Redmond juicer
Redmond Juicer

Opening a bright package with three desired letters “Juice”, pouring its contents into a glass, each person expects to receive a “vitamin bomb”, a charge of energy, a surge of strength. But what people actually buy! A cocktail of preservatives, flavors, sweeteners and acidulants, a bunch of incomprehensible words on the label, and all this is diluted with water.

Freshly squeezed juice, cooked with his own hands, is significantly different from the purchased one. Juice from the bags has nothing to do with vitamins, it is not as tasty as homemade and, of course, completely useless for the human body.

What to do to the average consumer, how to get a quality product and not to fall for the tricks of advertising, promising 100% natural juice? There is a way out - buying a juicer, a machine with which you can get a tasty and healthy drink every day.

Model overview
Before buying a juicer, every buyer should know which models are available and, based on this information, choose the most suitable option for themselves. To date, there are such types of machines: a press for citrus, screw, centrifugal and combined.

Redmond is a successful manufacturer who has gained confidence and popularity among domestic consumers.
The company launches a large number of juicers, but after analyzing sales, the most popular models are:
- Universal Redmond juicer model RJ M906. The main material is metal. The fluid reservoir is designed for 1 liter. The device is equipped with a noise insulation system, because it works silently. The size of the tray is 75 mm, so you can put the ingredients for the juice as a whole, without wasting time on cutting. Juicer has a stylish design that fits perfectly into any interior. Easy to use. It has 2 speeds, can work without stopping for up to 100 hours.

- Stylish model Redmond RJ-M908. Suitable for the manufacture of juice and different types of vegetables and fruits. It has 5 speeds, the release of pulp is carried out automatically. The legs are rubberized. Width of loading space 84 mm. The device is easy to use, works silently, allows you to get pure juice.

- Redmond RJ-M900 Juicer - blowing stylish design and excellent functionality. It is easy and simple to operate the device. Made of metal, has three speed options. Provides automatic discharge of pulp. The volume of the bowl for juice - 1.2 liters. In the juicer there is an overload protection function, it will not turn on accidentally. The kit includes two titanium coated filter blades.

How to choose?
As with any purchase, the Redmond juicer purchase process must be approached very carefully. There are certain factors that should be considered when choosing. First you need to decide what one-time amount of juice will be needed.

If the drink is prepared for one or two people, then the volume of the bowl may be small, but if the juice is needed for a large family, then the jug should be of appropriate size.

Redmond juicers with direct juice supply are in high demand. They are easy to operate and maintain. Many models do not require pre-cutting vegetables and fruits. In universal machines, you can also make juice from berries.

The spin speed of the Redmond juicers is also important. The higher it is, the better, the faster the juice will be prepared. This point is important when choosing kitchen appliances.

Upon completion, any Redmond juicer must be cleaned. It must be immediately disassembled, wash all parts that come into contact with the products. If a large amount of juice was prepared or fruits and berries with a loose structure were used, it is necessary to clean the filter and tank from waste (cake).

No detergent to clean Redmond juicers is required. All removable elements are easily washed with piping water, especially if they were cleaned immediately after the device was turned off, and the fibers of the juice ingredients did not have time to dry and stick to the walls of the construction details. Difficulties can arise only with cleaning the filter, which is often clogged with small particles of oilcake. According to the instructions, this part is immersed in soapy water at room temperature, after which it is cleaned with a special brush provided in the kit.

The time taken to take care of the TM Redmond juicer does not exceed more than 20 minutes after the completion of its work: 5 it takes to wash all the elements of the apparatus, and the filter is soaked in parallel with this process. It takes another five minutes to wait for the end of the water filter procedures; five to clean it and another 5 to dry all parts and assembly of the device.

The results of the research and collected feedback on the work of Redmond juice extractors indicate that 84% of customers are happy with their purchase.
According to the owners, the brand juicers are noiseless, which is a big plus for many people. They are small in size, so they are conveniently stored in small kitchens. Have a beautiful design.
In many models, the passage for fruits and vegetables is quite wide, so the products can not be cut. Parts and knives are almost not clogged. The machine squeezes fruit very quickly, so the juice is obtained in a matter of minutes.

But there are negative reviews. Citrus juicers, as practice has shown, are short-lived. Some owners complain that hardly on the tenth orange design break. Juicers quickly become clogged with oilcake, they have to be cleaned directly in the process. And some models do not squeeze the juice at all, but only crush the fruit in mashed potatoes. Also, users complain that some Redmond juicers are thin, which is unacceptable when using hard fruits and vegetables.

But in general, the reviews are positive, and the number of sales of Redmond juicers testifies to this.

Warranty and Return
The Redmond warranty program is valid for one year from the date of purchase of the device and provides customers with product service in the service center for free.
Specialists of the service center may refuse to guarantee the owners of the product if the latter did not comply with the conditions of warranty service.
To obtain the right to use the guarantee, customers must have a issued warranty card, with the specified date of purchase, shop seal and signatures of the seller and buyer.

To avoid misunderstandings with the service center during the warranty period, Redmond representatives recommend that customers keep all documents (check, instruction, warranty card). It is forbidden to forge documents, distort and erase primary data. Otherwise, the product is immediately removed from the warranty.

Also guarantees are not subject to products with mechanical damage, and if there has been improper handling of the product, non-compliance with the instructions for use.
If foreign liquids or foreign objects get inside the device, the warranty will be removed. Similarly, as a result of damage to electrical cords.