Kitchen cabinets and cabinets (21 photos)
Kitchen cabinets and cabinets

Sometimes, making repairs in a small apartment, we are faced with the problem of selecting the most functional kitchen unit. After all, it is difficult to find such an option when the set fits perfectly into the kitchen space, while it will have exactly the set of elements that we would like to see in our kitchen - very often something is not there, but something, on the contrary, is superfluous. In this case, will help the selection of kitchen furniture on the modules.

You can buy only those kitchen cabinets and cabinets that you need, without spending money on useless items. If, over the years, you decide to replace any part of the headset, you only need to buy it without changing the headset entirely. Also, when moving to a larger housing, you can simply purchase a few modules and build them with the existing ones;

Modular kitchens, as a rule, are made from inexpensive materials, which significantly increases their attractiveness with a limited budget for repairs, because their price is much lower than that of their built-in counterparts and ready-made sets of solid solid wood;
Large selection of textures and colors that you can combine with each other to your liking.

Selection rules
- Pre-determine exactly what details of the kitchen set will be useful to you personally in your kitchen. Do not be lazy, draw a drawing, "arrange" furniture on it, specify all the necessary dimensions. Buy only those modules that you find most useful;
- Work as a “designer”: make sure that all the selected modules are in harmony with each other and with the kitchen interior;
- If household appliances are already in your kitchen room, arrange the modules so that you can conveniently use each element in the process of cooking.

- Tables cabinets. They are of the following types:
- with one door;
- with two doors;
- with boxes (one, two or three);
- with doors and drawers.
Bedside tables, as a rule, are used as work surfaces, and inside they store kitchen utensils.

- Wall mounted modules:
- one or more open shelves without doors;
- cabinet with transparent glass doors;
- drying cabinet for dishes;
- locker located above the hood.
In these hanging cabinets, as a rule, various spices, spices, tea, coffee, cereals are stored.

- So-called "canisters":
- pendant or floor cabinet-case with two or three doors;
- table case with two doors.

They also store dishes, cutlery, various auxiliary items needed in the kitchen (for example, scales, food wrap, etc.).

With proper selection of element-wise modular cabinets, you can functionally furnish a kitchen of any size. Use the following guidelines for arranging the kitchen space:
- If possible, make the most of the walls of your room: hang shelves, cabinets, racks on them. Such suspended modules will not create a pile up, but will perfectly cope with the storage of kitchen utensils and products;
- Install large nightstands and cabinets in the corners of the room;
- Make sure that each selected element is in its place, benefiting and not interfering with the free movement.