Electric tomato juicer


Electric Tomato Juicer

Electric Tomato Juicer

A vivid memory from the childhood of Soviet children - in a vegetable shop you could buy for 11 kopecks a glass of bright red, delicious and fragrant tomato juice. There, near the counter, it was possible to take a teaspoon and from a special box, pour yourself into the juice as much acceptable large grayish salt to the color. Whether the juice was from some special selected tomatoes, or salt had a unique magic taste, but a memorable drink inspired many to think about purchasing such a household appliance as an electric juicer for tomatoes.

Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer

Is it worth spending money, time looking for such a “tomato-processor”, when in any chain store you can buy a package of juice from fresh tomatoes, in which salt is already added? And indeed, someone is content with an industrial product sold to the masses. And someone wants an exclusive, and obtained at home, controlling the production process and using only those ingredients on which the "lay the eye."

Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer

But before going to the vegetable shop to buy the most ripe, high-quality and selected tomatoes, you need to visit the home appliances store and choose the one that will be able to separate the tender pulp of the tomato from the peel, seeds and give a glass of bright red delicious juice. So, go through the rows of household appliances.

Electric Tomato Juicer


And the features, above all, are in the technical capabilities of such a device. They are divided into four types: manual, electric, centrifugal and screw. Each is designed to produce juice from tomatoes, but in different ways. Each species also has subspecies. For example, electrical can be both for home use - to get 1-1.5 liters of the finished product, and industrial, where the volume of the drink will pull tens of liters. There are juicers that have a lot of additional options, up to an electronic display showing what time it is.

Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer

Therefore, before buying you need to decide - which device is required? For household use for tomato juice, controlling step by step the whole technology. Or it will be a powerful device, regularly used in everyday life. The difference is not only in technical features, but also in price. The “cooler” juicer, the more expensive it is.

Electric Tomato Juicer

The most affordable and easy to use is a manual or mechanical juicer. For example, at one time was very popular design "Strumok." A handy juicer that collected almost the entire family in the kitchen — some served tomatoes, others took ready-made juice, and still others threw cake. It has advantages — maximum processed tomatoes, high-quality juice that does not contain seeds and peel. But it requires a lot of physical effort, and in the age of modern technology it looks a bit ridiculous in the kitchen.

Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer

One of the most acceptable options is an electric device for obtaining juice.

Choosing auger

Screw models are equipped with a special rod having a screw thread. It captures slices of tomatoes, passing them through a special steel mesh. Tomato juice in the drain flows into the receiver, and the remnants of tomatoes are removed from the other end of the juicer. This happens arbitrarily when a sufficient mass is taken into the waste outlet. The advantages of this design in the purity of the resulting juice, because it can grind even tomato seeds.

Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer
Electric Tomato Juicer

High and the percentage of processing of ripe vegetables - the balance is almost dry waste. High power is provided by an electric motor, it has a convenient body, a large bowl for the resulting juice product. The kit most often includes a measuring cup, it is designed for the finished drink.

But there are also disadvantages. Due to careful processing, steel mesh is constantly clogged with waste. The device must often be stopped, turned off, cleaned the clogged parts of the accumulated peel, and then continue its work further.

Electric Tomato Juicer

Looking to the centrifugal

The principle of operation of an electric centrifugal device for obtaining juice from tomatoes is very simple. Tomatoes fall into the company of a metal grater, which uses its functionality with enviable responsibility for its intended purpose. The high speed of the juicer crushes tomatoes practically into mush. And the semi-finished juice is more like nectar.

Electric Tomato Juicer

But then he enters a special compartment, where the resulting pulp is separated from the liquid component of the finished product. And the result is an incredibly transparent drink that does not contain any impurities. Unfortunately, this version of the electric juicer has its own objective drawbacks. The centrifugal design is not focused on high performance: high consumption of tomatoes and a small yield of juice. In addition, during the preparation of the product, the juicer heats up, “killing” thereby the beneficial vitamins in the tomato beverage.

Electric Tomato Juicer

Top models

Many manufacturers are ready to please potential buyers with their appliances, capable of making delicious tomato juice.

Electric Tomato Juicer

The Belarusian technique is very popular. Since Soviet times, it has been considered a sign of luxury to have a Belarusian juicer at home. It is practical, very convenient to use. There are them on sale today. Model "Zhuravlinka" - one of the most common, well-proven in everyday life.

Electric Tomato Juicer

On the shelves of many and branded models of electric juicers for tomatoes, deserved the most positive reviews. Each of them will become not only a housekeeper, but also a pleasant addition to the kitchen interior.

Electric Tomato Juicer