How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet


How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

In the arrangement of the kitchen a special place is occupied by various cabinets, cabinets and shelves. When choosing furniture, many people pay attention to the design of products, and only then to the functional qualities. And therefore it often happens that beautiful and stylish furniture over time loses its operational properties. Most often this happens when the hinges on the cabinets are loose. In this case it is necessary to make the correct adjustment.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
8 photos

The need for adjustment

Adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet will have if you started to notice that the furniture has lost strength, does not close or creaks.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

It often happens that when assembling structures, the facades of products hang unevenly. Such defects become noticeable when viewing the headset in one piece. In this case, you should not immediately bring charges and complaints to the store. This problem can be handled by yourself with standard tools.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

As for the reasons, in general, façade fixing defects are triggered by external factors. Often, this problem occurs during the move or when rearranging furniture. Visually, the doors of the cupboards may appear uneven due to the uneven floor in the kitchen.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

Many experts noted that the cause of defects is often the high humidity in the room. The most common influence factor is considered a long service life. If the unevenness is not in the mounting systems, it is best to replace the furniture. You can also replace individual items.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

But before you adjust the loop, you need to make sure that the problem lies precisely in these elements. It is worth paying attention to the following features:

  • furniture doors hang crooked;
  • closet badly closed;
  • when viewed seen uneven clearance.
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

If you notice one of the above problems, there is a need to properly configure all the elements. For this process, you need a special screwdriver.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

The adjustment process: the main types

There are several main types of such operations, which are worth a closer look. The first option is to adjust the depth. During the adjustment should pay attention to the screw, which is located near the back wall of the furniture. By rotating this part, the door can be slightly deepened. Basically, this method is used if the furniture is equipped with special magnets.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

If you notice that the side wall has an excessively large clearance with the door, it is adjusted in width: screw the screw slightly closer than the previous version.

The above two methods are often performed together. To do this, the screws on the hinges tighten at the same time. To check the quality of the work done, you need to constantly close and open the door. At the end of the work, it is necessary to tighten the fasteners well in order to avoid their further loosening.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

The next view is the height adjustment of the cabinet door. First you have to open the door completely - this will give you the opportunity to get convenient access to the loopback mechanism. After that, the door must be set in the same position relative to each other. Pay attention to that there is no friction about horizontally placed strips.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

Holes, responsible for height, have an oblong shape. Basically, tighten all fasteners. The screws are located in the hole so that it can be moved to make adjustments. It is recommended to unscrew the fasteners in order to be able to choose the desired height and location of the door leafs. In this case, you need to configure all the loops.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

Tips and tricks

Before proceeding with the adjustment, carefully inspect the furniture. It is often the case that the cause of a breakdown or defect is not in the functionality of the loops.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

If you have not previously encountered such a problem, it is best to first turn to the master for help. The specialist will tell you what the problems are and even get the job done if you don’t have time for it.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

Before proceeding to the alignment of the facade, you need to pay attention to whether the structure is standing or hanging. The process will require a building level. Only after performing this action, you can make adjustments.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

If you can not bring the level in all parts, you need to pay attention to the gaps. The optimal figure in this case should not exceed 5 mm.

Before making the adjustment, make sure that the doors are properly seated. With a special screwdriver, such problems can be easily fixed. It should be noted that during the adjustment the blade needs to be held, as there is a risk that the door will move in the opposite direction.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet

Being engaged in this process, you can not overtighten the screws, which are located directly on the mount.

How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
How to adjust the hinges on the doors of the kitchen cabinet
7 photos