Laminate in the kitchen - 77 photos of amazing design


The kitchen area is the most visited, unlike other places in the apartment. The flooring is always subject to some factors of damage and weed out the loads on it.

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For many, the actual question is whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen. Designers often use this coating in their works.

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Finishing the kitchen laminate is becoming a very fashionable trend. Look at the photo of the laminate in the kitchen to see which one might suit you. To choose the right flooring, you need to find out all its nuances.

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The characteristic features of the laminate

More recently, there was no choice in how to lay the floor on the floor. However, technological progress is not in place and manufacturers of materials are developing.

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Previously, the laminate was used for finishing work in the kitchen area, as it did not have moisture resistance. But everything changed, manufacturers are constantly improving this type of material.

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The possibility of using laminate has increased the number of various design solutions. Moisture-resistant laminate for a kitchen can have various forms and emit any kind of material.

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The main advantage is that this type of material is very easy to install. For him, do not need to prepare the work. It can also be used in the kitchen, where they will install a heated floor. Since the laminate can withstand high temperatures. Laminate can be installed on the old flooring.

Manufacturers care about the safety of the material, produce a variety of special tools for adjusting minor scratches on the surface of the laminate. Also the owner himself must take care of the coverage.

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For example, near the sink lay a small rug that will protect from moisture. On the legs of the chairs and the table, you can stick special stickers that insure the coating from damage.

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The strength factor of the laminate coating

For the person who first encountered the purchase of laminate. It may be asked what the numbers mean. We consider them more specifically.

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Laminate is divided into several classes:

Class 2, this includes material 21, 22, 23. This type of board is of very poor quality, since it has only three layers. Suitable for rooms in which there are no heavy loads on the flooring. For example, a living room, a bedroom.

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Class 3, it includes laminate 32, 33, 34. This material is considered commercial and highly resistant to environmental influences. Laminate kitchen 34 class will be perfect, as its characteristics are very high. It has high moisture resistance. The only price is very high.

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Water resistance and moisture resistance of laminate

There are two types of laminate flooring for a kitchen:

Moisture resistant material has the ability to withstand small drops of liquid or puddles of small size. But the time interval for keeping moisture is about 20 minutes. During installation work, the seams should be treated with a special mortar.

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Waterproof material has a high resistance to water. Maybe in the water for about 300 minutes, so he is not afraid of spilled water. It is often used for finishing the toilet room. Laminate for waterproof kitchen is considered the best option for the floor.

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However, do not forget that laminate is pressed sawdust, which is made of wood, and it is as if it was not processed anyway absorbs moisture.

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Laminate board cost

The stores have a large range of this material and the pricing policy is also different. Very cheap coverage unfortunately will not be distinguished by high performance. And the service life will be minimal in the kitchen.

Moisture resistant laminate, it is not much more expensive than usual, but will not save from small water leaks. Walking resistant to small drops of water.

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The best laminate for the kitchen is recognized to be a waterproof material. It is resistant to all temperature and water. Its service life may be about 30 years with proper care. But its cost is high.

When buying laminate consider the basic style of the room. For example, for a large room fit laminate tiles in the kitchen. In small rooms it is possible to make a combined laminate in the kitchen. Choose the type of material that can last more than one year and please you for a long time.

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Photo of laminate in the kitchen

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378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options

378-Laminate to the kitchen - 77 photo options