standard models One Door with Top Freezer, can I buy a fridge with the lower chamber and a separate dedicated box - the so-called "zone of freshness"; French Door French version or Side-by-Side model with multiple doors.

Absolutely new model offered by Samsung, this is a smart refrigerator. "Family Hub" with the support Wi-Fi and touch screen.

The refrigeration unit itself can be equipped with both a classic compressor and an inverter compressor, or a combination of both types of cooling — for example, it works in the freezer dry freeze, and in the rest of the space - droplet type cooling.

The inner coating is often made using modern technology "Silver nano"and is antibacterial. In the newest models, a combination of fans and evaporators is used to create an optimal storage mode and maintain the required temperature and humidity throughout the entire internal space.

Samsung refrigerators are designed to meet the minimum energy consumption, they work fairly quietly and have a high level of quality.

For all models, the manufacturer gives a warranty period of 3 years, however, such a model as RB32FERMDSA, Received 10 years warranty, which is associated with its reliability and reliability in operation.

Country of manufacture may vary. They collect equipment of this brand both in Korea and in India, China, Thailand and Poland. There are differences in the operation of refrigerators Korean and Polish assembly. The units produced in Korea and China noticeably heat up the side walls, which is connected, as experts say, with the principle of heat removal. Polish manufacturers have refined this nuance by ensuring heat removal through the back wall of the refrigerator.

Which is better: Bosch or Samsung
When choosing a refrigerator, first of all it is necessary to decide on its size and a set of necessary functions, decide what amount it is not a pity to spend, and then you can proceed to the choice of the manufacturer and the specific model.

In the domestic market, two brands are clear leaders in this segment of household appliances: Bosch and Samsung.
Both manufacturers offer products for every budget, there are low-end models, and there are premium-class refrigerators. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate the set of proposed functionality, then compare prices and design.

Both Bosch and Samsung offer “No Frost” in their models, which provides dry removal of frost and condensate. Also, both have a zero camera Vita Fresh, in the compartments of which you can adjust the level of humidity, although the sizes of the compartments allocated for it and their location are different.

As for the level of reliability, then Samsung refrigerators should pay attention to the country of origin. In the reviews, they often complain about the quality of the Chinese assembly units, noting that "true Koreans" have no complaints about the operation. There are practically no claims to the Bosch refrigerators, he heads all possible ratings, gaining the maximum number of points for the uninterrupted operation of the compressor in various temperature conditions and for the tightness of the chambers.

However, everyone notes the presence of a network of Samsung branded service centers, thanks to which it is possible to replace or repair in a short time.
The energy consumption class of the products of both companies is not less than A, but it is worth remembering that if there are two compressors, the appliance will always consume more electricity than a refrigerator with one compressor. Also, the inverter compressor (in Bosch’s premium-class models) will be more energy-intensive compared to the classic one.

The noise level of both manufacturers will be higher in models with the system "No frost. "

Both companies include in their products such an option as “Vacation"Allowing to save the electric power in the absence of opening of doors of the refrigerator."

Bosch refrigerators have a body made of metal and coated with an enamel coating, having a dirt-repellent effect. Samsung offers luxury stainless steel refrigerators along with this there are budget options, the cabinet of which is made of impact-resistant plastic.

If you compare the price tag, then Samsung offers slightly lower prices, especially in the budget segment of the market.

The characteristics of each specific refrigerator depend on many parameters, therefore the indicators of such a refrigerator, such as Family hub will differ significantly from the budget model.

Consider some of the parameters inherent in various models. In most modern versions of refrigerators Samsung necessarily there is such a function as the presence of a freshness zone, which is a compartment that is equipped with additional ventilation and in which a lower temperature can be set, than the rest of the refrigerator.

At temperatures from -1 to +3, microorganisms cannot multiply in products, thereby prolonging the shelf life of cooled products. For example, in a conventional refrigerator, chilled meat could retain its properties for about a day, and in the freshness zone this period will be 5 days. Likewise, fresh berries will retain their taste qualities much longer.

Another useful feature that distinguishes Samsung refrigerators is the presence of a special compartment in the refrigerator compartment, which is a drawer: Cool Select zone. The temperature in this zone can be chosen at will, and thanks to high-quality thermal insulation, this does not affect the operation mode of the entire refrigerating chamber. Usually inside the Cool Select zone the following temperature conditions can be set:
- Thawing mode;
- Zero temperature;
- Easy freeze mode;
- Maintain freshness of products;
- Cooling all kinds of drinks.

The weight and dimensions of the refrigerator differ depending on its model, usually for the consumer indicate its external dimensions and volume, intended for the storage of fresh and frozen products.

For example, FSRNDWW, It is a classic version of the refrigerator with a freezer, the total useful storage volume is 310 liters, while for fresh products 321 liters are provided, for the freezer - 98l. Freezing capacity - 12 kg per day.
The weight of this model without packaging is 70 kg, in packing - 72 kg.
Sizes without packaging - 595 * 697 * 1850.
Power consumption - 280 kWh per year (sometimes daily consumption in watts can be indicated); the required mains voltage 220, 50; sound power level - 37 dBA; energy efficiency class is designated as A +.

The Samsung brand is known among consumers for its product storage technology innovations.

A feature like "No Frost", exists in almost every modern model of the refrigerator of this company. Another name for this technology is dry freezing, it appeared due to the fact that condensate droplets that inevitably appear when the refrigerant is working, according to this technology, are partially dried automatically, not having time to freeze and turn into habitual frost, and the rest flows into a special container. As a result, the refrigerator and freezer do not require frequent thawing, which significantly saves housewives time.

Such an automatic defrosting system in Samsung refrigerators can be used individually in the freezer or refrigerator cabinet or completely in the entire unit. This allows each customer to choose the most convenient option.

To the disadvantages of the system "No frost"include an increase in energy consumption and increased noise from operating fans. Also, the movement of air dries not only condensate drops on the back of the refrigerator, but also the products stored in it, so you need to keep them in closed containers.

Since 2007, in the production of Samsung refrigerators used technology "Silver Nano", with which the coating of the inner walls of some models is performed. In accordance with it, the composition of the coating include silver ions, which, due to their disinfecting properties, have an antibacterial and antifungal effect, inhibiting the metabolism of microorganisms.

Especially good This function "works" in conjunction with the system "No Frost", which ensures a constant circulation of air inside the refrigerator, thereby disinfected with silver air is spread throughout the refrigerator. The company's specialists have proven that technology "Silver nano"confronts more than 650 species of microorganisms.

In addition to these technologies, which have already become familiar to the domestic user, the company also offers completely new developments:
- "Mono Cooling", in which one fan is responsible for evaporation and for the distribution of cooled air flows, thereby reducing the noise of the unit and its energy consumption;
- "Twin Cooling System", providing separate operation of the cooling of the freezer and the refrigeration compartment;
- "Multi Flow""responsible for the distribution of airflow inside the refrigerator, in which the storage of food becomes optimal;
- "Low Frost", which is used in the freezer compartment, allowing the formation of a thin layer of ice that does not become a voluminous “coat”;
- "SpaceMax", which is an improved insulation system for the walls of the device.

How to adjust and install
The first thing to remember when choosing a place for such a complex household appliance, which is a refrigerator, is the presence of a hard and flat surface on which to place it. In this case, you need to make sure that nothing prevents the door from opening freely, otherwise you need to either mark the chosen installation location or move the doors (almost all Samsung models offer this feature).

Installation on a strictly horizontal floor is required for normal operation of the internal cooling system of the unit. The important point is that in order to maximize the tightness of the refrigerator, it should stand slightly “in tilt” towards the back wall. To achieve this, rotating adjustment legs are provided, fitted with rubber seals (distributors).

The distance from the refrigerator to the walls or furniture should be at least 5 cm, which are necessary for normal operation of the device, more specifically, for air circulation and more uniform heat removal.

Do not place the refrigerator in a room that has an air temperature below 10 degrees Celsius, as this will stop working.

After installation, you can configure the refrigerator and start using it. Turning on the outlet of the device in the network, you need to make sure that when you open the door, the internal lighting is triggered, then you need to turn on the cooling controller to full capacity and allow the device to cool down the freezer for an hour and go to a stable operating mode. Within a few hours, he will set the required temperature and after that he will work less noisy, only then it will be possible to place products in it.

You can adjust the temperature and adjust it according to your own wishes using the remote control of the refrigerator. In some models, the remote replaces the touch screen. For the freezer and the refrigerator, the values are set individually.

Service and warranty repair of refrigerators Samsung produced in the service centers of the company, which are in every major city, or in services that have the authorization of the company.

Model range and rating
In recent years, refrigerators have undergone significant changes, their outlines have become more impressive, and their efficiency has increased significantly.

Which type of refrigerator a customer chooses depends on his wallet and the amount of kitchen space he has available.

If food storage needs are minimal, consider a compact mini-fridge option. The cost of such a model like SG06, does not exceed 5000 rubles. Its weight is about 18 kg, it is equipped with a small freezer and represents classic mini bar, which can be placed in any corner of the room, or, for example, put on the dresser.

The next option is a refrigerator with a top freezer, usually models in the range of 35,000 rubles and above. For example, model Samsung RT35K5440S8 worth 41,990 rubles in the stores. The volume of this model is 273 l + 98 l, digital inverter, there is a system "No Frost "and super-freeze mode.

Among the refrigerators having lower freezers, there are One Door models (having one door) and French Door (French doors).

The price of small budget models, for example, Samsung RB33J3301EF, is at the level of 38,000 rubles. This refrigerator has an average volume sufficient for a family of three or four people (refrigeration compartment 206 l, freezer 98l), automatic mode of the refrigerating and freezing chambers "No frost", there is a zone of freshness in the form of a 15-liter box, super-freezing mode, graphic display.

In the event that a family needs a larger unit, its price will be in the range of 60-70,000 rubles. As an example, Samsung RB37K63411L model. This refrigerator has a total volume of 367 liters (269 liters for a refrigerated cabinet and 69 liters for a freezer). Inverter type household compressor systemNo frost"in both compartments, superfrost and supercooling modes, fresh zone, mode"vacation ", brackets for storing bottles, there is a folding shelf. The touchscreen display and design of the door using glass and backlight give this model a very impressive look.

Refrigerators with so-called French doors (French door), still called multi-chamber, this is new in the domestic market of household appliances. They offer a much wider storage space for products, spectacular design and premium class features. Refrigerator cost French door It starts with 45,000 rubles, it consists of a bottom freezer with one door and an upper refrigerated compartment with two hinged doors.

As a sample, you can bring a model Samsung RF 62 UBPN, which has a volume of 423 liters (refrigerator compartment 288 liters and freezer compartment 135 liters). The system of dry freezing in these models implies the separate functioning of the compartments (Twin cooling), which is provided by one compressor. The inner walls are treated with antibacterial coating using technology Silver nano, installed deodorizer. The unit is equipped with an additional function of cooling water and dispensing ice.

The most common family refrigerators are models called Side-by-side. These are volumetric units, which have a cost from 85 to 140 000 rubles. An example of such a refrigerator can serve model Samsung RS552NRUA1J , the cost of which in the stores is 94,000 rubles. The volume of the freezer compartment in it is 197 liters, which is two times more than the standard one door refrigerator, the refrigerator compartment is also much more spacious - 341 liters. Both compartments operate in the dry frost mode "No Frost".

Present system "Twin Cooling Plus", providing cooling with two air streams, supplemented with ventilation technology "Multi Flow", in a complex, it allows the owners of such a refrigerator not to worry about mixing products smells located on different shelves. The freezer is located on the left, the refrigeration compartment is on the right. This model has a “holiday” mode, a super-freezing mode, a freshness zone, an ice generator, and a sound signal for opening the door.

For those who want to purchase built-in fridge Samsung company offers single-chamber and two-chamber models, as well as free-standing freezers.
Embedded models are designed to be on par with kitchen cabinets and countertops, and often have decorative front panels that help them fit into the design of the kitchen. Prices for built-in refrigerators are slightly higher compared to freestanding ones, which is associated with the peculiarities of their operation, namely, with the modernization of the heat removal system, which has been modified. As an example, consider model Samsung SG-12 DCGWHN, which, with a total volume of 118 liters, has a cost of more than 30,000 rubles. This fridge freezer is located at the top, is 30l. Coating material - plastic. Manual defrosting of the chamber, but in the refrigerator compartment there is a dry freezing system.

Components and accessories
In the process of choosing a refrigerator, you should always pay attention to what material the enclosed shelves and brackets are made of, and whether there are any additional accessories.

For most Samsung models, the main shelves are made of tempered glass that has a metal edging, or, as in the built-in refrigerator Samsung SG-12 DCGWHN - made of metal. For such shelves do not need much care, they are reliable, aesthetically pleasing, perfectly combined with LED lighting inside the refrigerator. In the event that the hostess needs a large space inside the refrigerator for storing high cans or pans, you should choose a refrigerator equipped with a folding shelf, for example, Samsung RB37K63411L.

For convenient storage of such a fragile product as chicken eggs, the refrigerator can be equipped with an overhead container.

Many models have a bracket for storing bottles, some doors are equipped with volume pockets, which even fit a two-liter bottle.

An additional and very convenient feature is the ability to re-hang the refrigerator door at home. Both the master from the service center and the owner himself, who possesses some technical skills, will be able to cope with this work.

A nice accessory is an anti-bacterial filter provided in premium models.
Where can one buy
You can buy Samsung refrigerators both in large chain supermarkets and online stores. The first are stores “M.Video”, “Eldorado”, “Technosila”, “Technopark”, “Foxtrot” and many others.

Most of them also have online representations where you can view the entire range of products that interest the buyer, study descriptions and specifications, read reviews and compare prices from different manufacturers. By choosing a model, you can place an order. When making registration takes into account the delivery method. In the case when the buyer lives in the city, which has a shop-branch of the seller, the goods will be delivered there for free. Then the buyer either picks up his purchase on his own, or arranges a paid delivery to the entrance (apartment).
Upon receipt of the goods, the buyer can decide how he will pay:
- In cash;
- Bank card;
- Issue a loan.

In the case of a loan, the seller will print the necessary data on the order, with which the buyer will be able to contact the bank employee (if he has a passport) and, if the loan is approved, he will receive a receipt, which he will pay for his purchase at the checkout. When buying a refrigerator on credit, it has the same warranty obligations as when paying in full.
There are also online supermarkets, for example, "Socket" or "Comfy", in which you can also choose a suitable model and wait for it to be received at a nearby delivery point.

Consider reviews on the most popular models of Samsung refrigerators.
According to users, mini - model SG06 has no modern “frills”, it must be defrosted manually when the ice in the freezer compartment begins to take up too much space. The noise level is called moderate, recommend this model for a family of two people.

Comments on the operation of the refrigerator with the top freezer Samsung RT35K5440S8 positive, customers are satisfied with the operation of the digital compressor, as a plus, they note that the system itself reacts to voltage drops occurring in the network. It is noted that due to the fact that it is a fridge with a dry freeze, vegetables in the lower sections do not rot, but the cheese is best kept in a container, otherwise it dries.

This type of budget refrigerators includes the model. RL 17VBYB / SW / MS models, also referred to as Cool'n'Cool, however, the responses to it are mostly negative. Consumers complain about refrigerant leaks, and foremen - repairmen that it is almost impossible to fix this problem, since these models have a limited service life and are not subject to repair due to the fact that the cooling circuit is completely filled with foam.

About Samsung RB33J3301EF, having a bottom freezer, lots of good reviews. Buyers note that there is no moisture on stored vegetables, a convenient freshness zone, it is easy to use super-freezing, which can be set for a separately selected box. They praise the alarm system, which notifies of an unclosed door, which often happens in families with children.

In reviews for more expensive designer model Samsung RB37K63411L They call the look of the fridge chic, the appliance itself is roomy, they note that there is a function to keep the temperature during a power outage. Men appreciated the presence of shelves under the bottle. They note that until the refrigerator sets the desired temperature, it works loudly enough, but after a day it starts to simply “rumble”.

Refrigerator Samsung RF 62 UBPN French Door with the ice generator has good reviews, works quietly, freezes in the dry freezing mode, without forming ice in the freezer. They note the fact that the presence of two doors is unusual for many: it is necessary to open them one by one, it is not always convenient. To obtain ice, it is required to bring tap water to the refrigerator, since for the operation of the ice maker water must be supplied under pressure.

Reviews on Samsung RS552NRUA1J Side-by-Side Refrigerator very positive. Although this model is a novelty on the domestic market and has been in operation for about two years, it has already managed to catch the fancy of Russian users. The refrigerator is called chic, they mark a stylish design and interior design with lighting. The hostesses are very satisfied with the capacity and the fact that the products remain fresh for a long time. As a council, it is mentioned that for a quieter operation of the refrigerator, it is necessary to properly adjust the height of the legs.