Refrigerator installation


Refrigerator installation

Refrigerator installation

The kitchen is considered the most special place in the house, and therefore its design and layout should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable to use. Therefore, in the design of this room a great role is played by the correct placement of equipment, in particular, this concerns the refrigerator. In the kitchen, a refrigerator is a volume household appliance that takes up a lot of space and does not tolerate close "neighborhood" with heating appliances. From how the installation of the refrigerator, will directly depend on the duration of its life, safety and efficiency of work. It should also be noted that for all refrigerators, regardless of their production model, there are standard rules for placement. Therefore, imported, domestic, new or old unit, it must be installed in the kitchen correctly.

Refrigerator installation


Before you start connecting the fridge, first of all you need to find the appropriate place in the kitchen. The installation area must fully comply with all safety conditions. Therefore, before making such a responsible purchase, it is advisable to pre-calculate the dimensions of the appliance and make sure that there is a suitable place in the kitchen for a refrigerator. In addition to all this, be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  • The household appliance should not be placed tightly on the furniture, gaps should be left, this way the air will penetrate from all sides of the refrigerator and the device will not overheat. To ensure the necessary ventilation of air will need a minimum gap of 5 centimeters.
  • In the case when the equipment is purchased without an additional built-in closer, then for comfortable closing and opening the door, you will have to independently level it, with a slight tilt back.
  • It is not allowed to install the refrigerator under the window, next to the battery and next to such heating devices, like oven, stove. In addition, you need to limit the refrigerator from sun rays. If the kitchen area is small and undesirable "neighborhood" is not avoided, it is recommended to protect the device with special heat reflectors in the form of blocks with foil.
  • Do not put the refrigerator and next to the sources of grounding, since such an installation can have a bad effect on its operation.
  • In the event that in the purchased device the compressor and the fan are placed below, it can easily be placed next to the wall, but do not forget about air circulation.
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
13 photos


After delivering the new refrigerator to your home, you will first of all have to unpack it, clean it and then install it. Therefore, you must first prepare the place for the device - clean the floor, check the good condition of the wiring. Then you should remove all stickers, film, boxes and foam. Before connecting the refrigerator to the network, you will need to wash it thoroughly, since the cells for food storage must be clean. The device is best washed with warm water with the addition of any cleaning agent. After the refrigerator is well washed inside, the outer walls are wiped. In some cases, the case may emit a strong odor. To eliminate this, it is enough to rinse it with warm water and vinegar and the unpleasant factory smell will quickly disappear.

Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation

When the device is cleaned and the installation location is selected, you can proceed to connect it.

At the same time for the refrigerator it is recommended to allocate a special outlet with grounding or a separate extension cord. Do not bend the cord of the power supply, since in the future this may provoke a failure of the equipment. Therefore, the cord without pinches should always be located exactly and freely. In addition, you should definitely check whether the refrigerator is correctly set at an angle of inclination. If the floor has irregularities, you can put something down.

Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation


Particular attention should be paid to the installation of imported refrigerators, because their units are adapted to the electrical network with a voltage of 115 V. With voltage surges, this technique quickly fails, and the service life is significantly reduced. In addition to breakdowns, such jumps are threatened with electric shock and fire, in particular, this concerns expensive digital technology. To avoid this, it is recommended to additionally secure the operation of the refrigerator with the help of a voltage stabilizer or to bring the voltage to a thermobox.

Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation

To ensure the safe operation of the refrigerator, you should also worry about the correct tilting of the equipment by setting the level.

Almost all models of devices are equipped with special regulating legs. Changing their height, you can set the refrigerator under a certain bias. If the level of the device is set correctly, then the door will be easy to open and close. The maximum slope of the equipment should not exceed 15 degrees, while the optimal angle of inclination of the unit is not more than 40 degrees. With large slopes the compressor will quickly break.

Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
7 photos

Installing the built-in model

Recently, in a modern kitchen they prefer to install a refrigerator in a niche, this not only beautifully complements the interior, but also ensures the safe operation of the appliance. As a rule, the built-in refrigerator is placed in a wooden case, which is included in the set of kitchen furniture and is made with it in the same style of molding. The front side of this cabinet is equipped with a door mechanically connected to the door of the refrigerator. Thus, when opening the canister, the device itself will open, a similar installation is performed, both by specialists and by yourself. To install correctly, consider the following recommendations:

  • Leave a gap of a few centimeters between the side and bottom walls of the refrigerator and a case for air ventilation.
  • The back of the cabinet must be open.
  • Do not place a pencil case near heat sources and near batteries.
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation

Equally important is the process of connecting technology.

For embedded devices, it is desirable to install a socket with grounding, as well as additionally perform electrical protection of wires and junction boxes. In addition, the cross section of conductors must necessarily correspond to the electrical load. In the event that a group of sockets is mounted, then when connecting all the equipment, it is necessary to take into account the total power consumption of electricity. Otherwise, a lack of power will cause the unit to break.

Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
Refrigerator installation
12 photos