Kitchen tables ikea (35 photos)


Kitchen tables Ikea

Kitchen tables Ikea

Tables in the kitchen are not only the place where people eat, but also the center of family gathering. Especially often the kitchen table is used as a game, work or written in a one-room apartment or studio apartment. In this case, certain requirements are imposed on the table: it should be comfortable, easy to wash, easy to move apart and accommodate up to 6 people.

The Swedish company Ikea in its furniture has thought through every detail, the kitchen tables of its production are suitable for most of the parameters and can be used both for receiving guests and as a working space for the artist.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea


The main feature of the tables is:

  • their wide range. Ikea offers tables for kitchen of a different configuration, a form and the size;
  • They are also distinguished by a wide range of prices. The buyer can choose a usual wooden table from 1300 rubles or a sliding option from modern materials with a glass table top for 13 000 rubles;
  • All the furniture from this store is combined with each other, so whatever table you choose, it will always fit into any modern interior;
  • compactness of models. The ergonomics of the furniture is very well thought out, so any design can be placed anywhere in the kitchen, even if at first glance there is very little space;
  • environmentally friendly materials are used in production in accordance with company policy.
Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

With all the positive things, I should say about some of the shortcomings of Ikea dining furniture:

  • the store will not be able to pick up a table for a classic interior. All furniture is subject to the same style - minimalist, so the forms here are as simple as possible. There is simply no dining headset with intricate carvings;
  • it is worth remembering that in the furniture from Ikea the individual cat wept. Still, the concept of the company involves the release of very large quantities of goods, which are presented in all stores in the world;
Kitchen tables Ikea
  • the quality of furniture directly depends on the cost of furniture. Since the brand is European, the service life of low-end models is five years. For Europe, this is the norm. Europeans update the interior every five years, so the company does not invest in increasing the life of tables, chairs, cabinets and beds.

Buying more expensive furniture does not guarantee that it will last longer. Materials will be more expensive (fabrics, cladding, accessories), and the frame will remain the same.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea


The Ikea catalog contains three types of kitchen tables - a work surface (tabletop), a dining table and cupboard tables.

Countertops are made of durable refractory material, often from them make a dining table built into the kitchen system. The advantage of this approach is space saving, a single kitchen design and the ability to use the table to zone the space in a studio apartment. Minus - stationarity and the inability to seat for him guests.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

Cupboards are a hybrid that combines a working tool, an efficient storage system, a dining area and mobility. This piece of furniture is a wardrobe with a large number of hooks, shelves, hanging tanks and a tabletop protruding forward.

The table top in front protrudes so that it is comfortable for her to sit next to two people. The whole structure is placed on wheels and can move from place to place. A great option for a small kitchen, or vice versa, for a large kitchen, the owners of which like to constantly bring something new to the interior, making a rearrangement

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

A separate category is the Ikea table. The fact is that it can be used as a lunch and as a magazine. Usually this option is chosen by people who prefer Asian style in the design of the room.

The criterion for choosing such a table is the same: the lower it is, the longer and wider it should be. And it's not about functionality, but just about the aesthetics of the look.

Kitchen tables Ikea


Since the company's policy is based on supporting the ecological balance on the planet, it uses only natural materials in its products and those that do not threaten human health and do not harm the environment. Tables are made of wood, laminate and glass. Each material has its pros and cons. For example, a tree is very beautiful, has a traditional design, but is often subject to corrosion, requires careful treatment and special care.

The table of laminated panels is very durable, resistant to deformation, is not afraid of water and is able to withstand high temperatures (not higher than 190 degrees).

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

However, one of the drawbacks is the pliability of the mechanical impact of sharp objects. In other words, they are easy to cut with a knife or damage the cover with a fork.

On the glass tables, not only is every crumb visible, the table tops made of this material are durable, withstand a lot of weight, including the weight of a person, but at the same time are very fragile. An accidental point impact, the fall of some object on it can lead to the appearance of a crack, even on tempered glass.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

Popular models

Reviews show that all models presented in the catalog are popular with the consumer:

  • In the category of ordinary tables with a capacity of up to 4 people in the price range of 1300-5000 rubles table leads "Ingu". It is presented in two versions - square and rectangular. The table is made of solid pine, not processed with any materials, which leaves a wide scope for creativity. It can be painted with acrylic and create a work of art, or you can simply varnish, oil, wax or ordinary paint and fit into a Scandinavian or rustic interior.

The variant with a worktop 75x75 cm is designed for two people, fits perfectly under a small kitchen window. The option with a worktop 120x75 cm is designed to accommodate four people. Both tables perfectly harmonize not only with other objects of the Inga collection, but also with all the furniture from Ikea.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea
  • Model Olmstad Available in several colors and table top sizes. It is also made of solid pine, but treated with paint. The variant, in which the texture of the tree is visible, was tinted with a stain.
  • The next most popular is the category of sliding tables, here the model is definitely leading. "Byurst." Its feature is a convenient folding system, which makes it possible to transform a 129-centimeter worktop into a 169-centimeter one movement. However, despite the attractive appearance and reliable assembly, the table does not belong to the category of workers. Cooking on it is not recommended, since the veneer is thin, it is easily scratched with knives.
Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea
  • Model "Vangsta" equipped with a melamine table top, which is not afraid of moisture and mechanical stress. The spare part is located under the main cover and is installed in place by shifting and turning the upper part. The table from 4-seater becomes 6-seater.
  • "Ingatorp" - one of the most popular models in the category of tables with folding "wings". It has a built-in drawer for storing cutlery, carved legs and additional descending sections at the edges, which when folded hang from the two sides of the table on hinges. Initially, the table is designed for two people, because from the edges, where there is an additional tabletop, it is not comfortable to sit. A great option for compact kitchens.
Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea
  • Glivarp - transparent chrome table for modern interiors of high-tech style. Initially designed for 4 people, but due to the soft rolling extension turns into a dining area for 6 people. The manufacturer claims that the tabletop has a stain-resistant surface and is very easy to clean.

He also warns that chips and damage to the end of the glass can lead to cracks over the entire surface. Not suitable for home with small children.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

How to choose?

The main criterion for choosing a table where you will prepare or engage in work is its location and the potential number of people who will sit at this table.

If you choose the usual standard model of a rectangular or square shape, it is worth understanding that it can accommodate only four people. Between seated people should remain 60 cm of space. (chairs are placed at a distance of 30 on each side from each other), so as not to touch each other with your elbows and conveniently place the devices on the table top.

Kitchen tables Ikea

If you have a big family, but a small apartment, then the best option would be “book” models that collapse part of the tabletop like a cover. At the same time, the width of the table should be at least 80 cm, otherwise you simply cannot serve it for people sitting opposite each other.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

If for some reason you need a round table, then remember, only four people can fit behind it. The standard diameter of the table is 135 cm, with a larger diameter it will be inconvenient to serve it.

For a large family, a round sliding model or a design with an oval table top will do.

The glass tabletop is suitable for a young family, whose members jointly eat. The fact is that keeping the glass clean is very difficult, so if there are children in the house or you prefer to have a snack separately, the table will quickly lose its original cleanliness and instead of decorating it will become the headache of the hostess.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

Options in the interior

The table from Ikea will fit into any interior, with the exception of natural wooden models that are not well suited for chrome interiors and chrome tables that are not suitable for country and Scandinavian styles.

The standard wooden untreated table on four legs can harmoniously dilute the cutting-edge design, giving it home comfort. To do this, you just need to put in advance on the floor laminate or linoleum under a natural wood. This will be enough so that the furniture does not stand out from the overall picture.

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

Folding tables and chairs from the slats are suitable for the design of a country house. They are designed for use in tandem with a tablecloth or special strong supports under the plates.

Wooden tables of unusual design are in perfect harmony with leather furniture, soft carpets and even high-tech design (when accessories are added to the table in the form of natural wooden bowls, spoons and other dishes).

Kitchen tables Ikea
Kitchen tables Ikea

See the following video for a complete catalog of Ikea table and chair models.