Manual auger juicer


Manual Auger Juicer

Manual Auger Juicer

The advantages of fresh juice over semi-finished products are obvious. The natural product retains all the beneficial properties of fruits or vegetables, is devoid of additives and preservatives, and besides, it is much tastier. But if you can squeeze juice out of citruses even manually, then in the case of apples, carrots, pumpkin, as well as other hard fruits and vegetables, one cannot do without special equipment.

Manual Auger Juicer

There are many different models of household juicers. Greater popularity is gained by screw devices that demonstrate good performance indicators, as well as practicality in use.

One of the interesting advantages of this type of technology is the ability to work mechanically and manually.

Manual Auger Juicer

Device Features

The main distinguishing feature of screw devices is their mechanism of operation. Well-known centrifuge machines operate by centrifugal force. Juice is obtained by rotating the motor and quickly rubbing the products on a special mesh, that is, the whole process proceeds only with the help of automated technology.

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

Auger juicers have a completely different principle of action. All the necessary products go through the neck to a special spiral core - the auger. During rotation, it crushes fruits or vegetables, while extracting juice from them and pushing it forward. This design can be compared with the usual for a meat grinder, only in it there are no blades.

Manual Auger Juicer

Under constant auger pressure, the product is gradually pressed against the fixed filter. All the juice and thick pulp through the designated channels enters a separate hole, from which it pours into the container. The dry residue, that is, the cake, is reclined in a special container or compartment.

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

This feature and simplicity of design allows you to adapt juicers for manual work. The manual screw juice extractor is really comparable with a meat grinder, however, it has its own characteristics and a narrower functionality. As a rule, such equipment is equipped with a rather long handle, which plays the role of a lever and reduces the effort required to make turns.

In addition to the filter, the juicer is also distinguished by its screw auger, which is made according to special technologies and is able to thoroughly chop even root vegetables.

Manual Auger Juicer

Variety of models

As in the case of automatic juicers, manual auger has certain characteristics and performance indicators, which can vary depending on the characteristics of the model and type. Currently, the following options exist:

  • Standard manual screw juice extractor. This is the simplest model, which is characterized by standard efficiency, no need for power supply. As with any juicer, spin efficiency will depend directly on the speed of rotation, as well as on the quality of the auger.
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
  • Juicer with horizontal auger. A fairly common option, which is popular due to possible functionality. Such models can have both manual and automatic modes of action, as well as have several nozzles for making not only juices, but also, for example, fruit puree.

One of the drawbacks is the need for constant use of the product pusher so that the rotating auger can grab them.

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
  • Twin screw juicer. This model is suitable for those who are interested in fast and high performance. Thanks to two working mechanisms, this technique is able to cope with a large number of products. Among the drawbacks, it is worth noting that this approach makes the design more complicated and cumbersome, and also adds hassle in caring for it;
Manual Auger Juicer
  • Vertical Auger Juicer, in fact, is a peculiar improvement. Thanks to this design, it became possible to somewhat expand the neck, so you can save yourself from having to pre-process and cut products;
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

When choosing a juicer it is worth paying attention not only to convenience. As mentioned earlier, power does not play any role for a manual auger. Even if the juicer is equipped with an automatic mode, high power will only mean faster spinning. It is much more important to consider the quality of the material from which the screws are made!

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

Many manufacturers can offer budget models of juicers, but it is not always worth chasing a favorable price. As a rule, this technique is equipped with a screw of low-quality aluminum, which oxidizes the juice and can even leave its particles in it. Of course, about any benefits of such a drink and not a speech.

Manual Auger Juicer

Much more reliable are the screws, which are made of stainless steel or cast iron. But still the ideal option is considered a special durable plastic. It is completely neutral to food and has no effect on them, while maintaining a pleasant taste and smell, as well as valuable vitamins and minerals.

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

You should also pay attention to the filters through which your juice will pass. This high-quality mesh should be made of stainless steel, otherwise, again, the result will eventually disappoint you.

Manual Auger Juicer

Advantages and disadvantages

At first glance it may seem that the manual auger juicer is an outdated mechanical technique that cannot counter anything with modern automatic machines. But actually everything is completely the opposite. Compared to its “electronic counterparts”, the manual juicer has the following advantages:

  • Conciseness and simplicity. To prepare the juice, you do not have to grasp the instructions and deal with the peculiarities of the use of technology. The screw juice extractor is somewhat primitive, so it’s very easy to work with;
  • The disassembly and assembly process does not take long. Again, it is quite simple, so cleaning and caring for appliances will cause absolutely no problems;
  • Processing of almost any product is possible.. The manual device will cope both with soft, and with firm fruits. In this case, the final yield of juice will not suffer from this. While centrifugal juicers do very poorly with the same grapes or tomatoes, the screw machine can guarantee high performance under any circumstances;
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
  • Does not consume electricity. In addition to being economical, this feature is very practical. You can make juice even if for some reason there is no electricity. It is convenient to take such a juicer with you to the country, as it is quite compact;
  • Juice yield in such models reaches 90-95% what centrifuge devices cannot boast of at all;
  • You can use a manual juicer for a long time.. It is ideal for those who are used to making large volumes of drinks, or simply need a glass of fresh drink in the morning;
  • Lack of working engines - This is the absence of excess noise;
  • Thanks to there is no engine in the mechanism, the simplest cold spin occurs. That is why juices cooked on a screw machine are much more useful. They retain most of the vitamins and enzymes that our body needs;
  • Profitable price;
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

The need for manual work - this is probably the only drawback of the auger juicer.

It takes a little effort to produce the required amount of juice. Nevertheless, some even see this as a certain positive side, since manual work is an involvement in the process that allows you to prepare a drink with a soul.

Manual Auger Juicer

Most Popular Models

In the ranking of the best manual juicers, brands such as Healthy Juicer and Endever. Most models of these manufacturers receive positive feedback due to the quality material used in the assembly and manufacture of juicers. However, in the assortment of large stores of household appliances, these products are quite rare, so we have compiled a small overview of the most popular options for screw juicers, which are now easy to find on the shelves.

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer

Moulinex ZU255B10. This is one of the most affordable options for a vertical screw juicer. Equipped with the possibility of automatic operation. The material of the body and the screw is a high-quality dense plastic that does not harm the products, and the filters are made of stainless steel. The technique is completely silent and comfortable thanks to the rubber suction cups at the base.

Manual Auger Juicer

Model Philips HR1987 / 30 It is almost a novelty on the market, but already received a lot of positive feedback.. This is a fairly simple, economical and high-quality version of the horizontal screw juicer. It is recommended to all lovers of fresh juice with pulp. The case of the model combines parts of plastic and stainless steel, and the screw is made of durable neutral plastic. The model can work in both manual and network modes, while demonstrating quite good performance and the final juice yield.

Manual Auger Juicer

Juicer Steba E 400 - This is another model with a vertical screw device and mechanical control. Due to the form, it shows very good juice yield with minimal physical effort. The quality of the juice is guaranteed by a plastic screw and filter made from high-quality stainless steel. The design is stable due to rubberized legs, and also allows you to load products into the compartment without additional processing and cutting. Currently, it is one of the few juicer options that perfectly combines quality, efficiency, and affordable price.

Manual Auger Juicer

If you are interested in a wider functionality, you can pay attention to the meat grinder. Axion M 32.04. This is a Russian-made technique that attracts attention with its capabilities. Included are always removable nozzles that allow without special difficulties to use the machine as a manual auger juicer. Among the shortcomings of this model, we can mention perhaps the aluminum screw, which is not recommended for the manufacture of juices.

Manual Auger Juicer

In general, the above models of technology have mostly positive reviews.

Manual or complex screw juice extractors are a very convenient and effective attribute in the kitchen of anyone who prefers fresh juices to different semi-finished products. Such equipment can serve you even in the absence of electricity, while ensuring fast and efficient preparation of your favorite drinks.

Manual Auger Juicer
Manual Auger Juicer