Coffee machine (104 photos)
Coffee machines

Everyone wants to cheer up in the morning, enjoy a fragrant cup of coffee. Unfortunately, with the modern rhythm of life, not everyone has time to get up early and cook an invigorating drink. This will help you coffee machine. This device will become your reliable supplier of a tasty drink in the morning. You will be able to save precious minutes.

History of creation
Even the Arabs invented the best way to make coffee in Turk or in a special vessel. This kind of coffee was especially aromatic and tasty. Of course, he demanded a certain amount of manpower and time. Now you can find many types of machines for the production of coffee.
In 1820, Europeans first thought about mechanizing the process of making coffee. The Frenchman Louis-Bernard Babo in 1822 came up with the idea that a greater quantity of beverage could be achieved if the steam-water mixture was released under pressure from a steam boiler and ground coffee was passed through it. It was just an idea, and he never got to the invention.
In 1843, Edward Loisel de Sante was able to design the first coffee machine. It was optimal for commercial use, but still far from ideal. In 1855, an improved model was presented at an exhibition in Paris. The device was rather cumbersome, but this did not prevent him from producing a real sensation.
Of course, the first steam coffee machines had many drawbacks. The worst of them - they could explode after a while. Not quite perfect were the other parameters of the product. In the twentieth century, an active interest in such devices was observed in Italy. In 1901, Luigi Bezzer was able to improve the steam coffee machine. It has become more compact and practical. Everything was cooked for strictly allocated portions.

Of course, now it seems that neither such a café, an organization, nor a house can do without such an aggregate. However, many people love to buy products in retro style.

The most expensive coffee machine in the world is able to create up to 165 coffee drinks, it grinds and brews grains, and is remote controlled. Concordia Coffee Systems is a small kiosk that surprisingly easily fits into the space. The cost of this option will be more than ten thousand dollars. This luxury model is suitable only for true connoisseurs of coffee drink.

Criterias of choice
As for how to choose the ideal electric coffee machines, there are no universal rules. Should be guided by their own preferences. Pay attention to the following points:
- Unit price. This is probably one of the first criteria by which a suitable device is chosen. Everything will depend on your financial capabilities. If you do not mind spending money on a high-quality expensive car, then you should choose such a device. The budget model, of course, will not be worth that kind of money, but it will not have many features that distinguish expensive units.
- Dimensions. This is also an important parameter. It is necessary to choose a model that will completely suit you in this regard. The length and width of the unit should be suitable for the place that you took under the coffee machine. Narrow fit for smaller rooms. It can be put in the kitchen.
- Appearance. You can choose interesting design options that successfully complement the space of the room. You can also pick up a modest universal model. Many strive to ensure that the product looked good in the interior. A beautiful coffee machine will be the highlight of the kitchen!
- Colour. This parameter must also be considered when choosing a technique. Universal option - beige coffee machine. It will successfully fit into any room style and color range. You can choose darker options. They will also be quite suitable.
- According to the functional. It is necessary to decide on what model is needed: with or without a display, with an additional boiler, quick steam function, the ability to maintain a constant temperature. The household or home model, of course, may differ in any functions.
- Pay attention to the material, from which the product is created, as well as on the design features.
It should be remembered that the use of any selected unit should be as easy as possible. You should receive only joy and positive emotions.

Advantages and disadvantages
Modern coffee machines are an integral part of the lives of many people. Thanks to these devices you can enjoy a fragrant cup of coffee without spending much effort. It is worth considering the main advantages of coffee machines:
- This equipment will save your precious minutes. The device can be used easily and naturally. It will be enough to press one button - and in a few minutes your chosen drink will be ready.
- The unit makes freshly ground coffee automatically. The drink turns out delicious, fragrant and quality.
- Most models have digital displays. It is there that displays all the settings, you can see the process of making a drink.
- You can change the settings as you like, adjusting the cooking process to your wishes. You can even get original drinks that are not available anywhere.
- There are interesting and comfortable models with remote control. Management can be from a smartphone. It is quite comfortable, modern and will help save time.
- Some types of coffee (latte / cappuccino) require that the water temperature warms to 110 degrees. Ordinary coffee makers will not be able to provide you with this. Coffee machine successfully cope with the task.

Of course, it is worth noting that such a unit has not only advantages. The disadvantages include:
- The high cost of goods. A convenient coffee machine, which has a number of functions, will cost a lot of money. You are unlikely to save.
- Each model is universal, but all such units are quite large (unlike, for example, from coffee makers). In this case, everything will depend on the premises and the place where you want to put the unit.
- Another disadvantage can be noise at work. Such a product performs its actions, albeit qualitatively, but with loud sounds. This is due to the fact that several processes are performed simultaneously.
- It should actively care for the device. It is necessary to clean the machine from scale to make the device work for a long time.
If you are not confused by the negative aspects of this product, then you can safely purchase products and look for a place for it.

Performance and ease of use
The main purpose of this technique is to make the process of making coffee quick and easy. Specifications play an important role. From the working capacity will depend on the frequency of adding beans, removing the used coffee mass, as well as pouring water from the drip pan. The power of the product will have a significant impact on the speed of making the coffee product. It should be remembered that with an increase in the rate of brewing the strength of the drink may decrease.
Experts advise to choose products, focusing on the planned amount of preparation of the drink. Otherwise, you will simply overpay for excessive performance.
If you are going to use the machine at home or in a small office, then a large desktop model for 30 cups per day will do. But professional models are capable of making several hundred cups of coffee a day.

Water supply and filtration methods
In modern coffee machines there are several types of water heating systems. The first is flow through. This view assumes that the machine will heat the desired amount of running water.. The second is a filler (or accumulative type). Such products have a boiler-type tank, which is filled as needed. These products are quite easy to use and cost less. There are certain disadvantages. The water in the tank can stagnate - accordingly, the coffee will no longer be of high quality.
If you decide to purchase a coffee machine with a flow-through water supply system, you should see if there is a replaceable water filter. This element is intended to remove impurities and flavor from the drink. To improve the quality of coffee and minimize the formation of scale, it is worth considering the use of various filters (disposable nylon, paper, coated with titanium nitride).

Millstones are of several types:
- With ceramic millstones you will feel the ease of making a product. Such products do not work very loudly, so they can be recommended for home use. Such a device can be put in a small office where you can not make noise.
- With steel millstones, the grinding process will become more noisy. However, such models are quite resistant to wear, durable and practical. They are well tolerated by mechanical stress. If you want to load your car in full, then it is better to use this type.
There is another interesting option that implies an optimized millstone system. They are virtually silent. When this element wears out, the quality of the grinding becomes much worse. Replacing millstones is recommended to be done after five to ten thousand servings.

Brewing mechanism
Everyone knows that coffee is brewed in a certain custard mechanism. Modern coffee machines have two types of such elements. It is worth considering the differences:
- Removable. Such brewing mechanisms can be washed under water using various means. It is worth remembering that if the product does not have an automatic cleaning, then the tubes and hoses should be washed quite often, at least once every thirty days. If this is not done, then a raid will accumulate inside, which will worsen the taste of the drink.
- Fixed. As the name implies, these elements are not removed. The cleaning process will be automated, it is implemented using special cleaning agents for the device. A special built-in counter will automatically monitor the number of servings and report the required cleaning. You will only need to throw the pills for the machine and set up the appropriate cleaning program. So the brew will be cleaned and rinsed.

Additional options
As for the additional functions, they can be many. There are products with a built-in counter for the number of cups, additional noise insulation. By the way, the silent model often attracts the attention of buyers - especially those who purchase the product for personal use.
There is also a special pre-brewing option to improve the taste and aroma. An interesting feature is the presence of two systems operating in parallel: water heating and steam production. Additional features include the built-in water temperature, energy efficiency and other

Now firms offer to the court of coffee lovers a lot of interesting variants of machines. There are stationary, portable, combined models. Products differ in the method of preparation. It is worth considering how each machine is arranged, read the descriptions.

The design of such coffee machines consists of several components:
- Boiler. Here is the heating of water. This element is the basis of any such coffee machines.
- Holder. It is used to form a coffee pill.
- Cranes, to supply steam and hot water.
- Manometers to control pressure.
These options with the holder are designed to help you prepare a classic espresso or cappuccino. These machines can be manual, semi-automatic, automatic. The cooking process itself is not very complicated. It is only necessary to load ground coffee in a certain holder (horn). Water will heat up to a certain temperature.
Under pressure, the fluid is passed through compressed coffee and filter. Then the liquid is poured into the cups. It should be noted that the horns themselves are made of metal that can withstand such a high temperature. Special plastic which has a sealant and metal details is their part.
Holdovyh cars involve the use of coffee tablets (pods). Usually these units are not too expensive. They are notable for comfort in use. It should be noted that for home use such a machine will be somewhat complicated. Cleaning the horn often occurs mechanically, and will require a lot of effort from the owner of the coffee machine.

Geyser coffee makers
Such options are the most simple and cheap. The composition of the product included three tanks. They include a water tank, located at the bottom, a filter for a powder-coffee - in the middle, a container for the finished coffee product - at the top.
The manufacture of the substance occurs by filtration. This is a feature of these machines. Water, heating, rises, under pressure, it seeps through the filter. This forms a coffee drink, which with the help of a tube goes to the upper section.

Many consumer reviews suggest that using these units you can make delicious and aromatic coffee, although the design of the machine is simple and uncomplicated. If you need to purchase such a unit for home use, you should decide in advance on how much drink you will need. Select the device you need to make a coffee product at full load.

These units are distinguished by compactness, reasonable price, as well as portion. In such machines, special compressed tablets of roasted ground coffee are used. They are also called pods. They are packed in sealed bags, designed for the manufacture of one cup of coffee.
The principle of the machine is. The tablets are loaded into a specific capacity, then the process starts. The heated water begins to flow from the boiler - the finished product falls into the cup. By the way, many such models have an accumulative water supply system.
Of course, the taste and aroma of coffee will depend on the quality of the tablet. The production is also affected by the ability of the machine to maintain a stable temperature of water and steam. There is also a function of electronic temperature stabilization. As for cleaning, such models are more unpretentious. It is enough to periodically clean them of scale and maintain the good condition of the unit. Products are very easy to use. You can easily make your drink.

This option differs in that it fully automates the process of coffee production. These devices are quite multifunctional, have a display where you can monitor the status of the entire system. The device includes a coffee grinder and a cappuccinator. The water purification system is using a water filter. Automatic units are responsible for preparing different types of drinks.
You just need to load the coffee, milk and press the button. The unit itself will grind grains, pre-moisten them to get the most delicious and aromatic drink. Then there is the process of welding. At the end of the drink is poured into cups. Spent coffee is moved to a special container. In such aggregates, it is usually possible to manually adjust the degree of grinding, as well as the pre-wetting time.

Manufacturers Overview
It is worth considering the most reliable and vending customers models of coffee machines, new items. Popular home appliance for making coffee - Saeco from Italy. Modern cars of this company are quite economical and high-quality. Well in the modern market for such devices has proven itself a two-group Philips. All designs are reliable, of very high quality. Swiss models Jura Hand-assembled - luxury luxury options. Of the shortcomings they have only the high cost and low maintenance complexity.

Of the leaders can be identified Delonghi white color. The touch model is convenient and easy to use. It is quite reliable, different democratic value, high quality. Red Krups will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of delicious coffee. Simple but solid machine Bosh pretty easy to operate. You can get different types of coffee drinks. It is quiet, has a metal body.

The most frequent problems
It so happens that due to incorrect actions the machine fails. You should understand what happened to your unit. Here are some cases:
- It so happens that the machine "does not see" the coffee, even though it is present in the tank. There may be several reasons. It is necessary to check the engine, control unit, coffee maker with a funnel.
- If the coffee machine does not capture the grain, then the grinding degree adjustment is required. If this does not help, it is worth contacting the master, he will give you recommendations.
- You should check the pump if your coffee machine does not suck milk in a certain mode. Most likely a blockage has occurred. If you incorrectly changed the filter, as a result of which an air blockage was formed, the pump could break down.

Customer Reviews
It is worth noting the positive customer reviews about coffee machines in general. These units allow you to create a fairly high-quality product that will invigorate in the morning and recharge with energy. People like the fact that now it’s not necessary to waste time and energy on making a favorite drink. This is especially important in the morning when everyone is going to work. While you do household chores, the car will do its job. Consumers celebrate and save. You can purchase an affordable option that will suit you in terms of finance, quality.
Now you know the main features, the benefits of coffee machines, you can choose the product you like and have a cozy breakfast in the kitchen with your family.