Krups coffee machine
Krups coffee machine

A morning cup of coffee can be a tribute to a habit or a necessity. Be that as it may, it is a familiar part of modern life. There are people who enjoy the very process of grinding the fragrant grains in a manual coffee grinder, from the kind of slowly boiling coffee. More often, we are in such a hurry in the morning that the automation of coffee preparation is exactly what we need.

The advantages of coffee machines are not limited only by the speed of their work compared to the traditional preparation of coffee in the Turk. So, if you prefer espresso to all other types of this drink, then you hardly can do without a coffee machine. Automatic units allow you to make coffee, strictly observing the dosage and rules of brewing. Espresso and latte, cappuccino and lungo have their recommended strength and their inherent taste and aroma.

On the market there are many manufacturers of coffee machines that enjoy a good reputation. Coffee aggregates differ in both design and feature set, which determines the demand for a particular model. One of the popular brands of coffee machines today is Krups.

Brand history
Company Krups has a long tradition. In 1846 Robert Krups began to produce spring scales, the quality of which allowed the company to expand rapidly. After World War I, it was already considered the largest German manufacturer of mechanical scales.

The company begins to engage in electric kitchen appliances in the middle of the 20th century. At first they were coffee grinders, later the company started producing mixers, electric coffee makers, slicers and other similar products. Capsule coffee machines company Krups appeared in 1991 with the participation of another industrial giant Nestle. This alliance owes its appearance to the technology of making coffee. Dolce Gusto.

Product line Krups constantly updated. Today, this company is a leader in the production of kitchen appliances and holds these positions thanks to the introduction of innovative technologies and customer feedback. Its products are in demand not only from individual consumers, but also from entrepreneurs who use coffee machines in mini-cafes or fast food kiosks.

The technical solutions underlying the coffee machine reflect the desire to ensure that the beverage meets all standards and help owners save space in the kitchen. A large unit is convenient to use if you are a cafe owner; in the kitchen of a modern apartment, various devices compete for their “place in the sun”. Therefore, the dimensions of the coffee unit really matter. Today, Krups coffee machines are divided into 4 types:
- automatic coffee machines;
- pump coffee machines;
- Nespresso;
- Nescafe Dolce Gusto.

The automatic coffee machine has characteristics that approximate it in terms of functionality to a professional coffee machine. In particular, its features are as follows:
- impressive power (1450 W), accelerating the process of making coffee up to a few seconds;
- high and at the same time safe pressure steam / water (15 bar);
- non-contact water heating thanks to the system Thermoblock, reduces the formation of scale;
- built-in coffee grindera, preserving the aroma of coffee;
- the presence of the display allows you to conveniently manage the functions of the coffee unit;
- automated cleaning internal parts of the coffee machine, requiring minimal effort from the owner;
- clear process indication;
- heated cups;
- the presence of a cappuccinator, allowing to make latte and cappuccino.

Automatic units are equipped with rozhkovogo or drip system.
- Drip system allows you to make coffee by passing water vapor through a filter with ground coffee. The result is a soft taste, fragrant drink of sufficient strength. Coffee brewing speed is higher if only one cup is served. Some models have an isothermal coffee pot or program that helps maintain the optimum temperature for several hours.

- Horn system allows you to heat the water almost instantly to the desired temperature. Water is not stagnant in the unit. Such coffee machines are durable and reliable to use. They are easy to control the amount and strength of coffee. According to user feedback, the horn system is more popular.

An automatic coffee machine is otherwise referred to as a grain coffee machine, since coffee beans are used to make a drink, grinding directly in the unit itself. In the coffee grinder installed 3 degrees of grinding, as a rule, this is enough.
Pump machines are different from automatic machines in that the pressure in them is provided by a special pump. The grinder is not built into them, so you can use ground coffee or use pods to get an aromatic drink.. The mode of operation of the automatic Krups coffee machine is as follows:
- built-in coffee grindergrinds the right amount of coffee beans;
- ground coffee is tamped under pressure thanks to the Tamping system, as a result, air is removed from the powder, and the aroma is fully preserved;
- tamped coffee under pressure is treated with steam or boiling water;
- if a cappuccino machine is used, You can make a latte or cappuccino.

Coffee machine Krups nespresso appeared on the market less than 30 years ago and quickly gained popularity as a convenient device for making espresso and lungo. This coffee machine uses capsules in which a variety of coffees are sealed under pressure. Grand Cru. The principle of operation of the capsule coffee machine is quite simple for the user:
- load the capsule into the holder;
- pierce the capsule lid, in which air enters and loosens the coffee powder;
- wait for while steam or boiling water at a pressure of 19 bar converts the powder into a flavorful beverage.

The compact Krups Nespresso coffee machines of capsular type use the Thermoblock system and have a reservoir for used capsules. In some models, for example, Grand Maestria, a blowing agent is integrated.

Another kind of this type of coffee aggregates Dolce gusto - a new development, which appeared 7 years ago. They are respected by coffee lovers, as they retain a deep coffee aroma, are easy to use, compact and stylishly decorated. From the previous variety of coffee machine Dolce gusto it is distinguished by the fact that a system is built into its capsules that is responsible for regulating the pressure of steam or water that is optimal for a particular type of beverage. The developers also offer capsules with chocolate, tea, powdered milk and sugar.

Preparing a favorite drink in such a coffee machine is extremely simple: we insert the capsule, turn the lever, press the hot or cold button, wait until the process is finished, release the container from the capsule. Caring for a coffee machine is also easy. You should regularly clean the coffee machine from the remnants of coffee and remove scale. For this Krups produces special pills.

Advantages and disadvantages
Users often note the benefits of capsule coffee machines. Dolce gusto. First of all, it is ease of use and service. Since such a device works on sealed capsules, it does not need to be cleaned of coffee grounds. Both in capsule and automatic devices, the temperature of coffee is easily regulated. Other advantages of capsular coffee machines are that they:
- very compact, they can even be kept in a miniature kitchen;
- have a simple withcontrol system;
- make a drink in a few seconds;
- have capacious tank for water (up to 1 l);
- equipped with built-in cappuccinator (Piccolo model);
- have thermal sensor.

The principle of operation of most models is very similar, so the choice of a particular model depends on the tastes and financial capabilities of the consumer. Among the shortcomings noted that the fixed cooking group of the coffee machine as a result is less durable than the traditional removable. In addition, cleaning with tablets is ineffective when using the coffee aggregate for a long time: the finest coffee dust and oils penetrate into the machine with frequent use and settle on the parts. As a result, the mechanism needs repair faster. In this case, branded accessories coffee machines are not cheap.

Other disadvantages of automatic units are:
- impossibility getting strong milk foam;
- limited regulation of the degree of grinding of grains;
- dear and dLitel repair in case of breakage.

Browse popular models
Each type of coffee machine company Krups represented by a line of products that differ in functionality and dimensions. Capsule coffee machines lead the rating.
- Dolce Gusto production leader characterized by simplicity of design and affordable. For him, developed a line of capsules of 25 varieties of coffee. In this unit you can make not only coffee, but tea with spices or milk, as well as chocolate. Such types of capsular coffee machines are on sale, as:
- Nescafe Dolce Gusto, working on Nescafe capsules. All variations of this line of coffee machines are attractive with bright design and an extensive set of functions. So, the units from the Mini Me series are not only surprisingly compact, but also convenient, as they are equipped with an automatic water metering unit that regulates the amount of boiling water depending on the type of coffee.
- Krups Dolce Gusto Piccolo, which is the most compact coffee machine offered by the manufacturer. She prepares different types of drink with amazing speed, has a convenient handle that regulates the water level in the process of brewing coffee, which allows you to set the strength of the drink. An additional plus is the power saving function.

- Krups Dolce Gusto Oblo coffee machine In many respects it is similar to the previous model, however, it has a large volume of water tank, as well as the presence of an automatic shutdown after 5 minutes of inactivity. The color range includes red, orange, white and black options.

- Another popular Krups Dolce Gusto coffee machine is the Circolo model. It has a rounded shape and avant-garde design. Two body colors are available: gray and red. The coffee prepared in it has a thick taste and a velvety foam. For this model offers 20 varieties of fine coffees, as well as chocolate and tea. The model has an auto-off function after 5 minutes.

- Krups Dolce Gusto Genio - Another capsule coffee machine that can decorate your kitchen and make the process of making coffee simple and enjoyable. Termoblock technology allows you to heat water at high speed to the required temperature. For coffee machine offers capsules with various types of coffee that satisfy the tastes of connoisseurs of this drink. The unit is equipped with energy-saving auto-shutdown.

- The closest competitor of this line is the Nespresso system., which the company has developed Nestle more than 30 years ago. The price range of this line of coffee machines is very wide, from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles. These are reliable and powerful units, with excellent design and functionality. For them, there is also a large selection of coffee capsules. The coffee machine works with both expensive branded and budget capsules. One of the most famous models of this type - Nespresso Inissia. The smallest variety Krups Nespresso - this is a model Pixie. It is distinguished by its elegant silhouette and the ability to prepare exquisite espresso. In addition to ultra-compact design, its advantages are:
- improved heating system;
- cooking speed coffee thanks to the Thermoblock system;
- use of stainless steel in the manufacture of the heating element;
- unit auto power off after 9 minutes of downtime;
- environmental friendliness of the material used for the production of side panels.

- Capsular Krups Essenza coffee machine also uses Nespresso capsules, has a regulated water supply system, a waste container and a removable drip tray.
- Model Krups Barista - the flagship among the grain machines of this manufacturer. This is a premium class coffee unit and has the appropriate characteristics. It contains 17 factory coffee recipes, 5 of which can be displayed on the main screen to save effort and 68 user modes. In general, the device is programmed to prepare 8 different drinks for 8 people. It is possible to regulate the degree of grain grinding, volume, strength and temperature of coffee and milk. The originality of this model is different cappuccinator, equipped with a servo. He drops himself into a glass with milk, the system delivers steam, and thus the milk is whipped into strong foam.

- Espresseria Automatic line - This is a well-known automatic (grain) units, with a pleasant design, reasonable size and good functionality. They allow you to adjust the volume of servings of the drink, distribute coffee to 2 cups. The speed of preparation of the drink will also please the always hurrying people.

- Krups Siziliana coffee machine - another functional device that will appeal to coffee lovers. It allows you to automatically rinse and descale the system, program the water supply. The coffee maker has a swivel base and the ability to heat the cups.

Care and possible malfunctions
Even the most reliable technology with time begins to pass. A modern coffee machine is a rather complicated technically unit with numerous mechanical and electronic components. Breakdown occurs unexpectedly, often due to the fact that the apparatus was not cleaned on time. Out of position 2 - contact the service center or deal with the problem yourself, having studied the instruction manual.

If the breakdown is serious and new parts are required, you will have to take the first path. If the coffee machine requires only flushing, it is wiser to use the second opportunity. You will need common sense and care not to damage the coffee machine even more. In addition, some repair kit will be needed: cleaning agents for the water system, lubricant for mechanisms, brushes, glands and other parts.

So that the business does not reach expensive repairs, you need to remember a few simple rules:
- before operating the machine read the instructions and note the error codes;
- if the coffee machine has a removable brewing unit, it must be washed with warm water at least 1 time per week;
- It is impossible to oil the brewing unit, this makes the operation of the unit difficult;
- if the brewing unit is fixed, Use special tablets to clean the system strictly according to the instructions.

The most common problems in the work of coffee machines are:
- water leak from under the horn;
- whistling or hissing during operation, difficult coffee supply;
- no reaction at the touch of a button;
- water leakage from under the coffee machine;
- breakdown coffee grinders;
- engine failure due to overheating or pollution;
- cappuccinator failure, associated with clogging;
- display error (for example, the Clean light flashes), also often associated with the need for urgent cleaning.

Washing and decalcification is something that has to be done regularly with the coffee machine. These processes are described in detail in the operating instructions accompanying each model. If black water accumulates in the coffee machine, all removable parts of the machine must be rinsed well with water, in some cases it will be necessary to replace the filter. Pre-replaceable filter is filled with water. To do this, turn it upside down with an inlet and place it under a stream of water. Install it in a compartment already filled with water to prevent air blockage. If the air block still appears, the pump will begin to make noise, and the “Add water” signal will appear on the display. Remove the filter from the coffee machine during decalcification, otherwise it will be irreparably damaged.

If the water compartment is filled with water, and the coffee machine does not see this, it means that the float is spoiled or lost. In the first case, the float must be cleaned and gently put in place. If this does not help, you should contact the service center where the float will be replaced. In the second case, you also need to contact the service center.

Customer Reviews
Those who bought a coffee machine for the home, note that it is really easy to use the device, especially when it comes to capsule types. It is obvious enthusiasm and the fact that you can find your favorite kind of drink among the ready-made capsules offered by the manufacturer. Problems arise when purification and decalcification are carried out too rarely. Car breakdown due to the manufacturer’s fault is extremely rare.

Complaints are also related to the fact that a cappuccinator is slowly running. If there are several lovers of coffee with milk in the family, they have to wait for their portion of the drink around a quarter of an hour. If you carefully take care of your coffee maker, whatever type it is, this device will serve you faithfully, each morning delighting you with another fragrant cup of invigorating drink.

In the next video - an overview of the capsule coffee maker Krups KP1006.