Do-it-yourself kitchen set


The decision to make a kitchen set with your own hands may appear for various reasons, ranging from the usual cost savings, to the desire to make all the repairs yourself from beginning to end. One way or another, it will be necessary to acquire the necessary materials, tools, and also to have skills in handling them. It will be useful to learn special programs that allow you to simulate a kitchen set, ideally suited to the chosen style of the interior, taking into account the size of the room.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

The beauty of the hand-made kitchen is individual!

The advantages of creating a headset do it yourself

The first and most important advantage of the independent production of a kitchen set is considerable savings in money. It's not just about assembling or installing furniture, which saves some of the money. The price of furniture is affected by the development of the design of the project, according to which the necessary details are subsequently prepared.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Add the highlights of the kitchen will help the decor, created by yourself

Important! When thinking through the drawings, it is worthwhile to choose the most standard sizes, so it will be easier with the manufacture of parts.

An important advantage of making a kitchen set with your own hands is the ability to independently select materials and design. The stores still have to look for suitable options, especially if you want something unusual. The appearance of the finished headset depends only on your skills and imagination.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Modern materials are harmoniously combined with each other.

What to consider when developing circuits

First of all, each element must be functional. So, if the kitchen is small, you should think about a more compact headset. To closet cabinets were roomy enough, you can design corner models or provide more shelves, drawers, various hidden storage systems. It is also necessary to provide niches for household appliances.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Top cabinets can be replaced with nice open shelves

The simplest drawings and schemes for self-made kitchen sets are modular systems. Modules are very convenient in assembly, they are easy to change places, to combine in different compositions, depending on the characteristics of the kitchen or current needs.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Modular kitchens look great in the interior of the kitchen, easy to assemble and functional to use.

If you have little experience in the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to confine simple rectangular and square shapes. In this case, even the processing of natural wood will not be too complicated. You should not conceive too complex facades, it is enough to choose a smooth surface, on which you can then easily apply paint with any ornaments, cover the facade with varnish or stick a PVC film with photo printing.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Photo printing can be very stylish to decorate the facade of a modular kitchen, assembled with your own hands

Methods for developing drawings and diagrams

Making a kitchen set with your own hands can not do without pre-designed drawings. Schemes can be created in two ways - draw by hand or use computer programs.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

This is how a kitchen project looks like in one of the computer programs.

To create a drawing with your own hands you need only paper with a simple pencil, if you wish, you can make sketches in color in order to understand how the kitchen set will look. This option is good for those who do not have problems with drawing and drawing.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Kitchen visualization

If there are no artistic skills, you can create a 3D model in a computer program. The most popular graphic editors for creating furniture layouts and interiors are AutoCad, Furniture Designer Basis and PRO100. Instructions for these programs can be found on the Internet when downloading.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

The optimal design of the headset

The simplest option that you can easily do with your own hands is a classic kitchen set with side tables and cabinets of simple shapes. It has several advantages:

  • It is possible to create separate modules from which the kitchen set will be assembled in the future;
  • It is easy to choose a set for a kitchen of any size;
  • The possibility of using any available materials;
  • Roomy storage systems, convenience, durability;
  • Easy to assemble;
  • The absence of complex shapes, so that such a headset is easy to assemble with your own hands;
  • All mechanisms are easy to install and work;
  • You can pick up any accessories, not limited to the finishing of facades.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Elements of the headset, created by your own hands, if necessary, can be supplemented or completely redone, because their design will be known to you thoroughly.

How to choose the right size

First of all, it is necessary to decide on which walls the kitchen unit will be located, and measure their length. It is necessary to take into account the size of large household appliances - a refrigerator, stove, dishwasher or washing machine, oven, multicooker, microwave.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

The size of the kitchen set is influenced by the number of cabinets, shelves, as well as their configuration. Open shelves are smaller in size than the pedestals, corner models take up less space, and hinged doors require more space than sliding or hinged doors.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set


To make a kitchen set with your own hands, you need to choose the right material. The choice depends not only on the style of the interior, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the kitchen itself - in this room there is more humid air, temperature drops, and there is also the risk of stains from fat, burning or soot. On the selection of photos below you can see the options for kitchen sets, made with your own hands, taking into account different materials.


Inexpensive and practical option for kitchen set. MDF is easy to process, so it’s easy to assemble a headset yourself. Due to the variety of colors MDF fit into almost any interior style. However, if you prefer the classic or country, it is better to use natural wood instead of its cheaper counterparts.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set


Natural wood array is an excellent find for furniture. Wood is a reliable material that can serve for decades with proper processing and care. Considering that wooden surfaces will be constantly exposed to moisture and heat, it is worth taking care of their processing by special means. Not superfluous will be an impregnation that protects against pests, to which natural wood is very vulnerable.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Wooden set looks thoroughly and luxuriously, and wood texture creates a warm and cozy interior. The tree is best suited for classic interiors, country, Provence, Chebbi chic, Mediterranean style or art deco.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set


Like MDF, practical and inexpensive analogue of natural wood. Modern chipboard headsets have a protective laminated coating, due to which they are not afraid of moisture. Chipboard is often covered with a decorative layer that imitates a particular surface, for example, a stone. You can use for the decor color options, photo printing, etc.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set


Lightweight and durable material resistant to water, mold, chemicals. In addition, the plastic does not fade in the sun and long preserves the saturation of shades. A variety of decor makes PVC very popular, because plastic can be chosen for any interior. The best plastic kitchen set will look in modern interiors, such as minimalism, hi-tech or loft as, for example, in the photo below.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

What is required for the assembly of furniture with their own hands

With ready-made drawings or printed schemes, you can go to the hardware store for everything you need. In addition to the material itself, you will need to do it yourself:

  • Door hinges;
  • Door handles;
  • Guides;
  • Construction glue;
  • Nails or screws.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

If you plan additional decoration of facades, you will need to buy everything you need for this. Depending on the chosen style and decor options, these can be:

  • Balusters;
  • Metal decorative covers;
  • Napkins for decoupage;
  • Paints;
  • Luck;
  • Patina;
  • Stencils for drawing patterns;
  • Self-adhesive PVC film with an image, etc.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

The decor of the facades should be harmoniously combined with the overall color scheme of the kitchen unit and the decoration of the room, as well as match the style.

Manufacture of parts

To make a kitchen set with your own hands you will need ready-made parts. You can cut them yourself using an electric jigsaw, or order a cut in a specialized company. Both options are equally convenient, the choice depends only on your capabilities. How to make a kitchen set with your own hands, you can look at the video below.

Important! Some construction stores have an additional service in the form of cutting into details.

If the set of standard sizes, then in the furniture shops there are ready-made elements of the desired size, you will only need to purchase them. It is also possible to cut out parts according to individual drawings, but it will cost more.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

How to prepare parts of the headset for assembly

For the body of furniture requires the most durable material, usually a chipboard, MDF or natural wood. The base usually has a simple shape and is cut out with your own hands or to order.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Important! If you do not have enough fasteners, you can drill special holes for choopyk.

For the back walls and cabinets, a thinner material is used, for example, durable plywood or fiberboard, of which the bottom of the boxes is made. But the facades can be very different up to the glass. If you chose glass, then it will need a frame to match the body. This will not only give a complete appearance, but also provide reliable protection against accidental cuts.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

If the tabletop is made of wood or plastic, it is made and installed like the rest of the elements. If you choose a natural or artificial stone, then you will need the services of professionals. Slices of wooden countertops must be treated with a sealant to prevent water from getting inside.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

How to handle edges

Edge - the most vulnerable part of the parts of any material. Without proper treatment, it will absorb water and dirt, which can lead to mold, and damp elements in the kitchen unit can swell. To avoid this, cuts require high-quality processing, it should be done before assembly.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Plastic can be used for the edge, it is durable and waterproof. If desired, and due skills slice can be processed at home. How is the process of processing the edges with your hands:

  • Select a desired color in the hardware store;
  • Fix the part face up, if possible, or simply place it on a workbench or table, it is important to ensure that there is free access to the edge;
  • Take a regular iron and set the average temperature on it;
  • Cut the edge into strips of the desired length, taking into account a few centimeters of stock;
  • Attach a piece of edge to the cut;
  • You can not use an iron without a lining, so that the edge does not melt, so put on a section of cotton fabric, folded in several layers;
  • Apply the iron for 5 seconds and then firmly squeeze the heated area until it cools down;
  • Cut the excess pieces of the edge using a stationery knife;
  • Process the cut points with a file.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

If it is not possible at home to handle the edges of the parts with your own hands, contact a specialist.

Assembling the kitchen

Before you assemble the kitchen set with your own hands, apply the markup on the floor and walls where there will be pedestals and hanging cabinets with shelves. To keep the lines smooth, use the rule when drawing a diagram. Consider the location of communications, probably some details will have to be finalized on the spot.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Having examined the elements of the headset in order and making sure that everything you need is in place, it's time to start assembly. Drawers and facades are installed last, the body is first assembled, and then hinges and guides are attached to it. Carefully follow the instructions for assembling a kitchen set, then working with your own hands will not cause any difficulties.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Furniture placement

Once all the elements of the kitchen unit are assembled, it is necessary to put them in their places. The first to put floor cabinets, they can be either on the frame or on the legs. The number of legs can be calculated using a computer program in which the headset was designed. Further wall cabinets and shelves are hung, for greater strength they can be connected to each other. The decor of the facades should be left last.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

In the cabinet under the sink you need to pre-make the holes of the right size for communications and filter, you should consider the location of sockets on the walls - if the cabinet or cabinet overlap them, you need to make a hole in the back wall.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

The table top is mounted one of the last, and as soon as the entire headset is set, it is necessary to install household appliances in their place and connect to electricity, gas or plumbing.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Finishing touches

Once the last element is installed (the eaves at the top of the lockers), it's time to make a high-quality lighting. Usually these are spotlights located on the visor. Light is needed above the stove and worktop; these areas should be lit best. If necessary, you can install lights inside the cabinets themselves.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Next, it is time to attach the door handles and metal plates, insert the drawers and shelves in the cabinets. After that, it remains only to wipe the surface from dust and dirt, to make sure that the backlight is working correctly, and the connection to the communications is perfect.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Updating old furniture with their own hands

It is not always necessary or possible to make a headset from scratch with your own hands. Sometimes, to update the interior, it is enough to replace the facades or assemble modules in a new configuration. The amount of work depends on how you need to update the headset. If the design of lockers and pedestal suits, it is enough to assemble them again with your own hands, replacing all fasteners and accessories with new ones. Having dismantled cabinets and cabinets, mark the details so as not to confuse them during assembly.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

To renew the facades, it is necessary to remove the old coating with the help of the skin, to treat the surface with antiseptic agents or water-repellent solutions. After that, the facades of the headset can be covered with a primer, and then it all depends on the imagination. The easiest option is paint or a special film, but you can also choose more complex ways of decoration - decoupage, painting, patinating, and artificial aging.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

You can make a kitchen set with your own hands with little or no effort, if you competently approach the creation of drawings, do not be mistaken with the size, choice of materials. Self-assembly of thumbs, cabinets or shelves allows you to not be limited only by the options proposed in the catalogs, you can choose the color, design, size. All this allows you to make the interior of the kitchen individual, fully reflecting the taste and needs of the owners of the house.

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set

Do-it-yourself kitchen set
