Kitchen decor - original design ideas (100 photos + video)


Many people get bored with the view of their kitchen, in which we look every day.

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I want something new. And for this it is not necessary to take up the overhaul. After all, in order to add novelty to the interior of the kitchen, quite a few new touches.

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To do this, do not even need a lot of money, because everything can be done with your own hands, using a few modern tricks and ideas of kitchen decor.

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The walls as the basis of the scenery

Kitchen decor largely depends on the correct background, which is set by the walls. Therefore, it is worth starting with them.

You do not have to start everything from the repair, you do not need to change the wallpaper or repaint the walls. The original decoration with your own hands can be made with the help of several new decorative elements that will breathe new life into your bored design.

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The most common crafts for the decor in the kitchen are all sorts of ornaments and panels, themed stickers and paintings, as well as a change in color on certain sections of the walls.

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If ornaments, stickers and panels can be made with your own hands, and you do not need to do a major overhaul to design the walls, then what about the paintings and changes in the color of the walls?

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To do this, you need different fabrics of the color you want, linen, stencils and large paintings.

Thus, in the parts of the walls you need, you can achieve saturation with new colors, which can also be used in kitchen zoning. For example, to separate the working area from the dining area in a different color.

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Monochrome walls provide a very comfortable background space, which can be very easily used to change the interior.

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Even a very discreet wall decor in the kitchen, in the form of accessories: decorative plates or panels.

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Which will give a fresh look, and they can be replaced or diluted at any time with other accessories: photographs, pictures or decorative shelves.

Furniture modification

With the walls sorted out, now we go to another very important element - this is kitchen furniture. She is also involved in the design, so she also needs to be somehow modified and embellished to get a harmonious and original kitchen decor.

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Perhaps we start with a more complex. To transform our furniture, you can use decoupage - decorated with a picture or ornament, coated with lacquer to save the picture.

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Regular repainting, a very simple way to change furniture, such as cabinets and shelves.

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Artificial aging - this variant of furniture modification is suitable only for particularly notorious housewives.

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Because you can simply ruin the furniture, because for aging you need not only to cover it with a special compound, but also to make dents, burrs.

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Therefore, furniture made from solid, bare wood is best for composing. Such furniture will be very good and harmoniously looks in the kitchen of country style.

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Mosaic - this option, of course, is better suited for the design of the walls and the decoration of the apron in the kitchen, but you can also decorate the table and cabinets in this way.

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But the easiest way to decorate the kitchen with your own hands - this is the usual tablecloth on the table, and covers on the chairs.

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It is very convenient and practical, it is easy to keep covers and tablecloth clean, for this you only need to wash them, and, if necessary, covers and tablecloth can be of a different color.

Window transform

The windows in the kitchen during the daytime are the main source of light, special attention should be paid to the windows in the decor of the white kitchen, where bright colors are used.

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Therefore, it is very important to arrange them so that the windows are spacious in appearance, let in a lot of light and at the same time do not appear bare.

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The best solution in this case would be the use of transparent light tulle together with light tied curtains, or thin thread curtains.

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To decorate the window, in the kitchen with a dark main background, you can use curtains with thicker and heavier fabrics, but still, it is better when the window is not darkened.

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Having done a set of such manipulations, you can achieve changes in the interior of your kitchen, breathing new life into it. After that, it will be even more pleasant to enter the kitchen than before.

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Kitchen decor photos

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen decor - original ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas

276-Kitchen Decor - Original Ideas