Chairs for the kitchen 2019 (116 photos)
Chairs for the kitchen

Choosing furniture is always a very difficult process. On the one hand, it is necessary to build on the price, on the other hand, to consider the possible location in the room and the interior. You should also take into account your own wishes on how this or that bedside table or chair should look like. We dedicated this article to the choice of chairs for the kitchen. If you want to know which models are best suited for your premises and how to choose the right product, read our article.

Features and benefits
Particularly popular are chairs made from natural wood. And this is no accident, because such material as wood has a lot of advantages.

Let's look at some of them:
- Environmentally friendly material is the very first advantage of such furniture. The tree does not contain in its composition of harmful substances that can cause damage to human health.
- Strength is wood, it’s certainly not iron, but still it has considerable hardness. It all depends on the type of wood. Compared to plastic, from which chunks are often broken off from the edges, wood occupies a leading position. Therefore, it will serve you for many years. Plus, wood is not susceptible to corrosion, unlike iron.
- Beautiful appearance - chairs made of wood, will give your kitchen more comfort and warmth. You can choose a stylish option and decorate your room with it.

But such furniture also has disadvantages. To assemble any woodwork, first you should cut down the tree itself, and this is already harmful to the environment, and therefore the entire planet. Therefore it is worth thinking deeply about this.
It can be concluded that each material has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you should make a choice in favor of the material that you most like.

The main criterion when choosing any furniture, be it chairs or even a wardrobe, is its convenience. After all, we all need mainly pleasant emotions and impressions, comfort and ease. Sitting on a chair, we just want to relax and unwind. And if these needs are not met, then there is no point in buying it.

Another criterion when choosing furniture is its size. It should match the parameters of your room, ideally fit into the style and interior. A seat height of 60 cm is the best option. Choose the width at your discretion.

If your kitchen is large enough, the choice should fall on the chairs of the appropriate size. These can be high chairs, armchairs with armrests, chairs, sofas, etc. With the small size of the kitchen, you are most suitable stools, on one leg, folding, etc.

Kitchen chairs are most often chosen based on their own parameters, these are so-called ergonomic chairs. There are more modern options, these chairs are transformers that are quite compact and suitable for small kitchens. Narrow chairs can also be used for a small room. The modern style also includes chairs with legs on wheels or on skids with adjustable height. Most often it is swiveling chairs.

It is best to buy a special set, the kit of which, together with the chairs, also has a dining table. Children's set may include upholstered chairs. Ordinary stools can become a standard option, but their sharp corners are rather unsafe. There are more expensive options, such as: wicker chairs made of soft wooden sticks, on an aluminum frame with a hard seat.

Chairs can be made from almost any available material, be it wood, iron, plastic or even glass. Therefore, your choice will be limited only by your imagination and financial capabilities.

In most cases, the design of the chair should be as simple as possible. No need to complicate things. Remember, the simpler the better. Otherwise, installation may cause difficulties, as the number of additional connecting seams will increase, and hence the time for assembly will take longer. What does this mean? The fact that if the chairs are made by hand, then an unscrupulous manufacturer, in the hope of greater earnings, will save valuable assembly time. Subsequently, these chairs will serve you a short time.

The material can serve as any solid substance, it can be iron chairs, solid wood, wrought-iron chairs, rattan chairs and even glass.

Ecoskin can willingly replace chairs with natural leather trim. But if you have financial difficulties, then your choice may fall on the leatherette chairs. There are more unusual options, for example, chairs made of plywood or fabric chairs. There are more comfortable velor models, that is, with soft upholstery.

How to choose
All stylish chairs have their own original look. Therefore, your choice may fall on the mass of existing options. When choosing a design, you should pay attention to the quality of the painting works, if they are, of course, present. And also on the design itself in general. The paint to be coated must comply with all quality and safety standards. With prolonged use, it should not crack and release harmful substances.

The absence of external decor on the chairs does not at all aggravate, and even in most cases will emphasize the interior of your kitchen. Simplicity and naturalness are better than any human intervention. That is, if the chair is made of natural wood and will not have an external painting, then this option will be much better than plastic models.

When choosing the chairs themselves, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to their convenience. This is the key to a successful holiday. It is necessary to choose chairs with upholstered, which will give them a relaxing effect. You should also focus on the chairs completely or partially repeating the shape of a person. In such a case, there are special, so-called, ergonomic models. They adapt to the person, which is a huge plus. If possible, choose a design that has a wide armrests for hands.

Choose which model of chair to suit you the most, you need on several grounds. First, it is compatible with the interior of the kitchen. That is, it should not stand out from all other items and things, especially if you have a lot of furniture. Secondly, choose the option that impresses you the most.

Color solutions
The color of the chairs you choose will help to successfully highlight the interior of the kitchen. So, purple represents non-standard solutions. Orange chairs will serve you as some kind of invisible source of heat and energy. Yellow models will give you a feeling of lightness. Red chairs express your life energy. Black colors of furniture express the severity of style. Blue - symbolize tranquility and serenity.

Brown chairs are more suitable for people who value family traditions and want stability. White chairs emphasize the accuracy of the kitchen. Blue colors will help you relax. Lettuce chairs emphasize the hardness of the style. Lilac chairs are more suitable for gentle ladies. Gray models will match the modern style.

There are also options that do not have any color, that is completely transparent. They are suitable for a small kitchen. Modern style lovers are best suited chrome chairs. Chrome chairs will give more rigor and neutrality to the external interior and your kitchen.

The brightest color models, having several shades available at once, will enliven your kitchen with colorful paints. An example of this would be turquoise and beige colors for chairs. If your kitchen is made in a rather gloomy style, then the chairs with the color of wenge fit most.

Accessories and accessories
For fixing any furniture required elements. It can be various kinds of screws, bolts, nuts, etc. The quality of the fittings must be top notch, because it will be directly responsible for the safety of the whole structure in a certain position. It should be made of quality steel for the appropriate load.

As additional elements of the interior, you can use special accessories. These can be special pillows, mainly for chairs.

You can decorate the chairs with the help of a special cape, which covers some types of chairs.

The size
The height of the chair should not exceed the height of your legs. It is not difficult to understand that to sit down without climbing further to the surface is much more convenient than doing these actions. The optimal height will be the size of 60-75 cm, but this does not mean that you can not choose another option. You must choose a convenient height for you, based on your height.

Let's talk about the width, there are much more choices. This is due to both the convenience and the size of the kitchen. The first step is to select the width of the chair relative to the free space of the room. The wider the chair, the more comfortable it is to sit on it. Therefore, try whenever possible to choose wide models. But we should not say that nobody needs narrow chairs. On the contrary, in certain cases they are the only way out.

By the way, buying chairs with a height adjustment, and maybe even width, will be an excellent option. In this case, you will not have to strain with the calculations, but simply after installation, adjust the necessary parameters convenient for you. But it is worth considering that such models are made only from iron or hard plastic. There are no wooden options, or they are very expensive.

Have you ever thought how best to buy furniture, in this case, kitchen chairs? Immediately worth taking the required number of pieces, that is, a set, or separately? Let's figure it out.

There is no single answer to this question. Companies, whether cafes or restaurants, order, of course, the entire set at once, which is ideal for the style of the room.
In those cases, if the buyer is one and, especially, if he has financial difficulties, then it is more profitable for him to buy the same model separately for some time.

In particular, more ancient design stylistics are becoming popular now. This is the Middle Ages, vintage style, traditional styles of ancient peoples and so on. This means that you should not overpay and chase after such expensive materials. Even an ordinary tree can replace all existing innovations with dignity with dignity. Cover chairs and tables instead of synthetic, ordinary knitted objects, whether it be napkins or tablecloths. Such design will perfectly fit into any interior of the kitchen.

If the kitchen is rather small, then in this case there is a solution. Now began to become fashionable glass or plastic transparent chairs. They will pass light through themselves and thus create the impression that they are not at all. This will give your kitchen more visual space and light. Although it is compact, it will seem that the chairs do not in any way force its small territory. This option can be attributed to the style of minimalism.

How to do it yourself
If you have your own workshop or at least a garage, then you will not be difficult to build home-made chairs. First you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. We will need the following tools: hammer, drill or screwdriver, saw.

The simplest option is to make an ordinary stool, which, for sure, you did during the labor classes at school. To do this, you need a certain amount of wooden boards. According to a pre-compiled drawing, we saw off the required size of the parallel bars. These sizes can be absolutely any, it all depends on your imagination and needs. Drawings can be made by yourself or learn from friends.

If you prefer nails, then a square-faced hammer will help you. If you chose self-tapping screws, then it will be easiest to twist them with a drill with an appropriate bat. But all this, of course, depends on the drawing itself, everything should be indicated there.
After the assembly of the chair, it will not be superfluous to paint it with special paint or stain, or sand it and varnish it for further preservation. If you own welding, then your possibilities are almost endless. According to the drawing, you can weld various forms of chairs. The quality of the material is best to take high-quality alloy steel.

Review of the best models + Reviews
One of the best models of chairs are the following brands:
- Eames DSW- quite strong chair. Made in a peculiar style of minimalism. Made of plastic with wood application.
Buyers say high strength design, excellent appearance. And the most important thing is convenience. The back of the chair is made quite ergonomic.
- Dall Agnese - Italian chairs. Made in the medieval style. The material for the design served as a tree. Comfort gives back and seat upholstered.
Buyers say quite comfortable and comfortable rest in this chair. Fits perfectly into the style of the medieval era.
- Belarusian chairs - different beautiful design. Made of both wood and other materials. They look better than some competitors, but have low quality.
Buyers mark only beautiful design, but the quality leaves much to be desired. Although it concerns specific manufacturers.
- Viennese chairs - original design. Made of iron with the addition of glass.
Buyers celebrate the original and wonderful idea. Non-standard solution in the design of chairs, as well as the rather low price attracts a large number of consumers.

- Aura - products from eco-leather. They represent a rather high construction made of steel with eco-leather upholstery.
Buyers mark the quality of the finish of the chairs, namely the ecological leather. Very convenient solution.
- Zeus - chairs made of wood. Represent both ordinary stools, and rather unusual designs.
Buyers say not the highest quality, but the low price justifies it. The chairs are quite comfortable with comfortable upholstery. You can choose any color that you like and that suits the style of your room.
- Zebra - manufacturing chairs, chairs. The material is an ordinary tree, with the addition of metal mechanisms for transformation.
Buyers first of all celebrate convenience. The campaign itself respectfully treats its customers, when finding a marriage, immediately replaces the chairs with new ones.
- Kurt - chairs in "high-tech" style. Quite unusual, and most importantly, comfortable products. The material used is plastic.
Buyers mark low price. A rather unusual design, the chairs are unlike each other. Comfortable ergonomic seat with backrest.
- Signal H-192- Polish chairs. They are represented by a steel base with an aluminum back.
Buyers say not very comfortable back, which goes at an angle of 90 degrees. Also, this model is highly susceptible to external influences - it is easily scratched and fights.

Interesting solutions in interior design
Let's take a closer look at examples of solutions for design execution:
- Classic - classic chairs. They are ordinary wooden stools made of wood. Models fit perfectly into the interior of any kitchen. But there are other species, characterized by the presence of the back. Exterior decor can be completely different.
- Scandinavian style - quite old. The material used for manufacturing is ordinary wood, which in some cases is coated with paint. The exterior design is represented by various geometric shapes. White color, which can cover both the entire surface of the chair and some of its parts, is excellent for this style. But the most popular is the design of pure natural wood without coating paint.
- In the style of "Provence" - beautiful models in the French style. Differs in appearance, namely artificial aging. The design may include a coarse decor, for example, deep cracks, dark color. Gentle shades will appeal to dreamy persons.
- "High-tech" style - rather unusual original chairs. Each chair may not be like the rest, this is a feature of style. Material for manufacturing is not wood, but metal, plastic or even glass. Not everyone will like it, but by its originality he won the hearts of many people.
- Japanese style - has a fairly simple design. The appearance of the chairs is presented in the form of ordinary stools of different lengths. It does not have any features, but fans of Japan will surely please. It is decorated with usual paint, most often red shades, with the subsequent drawing on the surface of various patterns.
- Oriental style - has a similar theme with the Japanese style, but the production and design is more complicated. Very fashionable chairs in our time.

The material for the manufacture also serves natural wood. Appearance is presented in monotonous calm tones with the addition of ornament. The technique of decoration used to be quite a laborious process, but with the transfer of manual labor to machine, the production of chairs increased dramatically. Although now at fairs you can find self-made chairs, which, by the way, are much more expensive.

Consequently, each person should select the chairs for himself. Depending on the needs, whether it is the shape or the color of the outer cover, you should choose the appropriate style. If you are a fan of simple, uncomplicated solutions, then the Scandinavian style is more suitable for you. If you prefer something more original that others do not, then choose Hi-Tec. We considered the main options for chairs for the kitchen. Choose what you like.