Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen


The kitchen is the focus of family well-being, therefore, in accordance with the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the space of Feng Shui, it is desirable to place it in a certain place, calculated specifically for each apartment. Even more so nowadays there are opportunities for this. Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen interior look in our selection.

Kitchen design 2019 trends

Kitchen design 2019 trends

Kitchen design 2019 trends

Gone are the days when the kitchen was treated with randomly selected lockers, and the place for it was a corner, close to the hallway and somewhere near the door to the toilet.

Kitchen design 2019 trends

Modern Kitchen - 2019

Today, built-in kitchen furniture, which includes the necessary equipment, is an indispensable companion of the main living room and perhaps the most important part of the entire home decoration.

Kitchen design 2019 trends

Of course, guests do not come very often, but family members meet in the kitchen at least three times a day. Therefore, it is in your interest to do everything to turn an uncomplicated procedure of food absorption into a relaxed and pleasant pastime of the household.

kitchen design 2019

To do this, in arranging the interior of the kitchen in 2019, you need to take into account the smallest details of the layout and equipment, which will ensure, in the end, the desired comfort.

kitchen design 2019

Services of a professional measurer - a guarantee that the interior of the kitchen will fit perfectly into the space allotted to it.

kitchen design 2019

On the basis of the set parameters, the experts will select the optimal composition of the new kitchen design, since the modular arrangement principle allows the required version to be constructed from the typical components.

Fashionable recessed kitchens

The proposed design options for built-in kitchens, as a rule, are suitable for rooms of any size and are able to accurately occupy the space allocated to them. But this place should be in advance and carefully prepared, and the choice of furniture should begin long before the purchase and installation.

2019 kitchen interior trends

In order to properly connect the equipment, it is necessary to provide the necessary communications connections, taking into account the specific furniture set.

2019 kitchen interior trends

In order to avoid possible disappointments due to sudden gaps between the kitchen and the walls, it is very important to strictly withstand all the verticals and horizontals of the walls, ceiling and floor. The main thing at this stage is the style conformity of the chosen fashionable kitchen to the interior of the home.

2019 kitchen interior trends

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

Kitchen styles

Kitchen manufacturers take into account all the variety of tastes of customers, so in the same salon you can find laconic high-tech with a predominance of glass and metal, and luxurious “classics”, replete with panels and brass inserts (or even with gold-plated details). But country-style kitchens will be appropriate among the walls of wood and raw stone.

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

The latest trends of 2019 in the field of kitchen design indicate that kitchens, characterized by a variety of materials used and a variety of facades, are about to enjoy the greatest preference among buyers.

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

New kitchen design

For example, the stylish kitchen 2019 - the model Progetto Sistema made by the Italian company Atma characterizes the combination:

  • glass,
  • aluminum,
  • of stainless steel,
  • natural veneer
  • as well as contrasting staining of individual parts.

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

Architects recommend that when drafting a kitchen design plan consider the three most important factors - the location of the sink, stove and refrigerator. It seems improbable, but the housewife nazhivaet per day to 4 km, most of which just consists of segments between the vertices of the triangle.

new kitchens 2019

It would be optimal to place them apart at arm's length, but is it worth saying that in the case of the most common frontal and angular layouts, this is practically unattainable. Unusual, but already popular option - "island" modern kitchen. Apparently, it is for her future.

new kitchens 2019

Kitchen interior design projects

  1.  According to the project of MARCHI students, the concept-kitchen is a circle, in the center of which is a stove with a hood, and along the perimeter there is a sink, work surfaces and a breakfast table.
  2.  The “Elt” and “Announcement” factories offer, in turn, to separate the dining area from the cooking area by the so-called counter consisting of pedestals with sink, hob and work surfaces.
    new kitchens 2019
  3.  Dedicated sink can "boast" and Czech cuisine "Darin" from Hanak.
  4.  Inside the semicircle of the Galaxie model there is a circle with a sink and a table. In other samples of this company, the sink is included in a rectangular volume, which also includes a desktop.
    new kitchens 2019
  5.  The already mentioned kitchen design Acropolis (designed by P. Pininfarin) is a strange horseshoe-shaped composition made of steel and aluminum, rising from which you feel not as a housewife, but as a captain of a spacecraft.
  6.  The following technique used by many leading manufacturers today is quite spectacular: the entire connection (pipes with hot and cold water, power supply cables, etc.) is hidden in the legs.

new kitchens 2019

It seems that the water in the faucet is really taken from nowhere. This can be praised by the German Miele cuisines, in which the “island” of the stove and sink literally “hovers” in the middle of the room.

Household appliances new kitchen design

Modern kitchen equipment includes:

  • stove
  • oven and / or
  • microwave hood,
  • dishwasher
  • waste shredder and
  • of course the fridge.

fashionable kitchen colors 2019

We note the emergence on the Russian market of so-called American refrigerators (side-by-side models) with two vertical chambers (freezing and refrigerating) separated, the doors of which open in different directions. They are designed for a large and spacious kitchen.

new kitchen design 2019

Refrigerators from Miele, Liebherr, AEG are distinguished by sophisticated electronics and can even be controlled via the Internet, a clear trend in kitchen 2019.

new kitchen design 2019

And the Siemens premium refrigerator has an LCD screen mounted on the door and rotated 45, designed for watching television, video tapes and DVDs.

new kitchen design 2019

The TeleSafe system in Liebherr refrigerators is capable of informing you by mobile phone of the temperature rise in the freezer.

new kitchen design 2019

To install one of the most expensive and technologically sophisticated kitchens Acropolis Italian company Snaidero worth about 100,000 euros a team of collectors specially arrives from Italy.

new kitchen design 2019

The discrepancy in the accuracy of the communication lines is permissible here except perhaps 1-2 mm of “trained” to warn about the expiration of the storage period of the packages. The general trend of kitchen 2019 is to embed a refrigerator in kitchen furniture when it looks like one of the cabinets.

new kitchen design for 2019

new kitchen design for 2019

new kitchen design for 2019

The equipment of the economy class include equipment:

  • Ariston
  • Gorenie
  • Zanussi.

new kitchen design for 2019

The Electrolux equipment is ranked among the average price bracket. The most expensive products of famous world brands:

  • Bosch,
  • Siemens,
  • AEG,
  • Gaggenau.

new kitchen design for 2019

Kitchen Supplies 2019 - Trends

An important role in creating maximum comfort is played by the material of the tabletop for a stylish kitchen. In Europe, they have long abandoned the use of laminated chipboard in favor of stone countertops, which can also serve their grandchildren.

modern kitchens 2019

For modern kitchens most often use polished granite and marble. But such a relatively new material, like Corian, may well serve as an equivalent substitute, since it is not inferior to natural counterparts neither in strength nor moisture absorption, and its color range is much richer.

modern kitchens 2019

Spray-applied American Granicoat also applies to artificial stone.

modern kitchens 2019

Italian marble from Santa Margherita is made of marble chips and binding resins, German Schock is made of granite. All varieties of artificial stone are very resistant to acids and alkalis.

modern kitchens 2019

In addition, one can order not only countertops, but also sinks, even wall panels in the same style and color of the kitchen.

modern kitchens 2019

For example, the collection of the stylish kitchen Non Plus Ultra of the Italian factory Strata includes a sink in the form of a cube made of white marble, next to which there is a steel parallelepiped slab.

stylish kitchen 2019

Immediately, several Western firms have a new product for the kitchen - an all-metal countertop with sinks pressed into it and rounded edges. Similar samples are made from artificial stone.

stylish kitchen 2019

The trend of kitchen 2019 is solid countertops, they are practically devoid of the weak points inherent in ordinary stone countertops — the possibility of water seeping in the gap between the table and the sink, spalling along the edges.

stylish kitchen 2019

Recently, these countertops began to produce in Russia. So, the stainless steel worktop is “flaunted” by one of the Logotask new products.

stylish kitchen 2019

Some companies are limited to the use of metal only in some parts of the countertop. The wide rounded metal edge is a kind of calling card of the fashionable Americana kitchen of the Italian company Giemmegi.

stylish kitchen 2019

The current choice of technology for modern kitchen design is able to enter into a stupor, even a sophisticated consumer. It is worth recalling that ordering equipment with furniture saves a lot of money: salons offer large discounts on products of certain manufacturers.

kitchen trends 2019

The final touch of the kitchen interior is the hood. Naturally, it should be in harmony with the headset: a sparkling metal cylinder and a pastel-colored dome with a wooden edging would be appropriate only in the right environment.

kitchen trends 2019

Neutral option can be considered as hoods with the design of glass - they are somewhat vague correlated with the modern style in general.

kitchen trends 2019

Pursuing the interior of the kitchen, we show our individuality. After all, as P. Pininfarin noted: "Design is a way to create new images, a visual message."

kitchen trends 2019

The more thoughtful and harmonious the look of a stylish kitchen is, the more people around you will learn about you. And it may be that the road to a new reality will be an unforgettable journey to yourself. Kitchen design 2019 - modern trends in the interior photo selection for you:

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kitchen trends 2019

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Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen interior

Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen interior

Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen interior

Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen interior

Kitchen design 2019 trends - 100 photos of new kitchen interior

kitchen design 2019

kitchen design 2019

kitchen design 2019

kitchen design 2019

kitchen design 2019

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kitchen interior 2019

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kitchen interior 2019

2019 kitchen interior trends

2019 kitchen interior trends

2019 kitchen interior trends

2019 kitchen interior trends

2019 kitchen interior trends

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kitchen 2019 new trends photos

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

kitchen 2019 new trends photos

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new kitchens 2019

new kitchens 2019

new kitchens 2019