Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of


Classic style is never far away in history.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic is always a sign of fashion and a genuine sense of style.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Therefore, the classic is not only a simple solution, but also an intelligent one.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

It allows you to choose for the room all the most important qualities - comfort, functionality and a distinct style.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

But, despite the organic simplicity, the design will have to work hard.

The main characteristics of the classic style in the kitchen

When you begin to develop the design of the project, you should be aware of some of the features of the classical style:

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classics - always clear lines and perfect geometric shapes. Most of all it concerns the furniture and interior.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

One of the main features is open space. But this does not mean that the kitchen must be big.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

This style uses only natural materials. Most often it is a natural wood.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

A large role in the classics is given to lighting. A certain unity of design should be respected. Thus, the chandeliers should be similar to the classic ones.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

As already mentioned, one of the features is space. All parts must fit organically into space without overloading it.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Matching colors

A classic-style kitchen requires certain colors. Monotone shades are most often used.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Designers find the best solution about three colors in the interior.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

But, as said, these are monotone colors. Excluded brightness, which will immediately be evident.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Therefore, the classic is still in demand, for several centuries it retains its respect among various people.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Next, we take a closer look at the possible color options, that is, the most classic color of the kitchen.

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Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Bright colors in the classic kitchen remain relevant in our time. Read here! Provence Kitchen - 100 photos of the most beautiful design ideas!

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

It is best to make your choice, considering the pastel colors - for example, vanilla, milky and cream colors.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

White color, one might say, should immediately be excluded - today white classic kitchen is not claimed by designers.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

If we talk about pastel shades of blue and red colors, they are used quite rarely, but they also have the ability to combine quite well.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic style owes its popularity to the use of organic and natural colors, as you can see by looking at the photos of the kitchen in the classical style, but it is worth considering the "dark" options.

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Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Dark colors also fit into the design of a classic kitchen. Most often in the classic kitchen can be found brown tones.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Also not rarely used dark blue and grayish shades. In contrast to the white color in the bright kitchen, the reverse side of the color, that is, you can use black.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

But do not turn the kitchen into a dark night. Requires combination with other colors. Otherwise, you are turning from classic to gothic.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Dark shades look noble, the interior of a classic kitchen can easily be complemented by the listed solutions.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Wood color in classic kitchen

If we talk about the color of the kitchen in relation to the materials, then for the interior of the kitchen in a classic style the colors of wood are most suitable. It means furniture.

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Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

That is, it is possible to bring color under the tree and vice versa. It will always be an interesting option to address the overall color scheme of a classic kitchen.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Thus, some details of corner classic kitchens should be made in woody shades.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Kitchen size

Despite the apparent regularity that the kitchen, made in the classical style, should be large, it can be quite small.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

The most important thing is, again, space. It is created due to the fact that in the kitchen every detail of the interior performs its specific function.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

So, you can create a comfortable and organic space.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

If you have a small kitchen in your home, then some things should be noted. In such conditions it is necessary to use light colors.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

They will visually increase your kitchen.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

If for the kitchen you have a large space, then the classic is the one that fits best into your design.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

If you conclude, the classic interior of the kitchen is suitable for both large and small kitchen.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Were described only the main features of the classic kitchen.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Therefore, starting from the above described, you can create your own unique image of modern classic cuisine.

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Photo of the kitchen in a classic style

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017

Classic-style kitchen - 65 photos of new designs of beautiful 2017