Corner hood for the kitchen (42 photos)


Corner hood for kitchen

Corner hood for kitchen

Modern corner hoods for the kitchen today are presented in a fairly wide range. Gradually, manufacturers are trying to make updates not only in the design of structures, but also in the functionality of the products.

Corner hood for kitchen

Hood is a mandatory component of any modern kitchen. With its help, cleanliness is maintained in the room, walls, furniture and the ceiling are not clogged with grease and do not absorb unpleasant odors.

Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen

Features and benefits

Equipping the kitchen, many people try to place the hood in the central part of the headset above the stove. This solution is already related to traditional options, but modern designers offer a lot of interesting ideas that will save space in the room.

Looking through the modern interiors of kitchens, you can see that the hood is increasingly equipped in the corner part. It is worth noting that it looks quite stylish.

Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen

Similar ideas on the placement of functional structures have led manufacturers to a new solution - the creation of corner hoods. Basically, such systems are designed for small and compact kitchens. Such options have already gained popularity among buyers.

Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen
8 photos

This is due to the presence of the following advantages:

  • installation of the corner hood allows you to save space in the room;
  • installation of the structure does not take much time;
  • manufacturers offer a wide range of choices;
  • high-quality models quickly purify the air and eliminate excess evaporation.
Corner hood for kitchen

As for the management, the systems are not complex. Models have both touch and push-button panels. Many options are equipped with remote control systems.

When choosing such a structure, it is necessary to ensure in advance that the plate is also of the angular type. This will save even more space, and bring a bit of originality into the kitchen interior. Corner plates and hoods look quite interesting and modern.

Corner hood for kitchen

System classification

Kitchen corner hoods differ not only in appearance, but also functional indicators. The difference between systems can be in performance and modes of operation. Distinctive features of the designs are also in shape and size.

Corner hood for kitchen

As for the modes of operation, there are two main types: recirculation devices and systems with air ducts. In the first case, the functionality is directed exclusively to the inside of the room. The air is constantly circulating in the kitchen, and cleaning takes place using a special carbon filter built into the base of the hood. This element eliminates odors and impurities.

Corner hood for kitchen

As for the systems with air duct, they work not only inside but also outside the room. In general, such models have wider functionality in comparison with the previous view. Unpleasant smells and impurities leave on the street due to the work of the system.

Corner hood for kitchen

Particular attention should be paid to the form of devices. Modern manufacturers offer buyers two types of structures: dome models and systems that have a T-shape. The difference of these corner hoods is the presence of the side walls. Dome models are based on these elements. In T-shaped surface is completely open.

Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen

The next difference is the size of the models. Basically, systems with a width of 50 to 100 cm are used for modern kitchens. This is due to the fact that the corner plates have the corresponding indicators.

Corner hood for kitchen

Device design

One of the important criteria when choosing a suitable corner hood is the design of structures. A huge range allows you to purchase a model in accordance with the interior of the kitchen. The most popular and popular among buyers are hoods in classic design. They are well combined with the overall situation, have a concise, but beautiful performance. Classic remains in fashion always, and therefore is in great demand.

Corner hood for kitchen

An interesting and original is the modern high-tech style. Corner hoods have a clear, contrasting and businesslike design. The surface of the models is smooth, has no extra decorative elements. The systems look as stylish and modern as possible, harmoniously complementing the interior.

Corner hood for kitchen

Particular attention should be paid to such a style as Provence. Today this area is very popular among people. Comfort, comfort, home furnishings - all this is the hallmark of style. Corner hoods in this design look beautiful and tender. Designs in light shades often complement the various decorative components.

Corner hood for kitchen

Quite often, you can meet and combined options. The design of corner hoods combines several areas that look very interesting.

Corner hood for kitchen

It is worth noting that when choosing you need to view only those models that are installed in the corner. Often, for arranging this part of the room, people try to use standard hoods, which is wrong. In this case, there is a violation of safety rules, which may further provoke trouble.

Corner hood for kitchen

How to choose: the main criteria

Choosing a corner hood you need to pay attention to several important features. The first and main criterion is the power of the model. Hood must match the size of the kitchen. The larger the area of ​​the room, the more powerful the system should be. In general, experts recommend choosing a "with a stock" hoods. This is due to the fact that during operation the engine will not be overloaded, thereby increasing the service life.

Corner hood for kitchen

The next factor is the noise level. It must not exceed the permissible norms that are suitable for the human ear. Optimal options are not exceeding 60 decibels.

Corner hood for kitchen
Corner hood for kitchen

Equally important is the material from which the hood is made. The body can be decorated with ceramic, glass or wood coating. It all depends on what style in the interior hood is used.

Corner hood for kitchen

Popular models

Choosing the hood for the kitchen, you need to pay attention to manufacturers and models that have already managed to show themselves leaders. A good option for arranging a room in a classic style would be a Lex CHR 118 Angolo device. The width of the structure is 100 cm. The advantage of this model is the presence of a combined mode of operation. The equipment is based on a single engine, has good performance indicators.

Corner hood for kitchen

For the kitchen, decorated in a modern style, the Elica Hydra IX F-100 system will do. The body of the structure is made of stainless steel, resistant to various influences and damage. The width of the model is 100 ml. The system is equipped with push-button controls; there is a special grease filter at its base. Because of this, the hood is able to function in a discharge mode.

Corner hood for kitchen

Another interesting model, made in a restrained uncluttered style - Elikor Forest 90. The width of the system is 90 cm, the exhaust performance is 650 m3 per hour. The system is equipped with mechanical control. The main advantage of this corner hood is its low noise level.

Corner hood for kitchen