Magnetic board on the fridge


Magnetic board on the fridge

Magnetic board on the fridge

For the design of kitchens used a variety of interior items, they give the overall atmosphere of comfort and home warmth of bright colors and "highlights". Some things are used to demonstrate the status of home owners, others serve as decorations. Not only stylish, fashionable and cute, but also practical accessories are appreciated. Now magnetic boards on refrigerators are very popular. This simple thing is capable of performing several functions at once.

Magnetic board on the fridge

What is a magnetic board?

Everyone is accustomed to cling to the fridge magnets and stickers. Also on the door of the refrigerator stickers are attached, which leave a variety of messages and notes. Now in their place came the boards, which are mounted on the refrigerators with the help of magnets. They hold perfectly, do not spoil the coating and can have a different shape. If necessary, they can be removed without effort and moved to another place, and it is easier to take care of it. On the surface of the board you can write with markers or chalk, depending on the type of product. Inscriptions and drawings are removed without problems, after which the board can be used again. Unlike paper stickers, which are disposable, the life of the board is almost limitless. The shape of this accessory can be different: in the form of a heart, an apple, a butterfly, an animal, a dessert, and so on. For connoisseurs of minimalism, there are the usual geometric shapes: a circle, a rectangle, a circle, a triangle. You can buy them in a hardware store or in a specialized online store.

Magnetic board on the fridge

What are the boards?

Magnetic boards on the fridge are of two types:

  • Slate (chalk) board. Basically, the product is black, but there are other options. It is written with crayons or chalk markers. For its manufacture using solid black slate. Sold complete with stand for crayons, crayons and sponge.
  • Marker board. It is made of metal and coated with special enamel, which makes it convenient to write on it with a marker and then delete images. White colour. As a rule, an accessory is framed by an aluminum frame. Included: markers, stand and a special sponge.
Magnetic board on the fridge
Magnetic board on the fridge

As you can see, the main difference between these two types on the part of the user is in color and how they are written. Their functions are the same as the fastener method. Which side to make a choice - the buyer decides. If your refrigerator is a standard white color, it will look better on black products. It will stand out and contrast. A white board looks great on a color or black refrigerator.

Magnetic board on the fridge
Magnetic board on the fridge
Magnetic board on the fridge

Benefits of choice

Magnetic boards are widespread due to a number of features:

  • Comfortable accommodation. At any time, you can move it to another place;
  • Stylish and versatile look. Magnetic boards are perfectly combined with various styles of interiors. From strict hi-tech and minimalism, to cozy country and Provence;
  • Practicality and functionality;
  • Long service life;
  • Simple use;
  • Unpretentious care. It will take a few seconds to clear the board;
  • Affordable price. The cost depends on the manufacturer, size and shape;
  • Huge selection of shapes and sizes for every taste.
Magnetic board on the fridge

Even small children who can use a magnetic board as an endless album sheet can work with such a board.


Initially, boards, both chalk and marker, are actively used in office space. Some associate such items with school blackboards, mistakenly considering them to be a relic of the past, but this is not the case. Today it is a very popular accessory for the kitchen interior. There are two main ways to use this product.

  • For records. Many people place various notes on the door of the refrigerator, on the purchase of products, various receipts, deeds and so on. Several times a day, residents of the house must look into the refrigerator, and pass by it even more often. Do not pay attention to the board and the inscription on it is simply impossible.
  • For the messages. The board can become a kind of messenger between family members. You can leave orders on it and remind you of obligations. For example, you can remind your spouse to buy certain foods for dinner or write a message to children, which says that you need to collect toys or do homework.
Magnetic board on the fridge

Whiteboard as a notebook

Modern rhythm lives at a fast pace. Most people make up the daily routine and live according to it in order to do the maximum of useful things for a certain period of time. For this purpose you can use not only a notebook or an electronic gadget, but also a board with magnets. She is always in sight, and the size allows you to paint on all plans for the day or week. Once the item is completed, it can be easily erased and write a new one. Unlike a paper notebook, the sheets do not end, besides the magnetic board does not need to be charged as a mobile device. All affairs and tasks for the day will be in front of you. So you definitely will not forget to perform any receipt or other important matter.

Magnetic board on the fridge

Interior detail

In addition to the functional side, the above accessory has a decorative feature. Thanks to a huge choice of shapes and sizes, you can choose the perfect option for the size of the refrigerator and the decor of the kitchen room. If the design of the room contains floral elements on curtains, wallpaper, tablecloths and other objects, you can opt for a magnetic board in the shape of a flower. In the event that there are fruits in the decor, then the board in the form of an apple, pear, pineapple and any other fruit or berry is perfect. For those who can not imagine their lives without pets, be sure to enjoy the board in the form of a cat or dog. Sweet tooth choose an accessory in the form of an appetizing cake or ice cream. Also in the shops you can find products in the form of popular characters from fairy tales and cartoons.

Magnetic board on the fridge

Do not forget that the board is a canvas on which you can depict anything. The result will be a unique image that is the highlight in the kitchen room.

Magnetic board on the fridge
Magnetic board on the fridge
Magnetic board on the fridge

New way to communicate

With the appearance on the market of magnetic boards for refrigerators and their active distribution, users came up with new methods of using it. As a result, there was a new way of communication between family members and people who live under the same roof. In addition to notes, messages, and various notes about household chores and worries, you can leave pleasant messages to each other on the board. Whether it's parents, soul mate, friends, or relatives and close people, there is always something to say to those who are dear to us. This way of communication will give variety to everyday life. In the early morning, write a warm, sweet message to your loved one, complete it with an image, and your spouse will have a great mood all day. You can also tune in to positive households by writing a funny joke or phrase on the board. This accessory can be used as a platform for dialogue or conversation between family members. Each person will be able to leave his message to relatives. Communication from early morning to late evening.

Magnetic board on the fridge
Magnetic board on the fridge

Chatting 24 hours a day

The board is especially useful for people who live together, but lead a different lifestyle and activity. "Larks" get up with the first rays of the sun, owls can sleep until dinner and even longer, and after awake late into the night. In order not to wake up another person and not wait for hours until he wakes up, you can leave a note on the blackboard and in addition a pleasant wish.

Magnetic board on the fridge

As you can see, such a simple and ordinary at first glance gizmos has a large number of different functions. Due to the large distribution of this accessory, it is not difficult to find it in stores with kitchenware and home decorations. If you want something original, you can order a board according to individual parameters: shape, size, color.

Magnetic board on the fridge

In the next video - an overview of the magnetic board for the refrigerator.