Fridge with large freezer


Fridge with large freezer

Fridge with large freezer
  • Traditional freezer volumes
  • Model side-by-side
  • Models with a freezer in the lower tier
  • Pluses lower location
  • Reviews
  • Refrigerator Tips

Today, without a refrigerator, it is impossible to imagine a single kitchen. The choice of model depends on the brand of the manufacturer, the total capacity and design features. For a large family, for which the capacity of a unit with a small refrigerator is not enough, you can, of course, be advised to purchase a second refrigerator. However, the ideal option would be one device with a large compartment for storing frozen foods - meat, offal, all kinds of harvesting vegetables and berries for the winter. How to choose a fridge with a large freezer?

Fridge with large freezer

Traditional freezer volumes

The volume of the freezer can be from 4 to 280 liters for a regular stationary refrigerator. Household appliance with a compartment for freezing from 150 liters and more is considered large. At the same time the space of the main department is reduced in favor of the freezer. Models of European, Korean and Chinese production can not boast a large-sized compartment for freezing. The average volume of the freezer in such devices ranges from 80 to 130 liters and less.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer

When choosing a unit with a large freezer, preference should be given to American-made models, where options begin with a freezer with a capacity of more than 100 liters.

Fridge with large freezer

Model side-by-side

This version of the fridge for the house consists of two connected departments, where the freezer takes up space along the left. It has its own door and additional features, such as the supply of chilled water, an ice machine, and some models even have a personal television on the outer panel. In such a refrigerator, the freezer takes up more than half the volume of the entire appliance. The whole unit at the same time turns out to be quite cumbersome, sometimes with a volume of over 700 liters.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer

The advantages of this model are indisputable:

  • Own free-standing freezer;
  • Department for freezing is not to the detriment of the main compartment;
  • Many auxiliary options;
  • Colossal spaciousness.
Fridge with large freezer

The disadvantage of this type of refrigerator is its large size - the model may not pass through the doorway and is not suitable for every kitchen. The double-wing unit turns out to be very high and inconvenient in operation - for owners of small stature it will be difficult for them to get freezing from the upper shelves.

Refrigerator with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer

Models with a freezer in the lower tier

The option of a double refrigerator with a freezer at the bottom is the most stylish and space saving. The department for storing frozen food in this model is retractable, which is very convenient in terms of operation. The height of the device as a whole reaches 170 centimeters, width - up to 120 centimeters. The volume of the refrigerating chamber is one third, or even half of the total volume of the refrigerator. This space is quite enough to store food for the needs of a large family, and you can not worry that the freezer will be empty. It is possible to consider such a variant of a refrigerator with a large freezer as optimal.

Fridge with large freezer

Pluses lower location

A large volume of the freezer allows you to store a significant supply of food. For each hostess the best option would be a separate portion accommodation. It is the products stored in this way that do not mix and do not stick together among themselves in one dense room, they are not saturated with the smells of each other. Portion size can be made on the basis of one cooking. The lower position of the freezer is the best fit for responsible storage of freezing. Horizontal orientation involves many shelves and drawers for products.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer

In containers you can easily keep freezing unchanged. In addition, such an isolated placement can be planned taking into account the features of the model - a compartment for shock freezing, a department for storing ready-made semi-finished products, meat and fish can now be stored separately. The cooling element is always located at the bottom of the appliance. Freezer on the lower tier can significantly save energy consumption of household appliances.

Refrigerator with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer


Choosing a refrigerator with a large freezer is a very important and time-consuming task, since you need to find a truly multifunctional appliance that is equal in price and quality. Feedback can come to the aid of those lucky ones who have already appreciated all the advantages of a large freezer. According to the responses of users of Internet forums, the model is Russian-made "AtlantIt fits well in the kitchen.

Fridge with large freezer

The spacious freezer is located at the bottom, it has four retractable drawers for storing frozen food. Convenient wheels for free movement of the device on the floor, the absence of protruding elements, beautiful design - what else is needed for a good refrigerator. The ability to defrost only one department without disconnecting another and an acceptable price makes this model very popular in the market.

Fridge with large freezer

Among foreign manufacturers worth noting brand refrigerators LG, Sharp, Bosch. Refrigerator series Side-by-side from brand LG attracts buyers with a mini-bar. It can be used as additional storage space for essentials. In order to get the products from the mini-bar, it is not necessary to open the entire refrigerator, which, of course, saves energy. Unit from the company LG It has a no-frost function and a freshness chamber.

Fridge with large freezer

Refrigerators firm Sharp with a freezer downstairs have as many as four doors. Stylish design (some models are equipped with glass doors) and modern technology are perfectly combined in refrigerators. Sharp. In addition to the beloved technology of No-Frost, freshness cameras, devices of this brand are equipped with an ice generator and antibacterial processing of products, which allows you to keep them fresh for a long time. Such a function is not present in any modern model of refrigerators. Despite the high cost of such a household appliance, the demand for it is increased.

Refrigerator with large freezer
Refrigerator with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer

The most popular model of the refrigerator with a large camera, according to reviews of satisfied customers, is the unit of the company Liebherr. It has two sections - the main and the freezer, unconnected. They can be put in different corners of the kitchen, and can be stapled. This option does not take up much space and is considered ideal even for Russian kitchens. The popular No-Frost system in this model has been replaced by the drip, which does not dry the products. The only drawback (and this is noted by all customers) is fragile fittings - the handles of refrigerators of this model have to be changed every year.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Refrigerator with large freezer
Refrigerator with large freezer

Refrigerator Tips

Choosing a refrigerator, what you should pay attention to, so that the purchase will delight you for many years - we give the main indicators.

  • The size

When choosing a refrigerator, you should pay attention to the place that it will occupy in the kitchen - whether it will interfere with other equipment, in which direction the door will open. It is worth considering the route of delivery of the refrigerator to the installation site - it will be insulting if it does not enter the door (this is especially true for large-sized Side-by-side models).

Refrigerator with large freezer
Refrigerator with large freezer
  • Volume

Choose the volume of the freezer and the main department of the refrigerator based on the number of products you intend to store in it. Do not buy the appliance with a very large freezer so that it will be empty later. But you should not save on this important department, if you have a large family, and you need a significant amount of frozen blanks.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
  • Thawing process

For today systems of defrosting are demanded - drop and No Frost. They are very popular, and sometimes their presence is the main condition for the purchase of a particular model. Do not rush to choose. Manufacturers advise to defrost any refrigerator once a year; therefore, it is better to give preference to a high-quality model with manual defrost.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer
  • Compressor

It is necessary to choose a model with two refrigeration systems - this will allow you to optimally distribute the load.

Fridge with large freezer
  • Energy consumption and climate class

These two indicators should correspond to the level of operation. On the label on the device, you can easily determine these characteristics.

Fridge with large freezer
  • Internal content

The number and location of shelves and containers, fixation system, lighting features - all this is selected individually based on the taste preferences of the buyer. A big role in choosing a household appliance is played by additional equipment and control capabilities.

Fridge with large freezer
Fridge with large freezer