Freshness zone in the fridge


Freshness zone in the fridge

Freshness zone in the fridge

Even the most powerful refrigerator is unable to stop the natural processes that occur with food. All that is stored on its shelves differs in a certain shelf life - usually up to a week. The freshness zone in the fridge will help to “prolong life” for the most perishable foods.

Freshness zone in the fridge

Who needs it and why?

Of course, in the fridge and so cold. However, even in the simplest refrigerated cabinet, the temperature is unevenly distributed, each shelf has its own specific purpose. The compartments that are on the door are considered the warmest.

The freshness zone is a compartment where the temperature is close to zero. There may lie:

  • fresh meat and fish, minced meat;
  • sausages and cheese;
  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • vegetables and fruits, mushrooms;
  • leafy vegetables and greens.
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Many will say that all these products are quite well on their own and on the ordinary shelves of the refrigerator. A fresh zone is necessary if:

  • You follow the principles of healthy eating. Without perfect fresh produce, it’s impossible to create a healthy breakfast / lunch / dinner.
  • In the house there is a baby, for whom the mother makes meals of complementary foods (or simply prepares him separately for the children's menu).
  • You like to buy dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese) on the market by weight. They taste, of course, superior to products in factory packages, but their shelf life is very short, and the bacteria multiply very quickly in them.
  • You like to make cottage cheese / kefir / yoghurt on your own (using sourdough). It is also extremely difficult to maintain sterility.
  • You get fresh meat or minced meat in large portions for future use. Of course, the bulk of the purchased will go to the freezer, but the portions for the next 1-2 days can be left in the freshness zone to enjoy the taste of really fresh meat dishes. The same goes for fish.
  • You actively use the freezer and often defrost food for further cooking. In the freshness zone, the food is fine (slowly and without damage) thawed.
  • You pick berries and mushrooms in the forest or in the garden for food and further conservation. They lie very badly, but fuss requires a lot. While some mushrooms are soaked and cleaned, others can calmly lie down at zero temperature.
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

On practice

When buying a refrigerator, you can immediately understand whether it has a freshness zone. Usually manufacturers make this technology right in the name. "Fresh Box "," Natura Fresh "," BioFresh "," Vita Fresh "," Flex Cool "," Zero-N-Fresh " - These are all the names of zero compartments for different developers.

The freshness zone is a shelf, compartment or container. It can be retractable, and can be hidden behind the flip panel. In inexpensive refrigerators, the freshness zone is usually one. The more expensive models often have two compartments that are designed for different purposes. One is for meat and dairy products, and the other is for vegetables and fruits. They differ in the level of humidity: the “meat” zone is drier, the “vegetable” zone is wet. There are models where the humidity in the compartments can be adjusted independently.

Freshness zone in the fridge

To prevent products from having a thin ice crust, experts recommend everything that is stored in fresh areas to be wrapped tightly with cling film.

Sometimes manufacturers go to the trick and simply call the zone of freshness the lowermost compartment in inexpensive refrigerators. No need to have encyclopedic knowledge to understand - the cold air is concentrated below, and the warm rises. Accordingly, the manufacturer also calls the coldest place a zone of freshness. However, the constant temperature in this compartment is not maintained. Accordingly, if for some reason it becomes even warmer in the refrigerator, all the “freshness” will quickly evaporate. If it gets cold, this compartment will instantly become a branch of the freezer.

Such a camera is usually placed in the center if the refrigerator has three cameras, or closer to the freezer (above or below) if the refrigerator is two-compartment.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

It is important to understand how the freshness zone cools, because the quality of its work depends on it. In the AEG, Gaggenau, Leibherr refrigerators (by the way, this brand was the ancestor of the whole technology) the air cooling system is autonomous and in no way connected with other parts of the refrigerator. This may be its own cooling element, which is controlled by a thermostat. There are models of refrigerated cabinets, where you can set the temperature inside the freshness zone on your own.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

In budget models (for example, Indesit or Siemens) the temperature inside the zero zone is maintained due to proximity to the freezer.

The cooled air gets there from the freezer compartment through a special tube. This option is not the best, because the temperature can not keep at the same level constantly.

Those who seek to support domestic producers need to know that there are no Russian refrigerators with an adequate freshness zone. Belarusian "Atlant" produces several models, offering the simplest technology.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Models and reviews

The advantages of refrigerators with fresh areas are clear. The disadvantages that all similar models have are mainly related to the fact that the freshness zone takes place in the refrigerator. In addition, in front of it, the door is always empty - there are no shelves because of design features. The main disadvantage of such refrigerated cabinets is the price.

The unit with a zone of freshness is always significantly more expensive than others.

Freshness zone in the fridge

Gorenje "NRK 6201 CW"

Quite inexpensive model with a zone of freshness at the bottom near the freezer. Judging by the reviews, vegetables are stored in it for a long time. It is a bit noisy, and, as the buyers describe, it has a strange system of drawer opening - they seem to fall down. The shelf for eggs is designed for only 8 pieces. However, this is quite a decent option. Equipped with a system of "No Frost".

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Beko "CNK 327120"

A small two-compartment refrigerator at a very nice price. Narrow - and at the same time it is equipped with the Total No Frost system. The freshness zone is located at the bottom, near the freezer. Buyers have noted many shortcomings in the assembly, design and materials of which the refrigerator is made, but in general, the shortcomings are worth the payback. This is a fairly reliable and modern refrigerator for a small price.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Bosch "KGN 39 XW 24 R"

The two-chamber refrigerator equipped with the No Frost system. Buyers like a strict design and "expensive" appearance. Inside there are glass shelves, bottle holder and LED lighting. There is a display outside.

The zone of freshness is not the most successful (according to customer reviews) - vegetables in it often freeze over. Many have noted that the refrigerator is quite noisy and not suitable for a studio apartment - for example, where the kitchen is combined with the living room. Price category - medium.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Leibherr "CBNP 4858"

The fridge is quite expensive. Two-chamber, works very silently. Inside - the “Bio Fresh” zone according to all the rules (thermoisolated, divided into 2 chambers - dry and wet). Buyers claim it works fine. The possibility of internal rearrangement of the shelves. You can put them exactly as needed, adjusting the height of pots or jars.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Bosch "KGN 39LR10"

One of the most successful models from this manufacturer. Made in bold bright red color. There are no complaints about the freshness zone - meat, fruits and vegetables in it lie long enough, they are not covered with an ice crust and do not dry, there are no unpleasant smells. Roomy and well suited for a large family. The price is average.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Sharp "SJ-XP59PGSL"

Roomy two-chamber with freezer, which is located at the top. It has a dry freshness zone, which was highly appreciated by customers. Supplemented by air ionization function - this prevents the formation of unpleasant odors and prolongs the shelf life of products.

The only drawback noted by almost everyone who bought such a refrigerator is its noisy work.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge

Leibherr "SBSes 7165"

Refrigerator "Side by Side" (double) - for the most demanding people. Huge, suitable for country houses where large companies gather, or for a large family with a good income. It has a built-in wine cabinet and a large “BioFresh” zone - customers have no complaints about its work. It has a special coating on which there are no fingerprints.

Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
Freshness zone in the fridge
8 photos

However, not everything is so rosy - there were buyers who were unlucky with the build quality. Many of them more than once repaired the refrigerator in the first few years of use.