Manual citrus juicer (73 photos)
Manual citrus juicer

For a person who is used to a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice at breakfast, lunch and dinner, a very necessary thing in the kitchen will be a manual citrus juice extractor.
Today on the counter you can see a large selection of these devices. They are in great demand, and this is not surprising, because a drink made with a manual juicer retains all the vitamins and minerals, because it is not heated. Another important factor is the low cost of manual juicers, which also explains the great popularity of these devices.

A fully manual juicer and a kind of manual mechanism, a citrus juicer press, are on sale. This model is a cone and a device by which the fruit is pressed. Squeezing out the juice in this way will not have to make any special efforts, and the juice will squeeze out at 100%, leaving an almost dry skin from the orange.

Description of models
The very first manual citrus juicer - the device is quite simple and inexpensive. It requires a significant effort to squeeze the juice out of citrus. Modern manual juicers exist in several varieties, types and models.

Such a device will appeal to all lovers of citrus juice. The design of this device is not complicated and convenient, thanks to a special mechanical control, which does not require significant application of force. Such juicers are not only for oranges and lemons - you can also squeeze tomato juice, pomegranate and from some other fruits.

In another way, this juicer is called a mini-press, which can quickly make fresh juice from lemon, orange or grapefruit slices. This design resembles the one that crushed garlic. Here, half of the fruit is taken and laid between two plates of metal or plastic. The juice is released and flows through the groove into the prepared container.

When the process is complete, the device is rinsed under running water. This model is very convenient to use when you need very little juice, for example, for preparing a cocktail or for dressing a salad.

In the form of spray
This device is designed for the same purpose as the portable. At the beginning of use, a small piece of peel is removed from the lemon, a spiral tube is inserted into the hole as deep as possible. Now, if you press the spray head on the top of the device, then lemon juice will splash out of the sprayer.

The easiest press
This is a hand press, designed like a drill that looks like a cone. Such presses are both metal and plastic. The fruit should be screwed into a cone, and then the juice will flow along the groove into the bowl.

This type of press is called the universal assistant of the hostess. Its design resembles a meat grinder device. Here, too, the fruits are laid in the neck, they are scrolled with the help of a screw and turn out to be mashed in a lattice, and there with a press made from mashed potatoes juice is obtained.

This device is good in that any kind of fruit can be, even pomegranates or berries. In addition to these advantages, the low cost of the press and its reliability also apply, so the press is not in vain considered to be universal and durable.
But there is also a drawback here - the press is quickly contaminated, therefore, it must be constantly washed when used.

Conical models
Probably the most popular citrus juicers - with a press-cone, at least, reviews of such designs are extremely positive. The press in this case acts inside the fetus. On the cone made auxiliary grooves, in which the juice is fed into the container under it. The same grooves help in the processing of the fruit, if you turn it around the circumference of the cone.

The most modern conical structures have a filter under the cone through which the juice is cleaned. At the same time, this filter serves as a lid for the tank in which the juice is collected. Such a decision can be called ingenious - at the same time there is a process of squeezing, filtering and collecting juice. In such a capacity, as a rule, two to three servings of juice can fit, which is usually quite enough for a family.

If there is a need to prepare a large amount of juice, then it is better to do it with an electric juicer. This option is only possible if you need to process a large amount of citrus fruits, and a manual juicer will be sufficient for the average consumer.

The best materials for making a manual citrus juicer are durable food grade plastic and stainless steel. In terms of volume and shape of the body, the product must meet the required volume of freshly squeezed juice. For ease of overflow, you must have an elongated spout.
The filter may not have a complex structure - you can use a double mesh with different shapes of holes. In this case, larger particles will linger on the upper grid, and the rest of the trifle will linger on the lower one.

If you intend to often squeeze out juice from citrus fruits of various sizes (for example, lime and grapefruit), then you should stock up with interchangeable nozzles that fit each of the fruits.

For pomegranates
Pomegranate juice is not just tasty, but also very useful, doctors prescribe it for a speedy recovery even for bed patients, people diagnosed with anemia, those who should clean the blood from toxic substances, with colds. That is why it is very important in the production of juice to keep in it all the vitamins and other useful trace elements.

In this case, you can use the press for citrus, which has a mechanical lever control. If you are wearing a white blouse or a favorite dress, be careful - bright scarlet splashes from the fabric will not be easy to remove afterwards.
In case of using a screw press, the peel should be cleaned from the pomegranate and the white partition films should be removed. If you do not do this, the juice, of course, will work out, but it will be very bitter.

It is clear that the electric press is more convenient, but the devices do not heat up during the manual processing of fruits, which means that all the useful substances remain 100% in the juice, and this is the most important for freshly squeezed juice.

It is the juice from citruses most often used as components for cocktails. And if it is a natural juice, just pressed, then the cocktail will be bright, with a special flavor accent or will be velvety and soft.
For the manufacture of hand presses used stainless. steel. The beverage prepared in this way is always clean, without pulp and has no seeds.

Top models
Ucsan - premium model
This model of manual juicer has a volume of 600 ml, the production material is impact-resistant food grade plastic (polypropylene), which is environmentally friendly with all the necessary standards. It can be made in any color range, yellow appliances, maroon, blue, orange, green look equally beautiful. Just take care of the device - even a dishwasher will do. The model is notable for its convenience and practicality.

Advantages of Ucsan:
- can work in different temperature conditions (-25С - + 95С);
- the model is light in weight and compact in size;
- roomy;
- the material of manufacture (plastic) is durable and resistant to mechanical stress;
- environmentally friendly material;
- not afraid of moisture;
- has low heat and electrical conductivity;
- easy to use, easy to care for;
- the model will last for many years;
- has an attractive appearance.

The best model of wood
Trikon - this model made of natural wood is considered the best citrus juicer. The design is a wooden handle, with which it is convenient to squeeze the juice from citrus. This is 100% ecological and hygienic. The lightness of the product and its compact form allow you to carry it with you if necessary.

The disadvantage of Ucsan is one - the model belongs to highly specialized and can process only fruits of soft consistency.

The service life of such a product is large enough, if you follow all the instructions of the instructions, it is very simple to use it, and it is very easy to take care of it. This product has a warranty.
Advantages of the Trikon model:
- production material - environmentally friendly beech;
- the model is hygienic;
- compact in size;
- has little weight;
- transportable;
- practical;
- durable;
- just exploit and care.

device performance is small;
different low functionality (exclusively for home use).

Unusual design on the bottle
The plastic model Citrus Zinger (Germany) is compact and light, you can take it with you, for example, for training or for a walk, and you may need it when traveling. The material of manufacture of such a design is food grade plastic with silicone. On the neck and on the bottom - connection with the help of thread. Very attractive design.

The kit consists of a bottle, a cap with a special opening, a juicer and colorful packaging. Attracts a beautiful design of the model and a variety of color options.

Advantages of the Citrus Zinger model:
- the model is light and compact;
- production material - food plastic;
- easy configuration;
- differs in environmental friendliness;
- the model is transportable;
- executed in a stylish design.

Disadvantages of the Citrus Zinger model:
- the model has little functionality;
- has low productivity;
- small warranty period, the model is short-lived.