Kitchen in khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas of comfortable


To this day, the "happy" owners of small Soviet apartments, the so-called "Khrushchev", have remained.

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These buildings are famous for their extremely small area, inconvenient arrangement of drainage systems, pipes and ventilation systems.

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Is it possible to make the kitchen in Khrushchev comfortable, cozy and, more importantly, multifunctional? Sufficiently qualified designers have been successfully working on this decision for many years.

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A custom-made (by the size of the area) kitchen, takes into account every centimeter, allowing you to significantly increase the space.

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Most often it is necessary to break or move partitions between rooms, the so-called "cardboard walls".

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Important! In no case can the walls be broken! And on the very redevelopment you need to get permission in the relevant authorities.

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In order to really increase the space, it is enough to remove the wall (not carrying) between the kitchen and the living room, while receiving one large room divided into:

  • working area (direct cooking).
  • dining area (table and chairs).

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To distinguish between these zones, use the bar.

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Actual option of combining a balcony (loggia), which, of course, pre-warmed and trim, with a kitchen room.

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So a small kitchen in Khrushchev will look quite cozy and comfortable (photo examples).

Design Ideas

Properly planned design, you can save a square kitchen and arrange everything you need.

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In that case, if you undertake the repair and furnishing of the Khrushchev premises, you need to take into account a few simple tips:

  • Use materials that are well resistant to moisture (modern artificial materials are more practical and serve as an excellent alternative to natural ones).
  • Sufficiently durable floor, which is able to withstand a large load (it is more appropriate to give preference not to beauty, but to practicality).

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In drawing up the design, arrange the furniture in the kitchen Khrushchev so that it does not interfere with movement, and is able to transform.

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For this appropriate built-in equipment, only the most necessary and functional. Sill (with a small offset) can serve as a small kitchen table.

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Designers also came up with a lot of ideas for the repair of the premises with a bulky geyser, which significantly compress the usable space, without that cramped kitchens in Khrushchev houses.

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This necessary apparatus, which supplies housing with the necessary hot water supply, also significantly deteriorates the interior. It is necessary to beat her, so that it grows from a lack into the dignity of small-sized Khrushchev cuisine:

  • The geyser will not attract attention if you hide it behind furniture fronts.
  • Build a built-in hanging element (the column is located in the cabinet).

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When arranging any of the options, make sure that access to the gas column should be open!

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Another problem: where to place the refrigerator in the kitchen of Khrushchev, to occupy a minimum of space?

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The rear grille needs constant cooling, so the refrigerator is strongly discouraged from being located near the hob, away from heating appliances.

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Several installation options:

  • We put the refrigerator at the window.
  • Take out the refrigerator in a niche that turned out after dismantling the wall in the bathroom. The only BUT - you have to sacrifice the bathroom and replace it with a shower stall and repairs will become more expensive financially.

Choice of color and lighting

Visually increase the size of the room walls, painted or pasted in bright pastel colors. Visually make the area more glass or mirror surfaces, chrome and shiny accessories.

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In small kitchens, it is better to individually illuminate each zone with recessed lights, which will advantageously “lift” the Khrushchev's ceilings visually, multi-level lighting looks organically.

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But it is crucial to find a middle ground, do not make the light too bright. It is uneconomical to use and tires the eye too much.

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Here such simple measures can be taken to maximize the area and make it as comfortable and cozy as possible.

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How profitable and beautiful kitchen can look in Khrushchev, confirm the photos provided for example!

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Photo of kitchen design in Khrushchev

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas

317-Kitchen in Khrushchev - 80 photos of ideas