Chairs in various styles (44 photos)


Chairs in various styles

Chairs in various styles
  • Scandinavian style
  • Modern
  • Baroque
  • High tech
  • Empire
  • Country music
  • Gothic
  • Rococo
  • Minimalism
  • Japanese style

Every person who once had to choose chairs for his home will not forget how difficult this task is. Having a good taste and desire to be among the aesthetic beauty, it will not be possible to simply buy the first items of this furniture, because such an ill-considered step can ruin the whole atmosphere of the room. It is important to approach such a case with knowledge or to not doubt your own design flair.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

Scandinavian style

Fashion, practicality and beauty - these three words best characterize the presented style. He is concise, restrained, easy and natural. Such furniture, for the most part, is made of natural wood. The color palette shows a preference for light shades: all sorts of variations of white, as well as gray, beige, blue and yellow. The main feature of the "Scandinavian" chairs - their execution in the form of the most simple geometric forms, which include, for example, square and rectangle.

Their special advantage lies in the curved back, thanks to which the human spine is well supported.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


Modern chairs are renowned for their diversity. Their forms sometimes differ extreme non-standard. Color solutions also do not limit their creators, allowing you to let fantasy fly freely when creating models, and for buyers to choose something that suits their taste. The latest technology makes it possible to make such furniture from a variety of materials, including the following:

  • Metal;
  • Glass;
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
  • Plastic;
  • Leather.

Thanks to this, it is once again underlined how this style differs from the classics.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


No wonder such chairs are so often found in the homes of people who care about their surroundings in everyday life. This piece of furniture has many advantages:

  • Great thoroughness. The solidity of the chairs instantly strikes the eye. They have wide seats and high backs, and extremely stable thick legs are often executed in the form of the paws of various animals, which include mythical creatures;
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
  • Traditional materials. Natural wood is used for making the most. In rare cases, it can be replaced by laminated chipboard, MDF, plastic and metal. Brocade, velvet or velor are commonly used as upholstery, as they are the most suitable options for creating practicality, comfort and an aristocratic appearance;
  • Bright decor. Royal chic and sophistication here gives the carcass cover: gilding or rich varnishing perfectly cope with the task, as well as upholstery of deep shades, as well as a variety of expensive decorations.
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

High tech

Every piece of furniture in this style is truly concise. Here severity, unusual forms and atypical combination of various materials are combined. You will not be able to meet high-tech chairs from the usual tree. For the manufacture of metal taken, glass, artificial leather and other similar materials. The presence of any additional elements and decorations is also excluded. The main advantage of these chairs - their functionality, hidden in elegant simplicity.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


The presented style is considered to be a true work of art. His creation initially had a special purpose - to show how significant, prosperous, powerful and aristocratic a man is able to afford it. This is an incredible combination of luxury and restraint. Empire style chairs have a very special look.

Curved shapes, large-scale dimensions and low backs instantly show which style the item belongs to. In the role of upholstery serves real leather or expensive fabric, and the frame is usually bronze or natural wood. Often there are decorations of the legs with interesting ornaments, and in addition to the whole design there are small pads, chosen to match the color of the upholstery.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

Country music

Owners of country houses should pay special attention to this style, since it is primarily intended for such an environment. Country chairs look very organic.

Quality models are made exclusively from natural wood, often - from hevea wood. Such furniture is strong and durable, in addition, it is beautiful and resistant to fungus and various effects of temperature.

The backs of these chairs are high, and the seats are rather stiff, but also comfortable due to their width. Often there are also decorative elements in the form of figured legs and carving.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


Gothic style in the interior combines elegance, luxury and hints of mysticism. This version of the situation is ideal for many adherents of originality and creativity. This style involves the use of exclusively natural materials, because Gothic chairs are usually made from dark wood:

  • Dark oak;
  • Spruce;
  • Pine;
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
  • Larch;
  • Alder;
  • Cedar;
  • Juniper.

Also, the objects of the Gothic possess impressive massiveness that looks elegant and majestic. The color scheme here emphasizes a special atmosphere, therefore, preference is given to deep black color and various dark shades. The legs of the chairs, often metal, have a curved shape and ornaments with unusual forged patterns.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


The appearance of Rococo was strongly reflected in the character of the decor. His appearance was complicated, he emphasized a particular whimsicalness. Chairs made in this style is the embodiment of grace. The roundness of their forms can be traced both in the back and in the legs, complemented by vegetative features in the ornament. The production materials are mahogany, walnut and linden, which can then be painted in lighter colors and be coated with wax or varnish. Decorations of such chairs are subtle and complex work, executed in the form of carved and stucco patterns, curls and many other similar elements.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


More and more people in recent years have opted for this style. It is simple, accurate, clear and concise. The main thing in it is constructivism, functionality and the absence of unnecessary items. Minimalistic chairs have clear geometric lines. They have no ornament and other additional elements, as well as soft, bright upholstery. In addition, it can be simple backless stools.

The furniture is made of natural wood or glass, and its shades are the lightest - white, milky, gray and blue.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

Japanese style

Japanese chairs, like all furniture, are different from the rest of the simple, quiet forms and conciseness. The material for the genuine model is exclusively natural wood.

Needing a more budgetary alternative, it is better to choose oak veneer furniture than plastic and European interpretations.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

Chebbi chic

Chairs and any other furniture Chebbi-chic has a significant difference from other styles. It uses a time-worn surface. It is either made artificially at the initial stage, or an old object is taken, and in this case the transformation can be done with your own hands, having familiarized yourself with the description of the stages of work.

Usually a wooden product is taken as a basis, which is then painted with light paint. The colors can be very different, but the shades are calm, not bright. Behind the paint is waxing in order to give an unusual appearance. If varnish is used, then it is necessarily matte, in order to avoid glossy shine.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles


This style implies the complete absence of artificial material - only natural solid wood. These chairs have a special design, due to which their strength and stability is maximum.

The characteristic colorfulness of rustic easily creates the atmosphere of village life, so it will look great, for example, in a country house, and the eco-friendly coating with high quality makes the models of this style suitable for a bath or any places outdoors.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

American classics

American style symbolizes wealth, luxury and elegance. Here everything looks incredibly harmonious, and each piece of furniture carries comfort, convenience and beauty. Chairs in this case are selected in accordance with the requirements and the foundations of style. They can be of various shapes, sizes and colors, the main thing is whether the selected objects fit into the tone of the room. Another important detail is high quality: Models are made exclusively from natural materials, most often - from expensive tree species.

Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles
Chairs in various styles

How to make yourself a chair in the style of "Provence", you will see in the next video.