Egyptian style kitchen - 55 photo design options


The style of ancient Egypt appeared at the dawn of the origin of interior design. He came into vogue after making Egyptian conquests by the French commander-in-chief, Napoleon Bonaparte.

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On the basis of this style other no less popular European motifs appeared. So how can you make a kitchen decoration in the Egyptian style?

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Distinguishing features of the Egyptian style

In the design of ancient Egypt, you can often find images of bamboo, papyrus, hieroglyphs. Also depict animals (cats, lions, beetles) and the rulers of the ancient world.

The specificity of the style lies in the simplicity and conciseness of geometric lines, the harmony of symbolism and color.

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The difference between the interior and the like is the stunning view of the precious architectural monuments with their majestic columns and high arches of ceilings. All external beauty literally breathes wealth and luxury.

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Egyptian style is very similar in decoration and decoration to the equally popular African style, being, in fact, its main subspecies.

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Features of the use of colors

The basis for the construction of themes in the style of ancient Egypt are the natural colors, typical for this African country.

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It is a soft palette from soft sand to bright yellow in the sun. Beige shades are often diluted with a juicy blue hint that resembles the deep river Nile.

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You can also find a gentle milky color, reminiscent of ivory.

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Do not forget about the bright details in the interior, which resemble the ancient Egyptian cuneiform on the walls. These are rich shades of white, green, brown and black.

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Cosmetic finish of the kitchen in Egyptian style

As the flooring in the kitchen using tiles that imitate a real stone, or recreates unique abstract symbols. Occasionally as a main highlight add the effect of a papyrus rug.

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When decorating the walls of the kitchen, they use standard color solutions for stylistics - these are yellow and beige colors. The surface of the walls or decorated with special plaster, or pasted with "bamboo" wallpaper.

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In the “apron” zone, porcelain tile is used with elements of Egyptian writing.

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Plinths under the ceiling imitate lotus leaves and palm trees, you can use decorative figures of people from decorative plaster. In some places you can create the effect of columns and arches on the walls, which is popular for the Egyptian style in the interior of the kitchen.

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These simple elements will give your kitchen a solemn, majestic look.

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The ceiling is most often done in the same color palette with the walls. It may differ by one or two tones. Also the perfect blue sky effect on the ceiling with bright patches of sunny color.

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Egyptian style kitchen furniture

Furniture in the Egyptian-style kitchen uses wood, most often in black. If you do not like the kitchen set in dark colors, then you can use lighter shades of wood - this is milky oak or walnut.

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Tables and chairs in Egyptian style are often decorated with magnificent carvings depicting wild animals and rulers from mythology, the legs use a curved shape imitating the paws of animals. Below are photos of the kitchen in the Egyptian style.

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The elements of decor in the kitchen

Egyptian-style fabric in the kitchen is used close to the natural look - it is cotton or cotton fabric. Textiles are most often homogeneous, but also with abstract ornaments.

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As an ornament in the Egyptian style in the interior of the kitchen, clay vases, images and statuettes of the Egyptian rulers and other attributes of Ancient Egypt are used.

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The interior may contain live palm trees in flower pots.

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Photos of kitchen design in the Egyptian style

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303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos

303-Egyptian-style kitchen - 55 photos