Floor tiles for the kitchen - photos in the interior
The unique properties and beautiful appearance make floor tiles for the kitchen the most popular finishing material, which is clearly demonstrated by the photo designs of modern interiors. Given the technical characteristics and selecting the appropriate design, you can get a durable and high-quality coating. What does the floor tile design look like in our kitchen?

Ceramic tiles on the kitchen floor - timeless classics! Always in fashion, always relevant and very suitable for all requests hostesses.
Selection Features
Do not confuse floor tiles and intended for wall cladding. And if the first view can be used to decorate the walls, then the second view is not laid on the floor. First, it can go cracked, and secondly, quickly wipe. Both types are distinguished by marking: floor has a foot icon. Which tile to choose for the kitchen on the wall, will show the symbol in the form of a palm.

On the box with ceramic tiles there is always full information about it.
Among the many advantages of this material there are several drawbacks. Ceramics - the material is cool, so either you have to make a "warm floor" system, or walk in slippers. It has poor sound insulation and can crack from sharp blows. But if such moments do not frighten, then read our material and look at the photo, as the floors in the kitchen from the tile look like.

Ceramic tiles are ideal for arranging underfloor heating in the kitchen
To answer the question, what tile to choose for the kitchen on the floor, let's look at the main characteristics of the material. There are five basic parameters that it is desirable for the buyer to know when purchasing.

Porcelain stonework remarkably proved itself as a kitchen floor
Wear resistance class
From its index depends on the life of the floor or how long it will save the "face". Wear resistance is indicated by the letters PEI and is expressed in numbers from 1 to 5. The floor in the kitchen is under constant pressure and stress, so it is recommended to put tiles of 3 grades of hardness.

The tile of the third class of hardness under onyx in a kitchen interior
Friction coefficient
For convenience, there are no carpets in the kitchen, so it is important that you can move here without slipping. The coefficient of friction just shows how to choose the right tile for the kitchen. Do not purchase samples with an indicator of less than 0.4, with spilled water the floor will be a bit like an ice rink. Good friction has a material with an index greater than 0.75.

Slippery tiles must not be used in the kitchen area.
Tip! Choose home designs with average parameters. They are designed for use in residential areas. This group contains the largest number of diverse designs.
The size
Choosing a tile in the kitchen, remember that the nominal caliber and the one indicated in the price lists and catalogs differ from each other by a few millimeters. Do not worry, this is not a marriage, but especially the technological production of ceramic material. With the release of products with such a dense base, during firing, drying, their size decreases by several percent. It happens on any production, regardless of the enterprise, the quality of raw materials. When buying material, check that the entire tile is the same size. Remember this data in case you have to buy additional finishing material.

Stylish carpet on the floor can be created from ceramic tiles with different patterns, designed in the same color scheme
Chemical resistance
Which floor tile to choose for the kitchen, will help indicator of chemical resistance, which ranges from the minimum D to the maximum AA. Accordingly, in rooms where practically no household cleaning products are used, it is possible to lay tiles with minimal chemical resistance. For the kitchen, it is desirable to purchase ceramics with maximum resistance to the effects of various substances. This is an AA indicator, meaning that the material will withstand even the most aggressive household chemicals. Such a surface will repel dirt, easy to clean.

Natural stone porcelain stoneware tiles create the illusion of a massive floor
For inexperienced buyers it may be a surprise to the differences in the tone of the tile, which is in the same collection. Be careful with the markings. The coating is divided by tone, on the boxes do the necessary marking.

Ceramic tiles on the kitchen floor with an ornament
Tip! Before you choose the tile on the floor, decide what surface to use in the kitchen. On the matte floor, scuffs and small chips are less pronounced. But too rough option threatens the fact that it will constantly stick dirt.
Types of tiles
Which tile is better to choose for the kitchen? Modern manufacturer offers options from a variety of materials. For the kitchen is more often used ceramic tiles. But in some bold designs, species such as stone, glass, and metal are rarely used.

Textured stoneware under natural stone in warm colors creates a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen
Ceramics has good strength, long service life, moisture resistance, indifference to temperature differences. This is the most affordable coverage option. For its production, clay and sand are mixed with some other minerals. Then the samples are fired in kilns and glazed, because of which the tile can have a matte, glossy or sprayed surface.

Ceramic tile or tile floor in the kitchen has a variety of decor, it can even imitate other materials, which shows the photo. Among its subspecies are the following:
- The clinker is made of several materials by exposure to high temperatures. It has excellent appearance and excellent durability. She is not afraid of various tests.
- Cotto has a brick-colored surface without enamel, it is not resistant to pollution and requires constant care. It is made of several types of clay, which gives as a result natural shades.
- Kotoforte is distinguished by its glazed surface and various colors, as well as mechanical strength. It is made by pressing at low temperatures.
- Earthenware tiles have sufficient strength that allows you to exploit it in the house, but treat it costs quite carefully. See photos of floor tiles used to finish the kitchen.

Some owners prefer to use porcelain stoneware for the kitchen floor. This material consists of the same ingredients as ceramic tile, but its production uses a higher pressure and temperature. The result is a material without micropores, more resistant, durable, which affects the increased price. Look at the photo, where it is shown how the porcelain tile for the kitchen on the floor looks in the interior.

Design floor tiles for the kitchen
Having decided to lay out the floor in the kitchen with ceramic tiles, get ready for the fact that you will have to revise many ideas for the design of this material in stores. Favorite option can be ordered also by catalogs.

Tip! Get a tile with a small margin just in case. Some samples may break, something will have to change later. It is unlikely that it will be possible to choose a tone to match even in the same store and when buying the same collection. And so you will be guaranteed from any force majeure, save time and nerves, choosing the right option.

Before choosing a tile for the kitchen yourself, listen to the recommendations of the designers:
- For the kitchen, overlooking the north or east side, it is advisable to choose a light coating without a pattern or with a dim pattern. And if the windows are facing south, then a tile more saturated will be appropriate: a cold or dark shade.
- If the kitchen is too large, then the choice of coverage is quite diverse. Even a variant with small patterns and repeating patterns will suit, which visually reduces the room and makes it cozy.
- For a small room pick up the decoration of delicate light shades. A dark kitchen floor tile design will only highlight a compact size.
- The choice of a specific color of the floor depends on the style of the kitchen. For example, ethnic themes will require patterns with ornaments or patterns of the desired direction, for eco-style, a cover of gray-green plant tones will be suitable. And the hi-tech hi-tech will well enter a bright stylish surface of a floor. The monochrome option in the interior for the kitchen of floor tiles is ideal for minimalism, which proves the presented photo.

It looks interesting tile of unusual shape, for example, with rounded edges or in the shape of a hexagon. Will increase the impression of such an original design and texture of the material. The smooth surface of the floor will give the room more space, and the matte will add coziness and comfort to the kitchen. The original design of the tile on the floor for the kitchen is presented in the photo.

Models which repeat natural materials are invariably popular: wood, marble, and plant patterns. But there is one nuance. They can change shade under different lighting. In sunlight, it will be more juicy, with the lamps turned on, the surfaces will become warmer, and the halogen lamps will give a cold shade.

The original design of the floor tiles in the kitchen as in the photo is created using a single texture, but of different caliber. To create a fresh styling pattern, it is advisable to turn to specialists. They will calculate the amount of material required.

Layouts for floor tiles
You have decided which tile to choose for the kitchen. And you can lay it out in different ways. There are many options, and in addition to the base, there are many unusual, such where you can apply your imagination, a combination of two or more colors and textures.
- Base. This is the easiest and most popular way of laying. The tiles are placed one above the other, and the resulting pattern resembles a sheet from a notebook. This method is good for rectangular and square shapes. In it remains a very small amount of waste.
- The “scramble” method resembles brick laying, in which each subsequent row is shifted by half tiles in relation to the previous one. Look very nice options with monochrome rectangular patterns.
- Quite laborious is considered to be a method of laying "diagonally". This option helps to optically expand a small room, as well as remove some of the roughness of the wall surface. But the prerequisite here is the same tile size.
- The laying in the form of a chess field uses two shades of ceramic material. It is desirable that they were in contrasting colors. Some designs in the kitchen use variants with black and white patterns.
- In the modular method, tiles of three sizes are used, which allows to get rid of monotony. This is an unusual masonry in which various decorative elements are carefully used.
- Linear styling gives simple stripes. They can be long from one wall to another, short, wide, narrow, contiguous or running in parallel.

Laying options are many. Guests will be amazed by such methods as "kaleidoscope", "labyrinth", "carpet" and others. Do not forget about the size of the tile.

Making the kitchen stylish and cozy is easy. In addition to beautiful functional furniture and appliances, wall decorations need to choose the right design and floor tiles for the kitchen, which is shown in the photos presented.
