Rozhkovye coffee makers
Rozhkovye coffee makers: a review of brands

- Features of the choice of models
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Brand Overview and Reviews
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Almost everyone knows his gentle pleasant aroma. Making coffee today has become a kind of ceremony. To facilitate this process, many use special coffee machines that allow you to get a quality drink. Today, there are many different brands of such devices on the market that differ in power and functionality. Many are interested in specific rozhkovy coffee makers, a review of brands.

Features of the choice of models
Coffee makers are special devices that can process coffee with hot water or steam. This allows you to get a different taste of the drink. Today, coffee machines of the horn type have become very popular. When buying them, it is important to consider that there are several types of these systems:
- Pump rozhkovy coffee makers. The principle of their work is based on the heating of water to a temperature of 95-98 degrees. Using a special pump, pressurized fluid is passed through the coffee. You can make a drink with such a machine in half a minute, even faster.
- Steam coffee makers. In such devices, coffee is filtered by steam, which is formed by boiling water. One of the benefits of these systems is that they take a lot more caffeine. However, this mimics the pleasant aroma of coffee beans. To prepare the product, you need to spend up to 2 minutes.

You can choose a rozhkovy coffee maker by evaluating several of its characteristics:
- The number and type of horns. The simplest modifications are equipped with one element that will allow you to cook no more than 2 cups. If you have a large family, it is better to give preference to models with two similar mechanisms. Experts recommend buying products that are equipped with a metal horn (stainless steel). This will allow to obtain high-quality and gentle foam, as well as speed up the cooking process. Pay attention to the presence of tempera, which will evenly tamp coffee.
- Container size The volume of a bowl for water depends on model of the coffee maker. The best indicator will be up to 1.5 liters. It is better to purchase machines that are equipped with a removable container. This will simplify care (washing, cleaning). It is advisable to give preference to devices equipped with an indicator of the amount of liquid.
- Cappuccino function It is very useful for lovers of various drinks. Often in such coffee makers it will need to be cooked manually. It is much easier to do this if there is a cappuccinator in them.
- The ability to use packaged coffee. This approach involves the use of special metered packets (pods), which are designed for a single dose. Coffee makers, complemented by such a function, make it easy to prepare a great espresso.
- Additional functions. To ensure optimum performance, rozhkovy coffee makers should be equipped with several pumps, removable tray, forked nozzle. Very well, if the device has child protection, the "Stop" button and the function of heating the milk and cup.

Advantages and disadvantages
Rozhkovye coffee makers - this is one of the most simple and common devices for making coffee. Today on the market you can find many options that differ in a variety of functions. The taste and quality of coffee depend on them.
Rozhkovaya coffee maker has a number of positive features:
- Lack of coffee grounds. This allows you to get only a clean drink, without additional impurities and sediment.
- The machine practically does not change aroma of coffee beans. The resulting drink has a unique taste characteristics that allow you to fully appreciate the benefits of coffee.
- Cooking speed With rozhkovye coffee machines you can get a drink within a few seconds after starting the device.
- Using high pressure allows you to take from the grains the maximum amount of nutrients, saturating them with water. The owners of such machines not only get a quality product, but also reduce the amount of coffee to make one cup.
- The optimum ratio of price and quality. This machine can afford almost anyone.
- Easy operation. System management is performed with the help of a few simple actions that do not require special efforts on the part of a person.

Rozhkovaya coffee maker has several significant drawbacks:
- The coffee maker does not assume the presence of a coffee grinder., because of what is needed the use of third-party mechanisms.
- To get quality coffee, you need to well tamp the mixture in the horn. To do this without experience and tempera is quite difficult.
- Significant size (compared to other models). This disadvantage is indirect, since everything depends on the size of the kitchen and the personal preferences of the owners.
- High risk of getting hot burned. Handle such systems should be carefully, not allowing children to them.

Brand Overview and Reviews
The popularity of rozhkovy coffee makers led to the emergence of a large number of their modifications. Today, many well-known manufacturers began to produce such models. Among them, the most popular are devices from Italy and Germany. It should be noted several well-known brands:
- Redmond RCM-1502. Focusing on the reviews of many buyers, it can be noted that with the help of this coffee maker it turns out very tasty and strong coffee, which can not be compared with any other drink. The design gives a pressure of 4 bar, which is quite enough to work with a 240 ml tank. Among the positive features should be noted the presence of a metal horn, a tray for collecting drops, small size and much more.
- DeLonghi "EC 155". This machine is compact, which is pleasant to many users. A coffee maker does not have a large number of functions, but this factor does not affect the quality of coffee. One of the drawbacks is the long heating of water (up to 10 minutes).
- Gaggia "Gran Style". This brand appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already managed to gain the attention of many. The power of the coffee maker reaches 1050 W, which allows you to quickly heat the water (the volume of the bowl is 1.25 liters). The device is able to prepare cappuccino, as well as fill 2 cups at the same time. Product weight is relatively small and is only 3.9 kg. The disadvantages include the presence of leaky filter elements through which water sometimes flows.
- Polaris "PCM 1516E". The stylish device is made of plastic, which is not pleasant to many users. The device prepares aromatic and pleasant coffee, pressure - 15 bar. To get a quality drink, you need to properly tamp the ground grain in the filter. The design is equipped with a 1.2 l water tank and a metal horn with several nozzles. Among the shortcomings can be noted the lack of self-cleaning function and heating of the cups.
- Vitek VT-1514. The budget model of the domestic manufacturer is characterized by multifunctionality and practicality. The mechanism perfectly prepares coffee, and a special function allows you to adjust the flow of hot water. The coffee machine also automatically prepares a cappuccino, which distinguishes it from the previously reviewed models. There are also features such as self-cleaning, heated cups and the ability to prepare two cups of drink.
- Bork "C802". Buyers claim that this is one of the most powerful and fast coffee machines. The body is made of metal and has a stylish design. A distinctive feature of this machine is the presence of two boilers, which allow you to prepare espresso and cappuccino at the same time. Included with it is a tempera, there is a special jug. The volume of the water tank is 1.8 liters.

The coffee maker market is not limited to the brands described. Quality products can also be found in the following manufacturers:
- Krups;
- Bosch;
- Philips and many others.

The rozhkovy coffee maker is the unique device combining simplicity and high quality of the received product.
The review of the Vitek "VT-1514" coffee maker look in the following video.