Refrigerator hitachi (63 photos)
Hitachi Refrigerators

Who could have imagined at the beginning of the 20th century that in the future, the small town of Hitati in Ibaraki Prefecture was to become the location of a large conglomerate for the production of advanced household appliances. A young gifted engineer Namikhei Odair founded Hitachi in 1910, and today it has evolved from a small electric motor manufacturing enterprise into a diversified corporation producing more than 20 thousand product items. The first refrigeration units were manufactured by Hitachi back in 1932, and since that time they have confidently conquered new markets. In terms of the variety of refrigerators produced by leading manufacturers in the world, the products of the Japanese company remain competitive due to their characteristic features.

Quality and functionality
The slogan of the company in the production of this type of household appliances - "Japanese quality food storage." Thanks to proprietary technologies that improve performance, Japanese-made refrigeration units are consistently popular with customers. They are available to consumers from the middle segment. They can, without extra overpayment, purchase a refrigerator in which the most basic consumer needs are taken into account.

The company keeps up with the times and fundamentally produces not single-chamber, but exclusively multi-chamber refrigerators, each time bringing advanced technological and design innovations to the model range. In each refrigeration appliance of the company a system is used "No frost", which is a windy thawing method that prevents the formation of"snow kingdom"inside the unit.

Uniform circulation of air flow
Hitachi refrigeration unit must be equipped with ice maker and other functionality.. Thanks to the hybrid cooling system "Minus zero cooling"using the panel"Ice cold“, it is possible to effectively heat away the refrigeration compartment and distribute evenly the cold air flow inside the working space. As a result, the products do not dry out and stay fresh for a long time. The panel is attached to the back wall inside the device. It is made of aluminum alloy, which provides high thermal conductivity.

Uniform cooling of the air in the refrigerator compartment ensures precise maintenance of the temperature inside the device. This allows you to prevent drying or freezing of products in the refrigerator compartment, while maintaining their freshness, and hence the taste. As a result, the shelf life of products increases. When operating the panel, care must be taken not to hurt it, as there is a risk of damage.

"Cool Jet Wrap" is an ideal climate control, allowing to achieve uniform circulation of air inside the working space, cooled by the "Minus-Zero".

Ionization against bacteria
The use of TiO2B catalyst in the "Nano Titanium" technology makes it possible to solve an important antibacterial problem using a double filter with the content of titanium alloy nanoparticles. The presence of this function ensures that there are no intestinal sticks and other harmful bacteria in the working compartment. It also prevents the appearance of an unpleasant musty smell, which, as our mothers remember, was present in refrigerators of past generations.

"Nano Titanium" is the basis of "Triple Clean", meaning the triple cleaning of the air flow, when simultaneously used "Cool Jet Wrap" and "Minus Ion".

Due to the fact that nano-particles of TiO2, whose size is not more than 5 nm, act as the material for the manufacture of the filter, bacteria and odors cannot break through this barrier, at the exit only clean air without impurities. The "Minus Ion" function conducts negative ionization of air molecules during filtration, and microorganisms lose their ability to further reproduction. As a result, products are kept fresh for an extended period of time.

Power saving mode
"E-control"allows you to minimize energy consumption due to the inclusion of energy saving mode in certain cases, for example, at a time when there are no owners. If necessary, using this control system you can quickly freeze products to better preserve their useful properties. The main thing is to remember to set savings energy, leaving on weekends or vacations. You can switch modes by simply pressing.

The cooling system is also designed to reduce the amount of electricity consumed.Dual fan cooling". The control of the ventilation of the cold flow is carried out by an electronic control-system. To maintain the desired temperature, one or both fans can be started in the refrigerator compartment or in the freezer. This method ensures the best preservation of the products with minimal power consumption.

An important feature of the refrigerator is environmental friendliness. The company is proud that its products do not use freon. As is known, this refrigerant actively destroys and pollutes the environment.

The lineup
These are the features that have made Hitachi refrigeration products a brand of quality and reliability. As for specific models, it is better to rely on customer reviews and the classification of the manufacturer itself, which includes several serial lines: "Solfege", "Big2" / "Super Big22", "Big French" and units with a vacuum compartment.

"Solfege" - the refrigerator has three cameras, "smart" control in combination with modern features. Relevant for those who prefer open space at home without unnecessary cluttering. The model looks stylish, elegant, aristocratic low-key, will look harmoniously in the interior of a modern apartment. It is equipped with an economical LED control panel.

In the development of this line, the company's specialists have tried to take a non-standard approach in the internal space. The three-position shelf can be easily moved in tiers. In the freezer there are two sliding tiers, which allows you to decompose products in such a way as to know for sure what is stored. The camera for fruits and vegetables allows you to adjust the humidity of the air in order to keep fruits and herbs fresh as long as possible.

The series has both three-door and four-door models. The latter have hinged doors, which is especially important with a limited square of the kitchen. The ice generator automatically forms and delivers the frozen cubes to the tray. Computer-controlled inverter compressor in Hitachi "Solfege" provides efficient and rational power consumption. As a result, the unit serves for a long time, noise is minimized.

The R-S37SVU is a popular model. According to customer reviews, it has the following advantages. The unit is not bulky, it is convenient for a person of standard height, while he has a sufficient volume of chambers: refrigeration - 294 l, freezer - 71 l. Climate class T, that is, designed for outside air temperature up to + 43 ° С. "No Frost" in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. The great advantage is the autonomous location of the branch for fruit and vegetable and green products. No need to "disturb" the entire refrigerator to get one apple.

Unfortunately, there is no “freshness zone”, however, there will be no problem if you store fruits, greens and vegetables in the compartment designated for them. Among the shortcomings can also be noted insignificant energy savings (energy class C). The second minus - you can not move the door.

Another best-selling model in this series is the R-S37WVPU. It is distinguished by its design: in the upper part, swing doors. Higher energy saving class and more silent operation in comparison with the previous model. Improved wet freeze system. Consumption of electricity - V. The door "picks up" if you forgot to close it.

"Big2" / "Super Big2" - almost identical devices, the only difference in volume. In the first 475 liters, in the second - more than 75 liters. Taking R-Z570AU7 as an example, consider the distinctive parameters. The benchmark set of modern features Hitachi, namely the compartment for fruits and herbs with a humidity of 90%, wide convenient shelves. Unlike "Solfege" it has two, not three cameras. The model is cheaper, and the price difference explains the lack of "E-Control" and "smart" inverter compressor, these bells and whistles can be found in more expensive refrigerators.
"Big French" - Swing doors are an obligatory part of the series. Consider the advantages of the description of the model R-W660FU6X. Pros: durable door cover made of tempered glass noble black, steel, white or beige. Scratches are almost impossible to leave even careless mistresses. It is more expensive than the models described above.
The refrigerator compartment has a long compartment, where it is convenient to store, for example, baguettes. "No Frost" in two chambers, freezing and cooling exclusively with the prefix super-, triple cleaning - in general, the traditional set from the Japanese manufacturer. The innovation consists in a water dispensary illuminated in the dark.

Models with vacuum compartment
R-X6000U - a giant among refrigerators, inspires awe with its size: 179.8x75x69.9. For a large family, as well as lovers for the future to stock up on food - the perfect option. The freezer compartment with a capacity of 164 liters, the capacity of the refrigerated working space is 409 liters, the volume of the latter includes the vacuum compartment. The action of the special pump is automatically closed by the box, and the inside reduces the oxygen content to a minimum. This helps to preserve fresh foods for as long as possible without losing their valuable vitamins.

The model is characterized by opening the door with a simple click. Convenience with which many have not got used, preferring to use handles in the old way, but, undoubtedly, still have time to get used to it. The next difference is a three-tiered freezer that is located in the middle. A rather non-standard solution, but logical, given the fact that the cooling device with such an arrangement is located nearby. Accordingly, the location of the vegetable compartment closer to the compressor. As a result, a smaller thickness of the insulating layer allows you to free up more working space.

Minus - again, not enough economical energy consumption (B). Buying a unit worth more than 100 thousand rubles, I want to count, if not on the class A +, then at least A.

Summarizing the above, we can say that Hitachi refrigerators are recognizable among the abundance of competitors' products. Unlike European models, they are larger, equipped with a sensor door-opening system. It is very convenient to use wide shelves with increased payload. In the production of these units are used exclusively high-quality, durable and reliable materials.

In the model range there are units of both premium class and designed for the mass segment. People buy them because they are counting on high quality guaranteed by a Japanese manufacturer. Attracts a thoughtful design that combines discreet minimalism, a good color gamut of exterior trim and an optimized working space. An important advantage is easy cleaning and care.

But the main thing that makes refrigeration products of this company in demand on the market is, of course, a variety of functionality and modern technologies in a unique embodiment. It is these features that make this brand of refrigerators unopposed in terms of functionality and innovation.