Mechanical citrus juicer press and pomegranate
Mechanical citrus juicer press and pomegranate

- Kinds
- What to look for when buying
- Mechanical
- For pomegranate
Today, every person is trying to preserve his health as long as possible by resorting to all newfangled trends. Classes in fitness centers, nutrition with organic products, use of fresh juices. It is unlikely that anyone will argue about their beneficial properties, especially citrus or pomegranate juices, because this is a cheerfulness charge for the whole day. Of course, you can buy them in stores, as the range of such products is very large. But much more useful all the same homemade juices, you cooked in the morning. This will help you juicer.

To date, the model range of this product is very large, so everyone can choose the unit that suits him most.

There are these types of juicers:
- manual, the easiest to use. You can extract the juice from it with the power of your hands;
- manual mechanical, there is a special device for squeezing - lever and screw;
- electric Here, all the work is done for you by an electric motor, you just need to press the start button.

If you bought a mechanical juicer, then you should know: the process of squeezing it does not depend on electricity, so you can get the juice anywhere and at any time. In addition, for the price it is available to almost everyone.

What to look for when buying
How can you choose a reliable juicer? Let's find out.
- What material is the body made of? There are two choices. This is plastic and metal. The metal model is stronger, but problematic in maintenance, especially when washing. Plastic is much more fragile, but it is easier to wash.
- Equipment. It is desirable that the kit includes several types of tips for various fruits and vegetables.
- Rotator. You should pay attention to what it is made of. Ideally, it is stainless steel.
- The size. If you have a small kitchen, then you should choose a smaller model, it takes up less space and can be hidden.
- Brand Of course, the famous will be much more expensive than conventional brands. Therefore, you need to look at whether it is worth overpaying for it.

Also, when choosing, it is worth considering what exactly you take the juicer for, what vegetables and fruits you will process on it.

In most cases, citrus juicers are mechanical, which means that they do not differ in a particularly complex set. In use, it is very simple and convenient to use. Thanks to a rather convenient mechanical press, no special efforts are needed to squeeze the juice. In some models, such as, for example, products of the Leopold brand, special accessories for lime and lemon are included in the package.

The principle of operation of such a device is quite simple: in order to get the juice, citrus halves need to be fixed between metal or plastic plates, depending on the model, and press down on the lever. This is very convenient if you need quite a bit of juice, say for a cocktail, salad dressing, or some sort of sauce.

There are such types of juicers for lemons, oranges, tangerines, lime:
- manual press spin. Easy enough to use. To squeeze the juice it is necessary to cut the fruit in half and slice to put on special nozzles. When scrolling the handle juice is squeezed out;
- mechanical press. A very popular model, because with its help, in a short period of time you can squeeze a lot of juice, while practically removing all the moisture from citrus;
- auger cold pressed. In most cases, it is an electrical device. As a result of processing, they grind the fruit, while removing the pulp and liquid separately;
- citrus spray. The device is attached directly to the fruit and juice is obtained from under the sprayer.

For pomegranate
Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of pomegranate. Therefore, it is no secret that the juice from it is enriched with vitamins and beneficial substances. Also, doctors advise to use it to people who have low hemoglobin levels.

Unfortunately, there is no separate juicer for these fruits in red. To get juice from it, you should use only manual and auger.
A manual juicer press is a simple model of two plates, between which fruit is placed and when pressed on the lever, they contract, resulting in juice.

The mechanical auger juice extractor will also please you with a great product. Such a model works on the principle of a meat grinder. Due to the fact that the liquid passes through a fine metal mesh, it turns out clean and soft to the taste.