Mixer philips


Mixer Philips

Mixer Philips

Every woman knows that she has an assistant in her kitchen that she can rely on at any time. For some, this is an oven, where they prepare delicious dishes for the home, and for someone, this Philips mixer is a wonderful household appliance, tested by time for strength, endurance and the ability to be involved in creating culinary masterpieces.

Mixer Philips


This household appliance has the status of "small", but the benefits of it are enormous. It is the ideal machine for stirring, whipping, mixing and many other operations carried out daily on the kitchen table. The Philips Mixer needs only a few minutes to turn egg whites into strong foam, mix eggs and milk to make an airy omelet, and make a cake cream and cocktail for guests. But most often it is used to prepare a variety of pastries. In these cases, he is really an indispensable assistant.

Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips

There are two types of such household appliances - stationary and manual type..

The first is fixed on a special stand, which, in turn, is mounted on the table. Such a mixer has its own special bowl, made of safe plastic, in which the "sacrament" takes place. It is also equipped with an electric drive. The device is powered by electricity, the speed of rotation of the "rims" can be adjusted as needed.

Hand Mixer - compact and mobile option. "Corollas" are put on immediately before work, the mixer is held in hands and thus it can be used for its intended purpose. It has no special bowl, as well as support mounts. Perhaps these are all the main differences.

Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips

What is different from others?

Firstly, the world famous popular brand speaks for itself. Under the brand Philips produces high-quality household appliances, tested by millions of users. Small household appliances are also included in the category of high-quality products of the manufacturer. It has a high production capacity, is not equipped with a single speed mode, has a turbo mode.

Mixer Philips

He can be entrusted with both small assignments and serious tasks. Along with the excellent whipping of egg whites, this device can make mashed potatoes, creams, sauces and even knead the dough. It is very durable, thanks to high-quality assembly. Details of the device - namely, "Corollas", made of stainless steel. It is easy to take care of the mixer - after using it, you can disassemble it, wash the parts with warm water and let it dry. Or send contaminated mixer parts to the dishwasher.

Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips

How to choose?

So, the kitchen smells of vanilla and whipped cream. Biscuit is being prepared, for which egg whites whipped into strong foam are needed. The recipe says that you should stick to the recipe - whipping proteins should be only in a glass container. A hand blender comes to the rescue. A glass bowl with high sides is ideal for this process - the “beaters” of a mixer will do its job in a matter of minutes.

Mixer Philips

And after the cake is taken out of the oven, and the cream patterns adorn it, the “corollas” are removed, washed in warm water and the mixer can be removed until the next occasion.

Simplicity and ease of use is what the hostess needs.

But if a celebration, reception of guests or another important event for the family is expected, and plans are to bake a delicious cake, you can rely on the stationary version of the mixer. He can be trusted with the dough for the future pie. The process is so simple that many women, putting the ingredients in the bowl of the appliance, and then choosing the right mode, can leave the kitchen for a while, not worrying that the device will do something wrong.

Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips

The smart equipment has several nozzles in the complex, different variations of the “rims”, a plastic spatula replacing a spoon, a rotating bowl. Under the recipe selected the necessary parts - whipping products or grinding them. By the way, in some cases a nozzle for a blender has been added to the package. Thanks to it, you can, for example, first chop the berries, fruits, nuts or other ingredients, and then add them as ingredients for making dough.

Mixer Philips


The range of models of this brand is very diverse. In appliance stores, consultants will talk in detail about the features of each, demonstrate its work in a test mode. Popular manual options are considered Philips HR1453 \ / 02, Philips HR1453 \ / 70, Philips HR1581, Philips Daily Collection with ProMix blending technology. And stationary - Philips HR1565 / 80, Philips HR1565. The cost of such a device can vary between two and five and a half thousand rubles, depending on the design and its technical features.

Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips
Mixer Philips

Review of the Philips HR1459 / 00 mixer, see the video: