Cappuccino machine 2019


Cappuccino coffee machine

Cappuccino coffee machine

What a pleasure to pamper yourself with great coffee and even with topping. Modern appliances allow you to do it right at home. It is enough to buy a coffee machine with a cappuccinator - and the need to visit coffee shops for the sake of this delicacy will disappear. Cappuccino, loved by many, consists of only one third of espresso coffee, and all the rest is milk foam, whipped with hot steam.

Cappuccino coffee machine

Features and benefits

In order to get milk froth, in the coffee machine there should be a cappuccinator: mechanical or automatic. When using a mechanical cappuccinator, it is required to control the mixing of air with milk and steam. For this, a cup of milk is placed under the “panarello” - the so-called tube with steam - where milk is whipped with special movements.

Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine

Automatic cappuccinator is much simpler, since it practically excludes the presence of a person. Everything is made by the mechanism itself, feeding into the cup ready-made milk froth. Automatic cappuccinators have various modifications:

  • With the function of whipping milk in the foam;
  • With the functions of whipping and heating the milk.

Unlike mechanical autocapacitors, the clearance of the milk supply hole is regulated. Some coffee machines with autocapacitors have milk containers (built-in or individual). In the embedded milk comes through the tubes.

Cappuccino coffee machine


Device and principle of operation

A cappuccinator is also called a beater or blowing agent. The principle of operation is very simple: it includes the functioning of a spray gun that mixes steam with milk. Automatic cappuccinator has a nozzle tube. It is immersed in a container of milk. The pressure in the spray gun changes, under its influence the milk is drawn into the cappuccinator and mixed with steam there.

When using a mechanical device, the milk foams in the "pitcher" (a separate whipping container), and then the foam is put into the cup. Steam, whipping milk and warming up the water, is formed in the boiler. Panarello works in the same way: it is also a spray bottle that mixes steam with milk.

Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine


There are 2 types of cappuccinators: steam, those that use steam to get the foam, and those that do not use steam. As a rule, in coffee machines, the foam is whipped using steam beaters:

  • manual cappuccinator "panarello" - nozzles for beating,
  • autocapacitor with milk intake from the tank,
  • autocapacitor-jug, having the function of supplying foam,
  • mechanical steam cappuccinators.

Most often, the kit includes cars "panarello." The advantages of this nozzle: the quality of the resulting foam, ease of care for the device. Disadvantage: requires constant monitoring of the work. There are also steam devices that do not connect to the machines. They make the foam separately, but also in auto mode.

Autocapsucators with milk intake from a separate container are installed in place of the panarello. The required amount of milk passes through the silicone tube, after which it foams in the cappuccino maker, at the end of which the foam is poured into the cup. Beater-jug set from the front of the machine. The process of beating in it is completely automatic and is carried out when you press a single button.

Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine

Whiskers that do not use steam make the foam mechanically using a whisk, which rotates at very high speed. Outwardly, this device looks like a mixer or blender. Beating is carried out in a matter of seconds, as a result of a steady fluffy foam. The device works on two batteries, it is very easy to use.

A similar mechanism of work and electric milk beater. The only difference is that it operates from the electrical network and has a heating system for milk. Coffee pods can be either with a cappuccinator (mechanical or automatic) or without it. Universal coffee machines suggest the possibility of autonomous control of a cappuccinator with a choice of foam volume, milk, with an archive of successfully selected settings.

Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine

How to choose?

When choosing a coffee machine for the home, it is important to consider the size of the room where it will be installed, as models come in a wide variety of sizes. The selected vehicle must match the style of the room in which it will be located. But the most important thing is its functional characteristics.

You should consider your preferences when choosing a grain, capsular or pod coffee machines. Despite the ease of use of capsule and pods machines, automatic cereal coffee machines are better suited for home use. Since (compared with capsules and pods), the purchase of coffee beans does not cause any difficulties and provides the opportunity to vary the taste.

An important factor in choosing - reliability and quality. The guarantor of these characteristics - brands that have proven themselves in the market of household appliances. If you prefer coffee machines with an automatic cappuccinator, you should know that the most expensive of them have a built-in cappuccinator; in order to prepare a cappuccino or latte, you will need to press only one button. In some models, prepared at the same time 2 cups of drink.

The machines at an average price have a semi-automatic cappuccinator mode: to get a drink, it will be necessary to move the cup manually. In the cheapest models, the milk only foams and warms up, and you need to prepare the drink yourself.

Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine

How to use?

Making foam with the help of "panarello" is quite simple, for this you need:

  • place the container with milk near the coffee machine;
  • remove the nozzle, to do this, first slightly loosen the nut, connect the beater to the tube to supply steam or hot water, then tighten the nut;
  • immerse the tube in a container with milk;
  • put a cup under the cappuccinator;
  • turn on the regulator for steam supply;
  • moving the pin on the cachipunator, it is possible to control the density of the foam;
  • the best result of whipping gives the cooled milk.

After work the beater should be rinsed. To do this, unscrew the nut, remove the tube, the hinge part, lift the lid, remove the stud and the silicone tube, rinse everything with water, reassemble. In cars with autocapacitor, simply press the desired button.

Cappuccino coffee machine

How to use the automatic cappuccinator, see the following video.

Top coffee machines

Philips HD8828 for ground and grain coffee with a coffee grinder has an autocapacitor with an integrated milk jug. Capacious economical coffee machine, compact, with a fully automated process. It has a stylish design. Value for money - the best.

Philips HD 8842 for ground and grain coffee with a coffee grinder - compact, almost silent, preparing 2 cups at the same time, quickly switches modes, there is a fortress regulator. Delonghi ECAM 44.620 S Eletta Plus in the automatic mode cooks "espresso", in manual - "cappuccino". The coffee grinder has a grinding regulator. There is a function of heating the cup.

AM6240 automatic coffee machine from Oursson for ground and grain coffee with a coffee grinder - these are endless possibilities for preparing a variety of coffee drinks. One touch of the button you can make 6 drinks. Individual settings are possible. Machine helps text hints.

Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine
Cappuccino coffee machine


In general, reviews of cappuccinators are positive. There is ease of use, compliance with the specifications. On forums, individual negative characteristics are expressed, which are eliminated during the discussion, because the main reason is insufficiently careful study of the operating rules.

The only drawback that cannot be eliminated is the real threat of coffee abuse. At the same time, it is the best indicator of the quality of work of cappuccinators.

Cappuccino coffee machine