Leather sofa in the kitchen (45 photos)
Leather sofa in the kitchen

Leather furniture has always been popular. Today there is a fairly large selection of products from this material, differing in shape, color and other parameters. Thus, it becomes easy to choose furniture for any room in the apartment.

Even in the kitchen, a leather sofa will look right. After all, leather is not only material that looks stylish, but will serve you for many years.

- Standard. Model for about four or five people with additional thumbs, which are usually included. These sofas are designed for a medium-sized kitchen. Corner models more expensive may have shelves for storage and even a mini-bar.
- Mini. Sofa less than the usual two to three seats. Ideal for small kitchens, compact and small.
- Semicircular. Created for spacious kitchens and occupy a lot of space, due to which they are more expensive. They are considered more elite and high-quality, compared to all the others.
- Unfolded. As a rule, these are corner kitchen sofas and they are just gaining popularity. Extra bed is convenient for surprise guests. But to sleep regularly on such a sofa is not advised, since it is soft and you or your loved ones may have back problems.

Disadvantages and advantages
Leather has long been considered a sign of high status, but when buying it, few people think about other characteristics. Let's see what you get if you buy a leather sofa in the kitchen.

- Noble material, makes the eye look at itself, gives the room taste and style;
- Durable and durable, as well as wear-resistant, therefore able to serve you for a very long time;
- Caring for him is easy.

- Products from poor-quality leather can very quickly wipe and crack;
- Price. Furniture made of leather costs several times more expensive than its counterparts from eco-leather and other imitation leather;
- With a choice of colors and shapes, they all boil down to the classics, so your kitchen should also be in this style so that the sofa in it looks appropriate.

Leather - one of the easiest to care materials. The worst thing that can happen to her is the loss of elasticity. This is due to the drying of fatty substances directly in the material itself. But, since this process is slow, it is easy to prevent it, if properly care for upholstery.

To do this, you should purchase a stearic lubricant and clean the surface of the sofa with a sponge about once every three months. Then your furniture will last you much longer. Otherwise, the skin does not require any other care.

On any material from the skin there are wrinkles and irregularities - this just speaks about its naturalness and is not considered as defects. After all, these traces appeared on the skin of the animal during its life.

Here are a few more signs that are not considered defective:
- Resilience. These are traces of blood vessels. Usually, such a material is used to make a back back, a section under a sofa, or sidewalls;
- Namin Wrinkles or creases that make the skin softer. They are often used for pillows and back;
- Knutoviny - dark stripes on the material. Used only for the back of the back or place the legs;
- Zaminy. Small folds, which are upholstered with the back back and tsargami;
- Birthmarks. Markings of different size, darker skin tone. They are used in upholstery of pillows, back, armrests and seats.

Unfortunately, today there are a lot of merchants, who give the furniture of low-quality leatherette for leather and see the difference is almost impossible. Cheating is opened only during the operation.
Therefore, it is not recommended to buy furniture from obscure companies, even for a lower price. It is better not to risk and give extra money for a trusted supplier.

Since now there are more and more different colors, then, if you wish, you can choose whatever you like. With such a sofa you can not worry about dirt, because it is easy to clean, so everything depends on the design of your kitchen.

It is recommended to choose sofas of inconspicuous colors, especially if there are already bright colors in the interior. White or the color of coffee with milk - it is always a classic. Multicolored furniture suitable for the calm color of the walls. For example, if the main range is white, then a red piece of furniture will look fresh and interesting.
For a very small kitchen, bright furniture is not very well suited. It stands out pretty much and not in a good way. In a small room, it is important that the furniture fits well into the interior, and is not conspicuous. The kitchen is more spacious, the bolder you can make color decisions.

No matter how large your kitchen is, it is best to install a sofa on it against the wall. So it takes up less space and looks more organic in the surrounding interior. A good solution is corner sofas. They look more compact, but they can be installed in any corner or by the window and they will look stylish and beautiful.

Built-in sofas - salvation for a small kitchen. As a rule, they are made to order and, accordingly, their sizes are selected for the interior of your particular kitchen. As a result, the furniture fits perfectly, and the kitchen looks like one. The disadvantages of such an installation can be called the lack of mobility and a relatively high price due to individual installation.

Installing a sofa in the middle of the kitchen or away from the wall can only be in spacious rooms. As a rule, regardless of where it is installed, this piece of furniture is combined with a dining table.

No matter how unpretentious the skin is, the life of the sofa depends, among other things, on the frame. Specifically, under this type of furniture, frames are made of two types:
- From solid wood. As a rule - from conifers, for example, pine. Such a framework is inexpensive. There are more expensive options, such as oak, walnut or ash, they will last longer, but will cost significantly more. The golden mean is a frame made of birch, which will cost less than oak, but will not be inferior in quality;
- From chipboard. Such furniture rarely serves more than five years. It is much heavier than the one from the array and is afraid of water.

- Cheap sofas, as a rule, have an inexpensive filler - foam rubber. On average, it serves from three to five years, and then begins to subside.
- Polyurethane foam will cost more, but this filler is more environmentally friendly and lasts much longer. As a rule, it is added to expensive leather sofas.
- Latex filling is very rare. This material is the most expensive and is used, for the most part, abroad.

- The Etude model - an angular sofa with the folding dolphin mechanism. Looks very stylish and discreet. For a medium sized kitchen.
- Model Troy - a small cozy corner of chipboard and leatherette. Differs low price and fits any, even the smallest kitchen.
- Corner sofa called Hummingbirds made of eco-leather and filled with polyurethane. Looks fresh and interesting. As a rule, this model has a rich amount of colors.
- Many Lotus models have shelves built into the sofa. The price depends largely on the design and materials used.
- Corner sofa Salvador black and white - a spacious piece of furniture, which attracts external comfort. Looks very stylish and beautiful, strict black and white colors give him efficiency.