Facades of kitchen cabinets
Facades of kitchen cabinets

The facades of kitchen cabinets are all parts of the kitchen that are visible. These include countertops, as well as doors for kitchen cabinets - both floor and wall. Since the facades are outside, they are often exposed to various influences. Therefore, they are subject to a number of requirements. They must withstand high temperatures, as in any kitchen there is a stove. Also, facades are often washed and cleaned, so they should not be afraid of moisture and household chemicals. In addition, all kinds of mechanical damage are not terrible for high-quality facades.

Facade material
Based on these requirements, you must carefully consider all the details when choosing a material for the kitchen. He for the manufacture of facades for the kitchen can be completely different.
Solid wood
The classic version - doors and countertops made of solid wood. In terms of health, it is the safest material for furniture. Natural wood, devoid of any chemistry, does not cause allergies, which is very important for people who have health problems. Oak, cherry, beech and some other species are considered the elite varieties of wood. However, such furniture is very expensive, even if you only make external breeds of these rocks.

Therefore, those who prefer a solid array, often opt for doors for pine cabinets. Due to the high resin content, pine products do not fade with time, but on the contrary, darken, acquiring a reddish tint. However, for them, as well as for the facades of other wood species, constant care is needed, and in the absence of such, they quickly lose their presentation.

The doors may be curved, but they will not be completely made of solid wood, but with MDF inserts and covered with veneer.

Arrays of wood can be deformed during prolonged use, crack.
This is a natural wood shavings, pressed into plates and glued with paraffin or lignin. Such material is very simple in processing, therefore it gives complete freedom of action and room for imagination. MDF plates can be given any complex shape - they bend very well, therefore they are in great demand in furniture production. In addition, such products are much lighter than wood.

Veneer, plastic, film or just painting are used as finishing for MDF facades.

MDF veneered facades are sometimes more practical than wood products. And for the kitchen space is just a godsend. If the tree does not like excessive moisture, then veneered MDF is very resistant to the effects of steam and water.

Plastic facades made of MDF are often glued on both sides, which increases their practicality. This is a very practical and at the same time very economical option for finishing the kitchen facade. Plastic calmly withstands minor mechanical shocks and scratches, does not fade in the sun and is not afraid of household chemicals. It is very easy to wash, and a variety of colors will delight any designer. In addition, if you are tired of old cabinet doors and you want to change the kitchen design at the lowest cost, plastic is an ideal replacement for annoying facades.

With the help of the film, you can quickly and, most importantly, inexpensively completely change the design of MDF facades. The choice of film is huge. The film can be imitation under a tree or be completely monophonic. Options for design set. The film is resistant to water and repeated abrasion, however, it quickly burns out in the sun and comes off in places where steam and water get on it. Careless pasting facades cheapens the overall appearance of the kitchen.

The painting of the facade of MDF produced by special enamel in several stages. The final layer is applied lacquer, and then the surface is polished. This is a more durable type of coating compared to film or plastic. However, such facades are more expensive than the above. In addition, they are prone to chipping and do not like excessive exposure to sunlight. Care of them is complicated by the fact that fingerprints remain on the painted surface. For this constantly have to follow. Another nuance of painted facades is that there is no possibility to replace a damaged facade: the paint gets in the way for each order and the additional part will differ in color.

For the manufacture of plates of this material using chips from not very valuable wood - from pine and other coniferous and hardwood. For bonding chips in chipboard used synthetic resin. The facades of this material are very inexpensive, as well as very short-lived. Upon contact with water, they exfoliate, lose their shape and poorly withstand high temperatures.

Aluminum in the manufacture of kitchen facades is mainly used not in pure form, but in combination with other materials. Stylish aluminum facades with glass or mirror tiles and even rattan are made from aluminum profiles. Such a design is characteristic of the high tech style. Aluminum tends to darken over time. Because of this, many reject it, and it is in vain - this disadvantage can be easily eliminated by cleaning the profile with oxalic acid or with vinegar solution.

However, there are still some disadvantages of aluminum, which are somewhat more difficult to handle. It is a very soft metal and is easily damaged. Because of this, it is difficult to work with him without being a specialist. For the same reason, the repair of aluminum frames for facades is also complicated. In addition, in the configuration with glass frame facades made of aluminum require special fasteners.

Heat resistant glass
This raw material has virtually no visible flaws. It is not deformed either by steam or water, is not afraid of high temperatures, is not scratched and is easy to clean. Cabinets with such facades seem light, and the kitchen itself - airy. Glass for facades as an independent material is rarely used. More often it is used as an insert in frame facades.

Modular cabinets
If you have a non-standard size kitchen, or you are not looking for ready-made solutions and want to make your kitchen set, but are not ready to wait for you to make the kitchen to order, you can use kitchen modules and make your version of a kitchen set. Various furniture stores often offer modular cabinets with glass inserts in combination with wood, metal and other materials. In such places, you can choose a box of the cabinet of one color and choose the facade of another to it, and choose the handles completely from the outside collection. So you can collect all the kitchen furniture as a designer and you get an exclusive option, unlike anybody else.

Frame fronts, which can also be used as a kitchen unit, are very popular among consumers. For example, if all the lockers in your kitchen with deaf doors. You can replace one or more of them with a door with a MDF frame, and the inserts in such a door can be made of frosted glass or plastic. This not only diversifies the interior of the kitchen, but also makes it more elegant.

Non-standard ideas can also be used as inserts for frame facades: a writing board, cork, rattan and other unexpected solutions.