Folding sofa in the kitchen with a bed (49 photos)
Folding sofa in the kitchen with a bed

It is very important when designing the design of any room as competently as possible and it is useful to use every meter. When a small area of the apartment is desirable to have the hidden possibilities of each piece of furniture. So, the folding sofa on a kitchen with a berth will become fine option for many. It will be a real salvation if you suddenly have to accommodate guests who have remained after a birthday or other get-togethers in your home.

Types of mechanisms
First of all, depending on the area of the kitchen, you should decide on the mechanism for folding the sofa. In total, there are about eight options, but it is the kitchen that most often uses only a few.

This folding mechanism involves two parts: the main and withdrawable. The first is the seat of the sofa itself, the second is under it and rolls out on wheels as needed. It is very easy to fold and unfold the sofa, just pull the handle and push the spare seat, and then just push it down, lowering it down. This method of transformation is the most common and convenient for frequent use, as it does not take much time and does not take forces.

Most often, the dolphin system is used in corner models of kitchen sofas and has many advantages. First of all, it turns out a wide berth with a comfortable and high bed, which does not occupy much room space. The mechanism can be easily extended, and if any of the parts break, it can be simply replaced. Another advantage of this sofa is a large and spacious storage box, which will be very useful in absolutely any kitchen. After all, additional storage space is not enough.

French cot
The kitchen sofa, which is based on the French folding bed system, is most often used in straight sofas. The clamshell itself consists of three stacked parts that can be pulled out by pulling the strap of the upper part upwards and then forward. Thus, it turns out a large roomy bed with legs. The model is compact enough and does not take up much space in the folded state. However, the surface itself for sleeping may not be very even, and in many models, before expanding, you need to remove the pillows, which also occupy a certain place. One of the drawbacks of this mechanism is the lack of storage space, which is not very convenient for small kitchens.

The eurobook folding sofa or, as it is also called, click-click is also very convenient for daily use. This model is quite easy to unfold literally with one hand movement and forms a spacious berth.
When choosing a sofa with such a mechanism, pay attention to the fact that the retractable part is on the profiles, not the rollers. In this case, the furniture will serve you much longer and safer.

This model is also very convenient in unfolding. Three parts are folded in the form of an accordion and one movement of the arm is enough to unfold it, but such a sofa requires a lot of space in front of you, so when you buy, be sure to consider this fact and correlate the dimensions in the unfolded form with the area of your kitchen.

Roll out
This model is not very convenient for the kitchen, as it takes too much space. And the videos are not the most reliable basis.
There are also sofas, which themselves form a bed. Sofa beds are very comfortable for a small kitchen and occupy the least space.

Upholstery and frame material
Since you are going to buy a sofa just for the kitchen, and not for the bedroom or another room in the apartment and even with a sleeping place, you should choose the most practical and durable materials for your furniture. For the frame, such material is, of course, wood, and preferably the highest quality.
For upholstery in the kitchen is best to use natural or artificial leather, which will be an ideal option for the kitchen. First of all, it is easy enough to take care of such a sofa, it does not absorb smells and, even if you smear it with spaghetti sauce a little, the stain will simply be wiped off with a cloth. Mandatory try to choose the highest quality material that will last longer. Color depends on the rest of the kitchen interior.

If in your case the fabric upholstery is preferable, then you should stop on the following options:
Modern furniture factories often wrap around sofas made of blended cotton and polyester fabric, another common option is a flock, resembling the texture of suede, which is very resistant to mechanical damage. Hypoallergenic is chenille, but absolutely not moisture resistant. Jacquard is also a very durable material.

When buying a fabric sofa, it is desirable to have a well-working hood that will absorb odors and does not damage the upholstery. It is recommended to purchase a fabric sofa with removable covers, then there will be no problems with cleaning the surface, and it will also be possible to change the interior of the kitchen with the help of new covers. When choosing a sofa with a sleeping place in the kitchen, one should pay attention not only to external factors, but also to internal filling. It is desirable that the material inside is moisture resistant, hypoallergenic, and also not very hard, so that the sleeper will be comfortable and comfortable at night on such a bed.
Prices for kitchen folding sofas with a berth are quite different. As a rule, the cost of the most basic and conventional model begins with fifteen thousand, and it can go up to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. The ratio of the sofa to a certain price category depends on the frame material, internal filling, the mechanism and, of course, upholstery material. Naturally, a sofa with upholstery made of genuine leather will be much more expensive than fabric.

The price is also influenced by the quality of the fittings. Many customers try to choose a model of a more attractive appearance, especially for a white kitchen with a golden patina. Here and the sofas themselves can have wooden patina inserts or decorated with other decorative elements.
How to choose?
When buying a folding sofa for the kitchen should pay attention to certain details that are very important and can play an important role in the selection. First of all, it is necessary to measure the kitchen area without fail, as well as properly design the design and location of the kitchen and dining area. Make sure that even in the unfolded state, the sofa will not block the door and there will be enough space for passage.
If the place for a sofa has a slightly unusual shape, it is advisable to call a professional measurer who will not only measure the zone on his own, but will also offer the best option specifically for you, and also help you choose the right mechanism, frame and upholstery material.

Be sure to verify the strength of the model, the practicality of its upholstery, as well as how well this piece of furniture fits into your dining room.
Assembling the model is desirable to provide professionals to avoid any difficulties with the further operation of the furniture.