Built-in refrigerator (99 photos)
Built-in refrigerator

Most consumers consider buying a refrigerator a very serious task and approach it very thoughtfully, wanting to be fully informed about the product being purchased when choosing such expensive equipment.

When we go shopping in search of a new refrigerator, we often come across an offer like a built-in model, or a refrigerator mounted in a kitchen unit. This option looks very attractive and convenient in the design of the kitchen space in a single style decision, although it is somewhat unusual for a domestic consumer.

Features of models
Already from the name it becomes clear that this model of the refrigerator should be organically integrated into the kitchen furniture and be as inconspicuous as possible. However, you cannot take a regular refrigerator and hide it in the niche of a kitchen unit, as this will not take into account some important points:
- Dimensions kitchen furniture and ordinary household refrigerator should be the same;
- Refrigerator operating in a closed recess, must have special design features, otherwise it will quickly fail;
- For normal operation of the built-in refrigerator A special ventilation system is required, which is supplied with the unit.

In order for the integrated model of the refrigerator to work flawlessly, it must be significantly different from the usual. In particular, the compressor in these models is located at the top, and the thickness of the walls of the case is markedly increased.

Another important difference is that the design of such a unit requires the appropriate fittings and wall panels mounted on the doors.

The installation of an integrated refrigerator should be carried out by specialists who will take into account all the nuances of the design and coordinate them with the requirements of safe operation.

Built-in fridge will make it possible to make the kitchen truly unique, but when starting to choose it, you need to take into account all the pros and cons, one of which may be the fact that the price tag for these models significantly exceeds the cost of an equivalent function of a single model.

Location in the interior of the kitchen
In accordance with the design decision, the refrigerator can be fully integrated into the kitchen, dissolving into the interior. In another embodiment, it can be hidden only partially, being “recessed” in the niche between the cabinets, or in the corner of the kitchen, fenced off by a partition.

In the first case, decorative facades are installed on the doors of the refrigerator, completely coinciding with the design of kitchen furniture. Usually such panels are made to order, taking into account all the features of the refrigerator, which may be multi-compartment and will require particularly precise size matching.

Much more simple will be the option of installing a refrigerator in the case of a kitchen set that is suitable in size. Usually this can be done with a single-chamber refrigerator that does not have a freezer compartment.

There are three types of door design when installing the built-in refrigerator:
- The refrigerator itself is built into the cabinet, but its door protrudes about 5 cm., it has no decorative lining;
- The protruding door is lined with decorative panels., but it retains the original handles and the lines of the metallized surface of the refrigerator are noticeable along the contours;
- Fully integrated refrigerator, the door of which is completely merged with the surface of standing next to cabinets.

Kitchen layout, in which the refrigerator is located behind the partition, is convenient in terms of saving space.
In this case, there is no question whether it is possible to place an oven next to it, since the furniture wall with the frame will serve as a demarcator and will protect both devices from the effects on each other.

If you install a small-sized refrigerator, for example, in a higher kitchen cabinet, you can equip it next to a microwave oven mounted at the top, hiding both household appliances.

In order for the kitchen design to be kept in the same style, when installing an embedded refrigerator, you need to decide on which type to choose.

Usually the choice is between modules and a full unit, including both refrigerated and freezer cabinets.

Separate modules can be:
- Freezer;
- Fridge without freezer;
- Wine cabinet.
The advantages of using modules are obvious. When using them, you can choose the size and location of the blocks in the kitchen. At the same time the freezer and the refrigerator settle down independently.

The installation of modules makes it possible to significantly simplify the interior of the kitchen, getting rid of bulky vertical cabinets. This is especially important for kitchens of small size.
Along with simple modules, there are design options with sliding shelves and drawers. It is worth paying attention to the wine cabinet, unfamiliar to the domestic consumer. Hidden behind the swing doors, it is a convenient and luxurious "cellar" for storing wine.

For those who wish to install a full-fledged refrigeration unit, there are also combi models of different configurations.

The freezer can be up or down, or on the side, for example, in modelsSide by side". In that case, when the dimensions of the kitchen and the wealth of the owner allow, you can make such a large and convenient device as built-in"Family hub", also called"smart fridge".

Volume and parameters
What size to choose a model depends largely on the location of the kitchen furniture. When creating a kitchen from scratch, of course, you can give free rein to imagination and the flight of creative thought. However, even in this case, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of refrigerated cabinets offered on the market. You can order furniture to fit a specific refrigerator, however, unfortunately, the reverse process is impossible, therefore It is advisable to choose the refrigerator before ordering a kitchen unit.

It should be noted that manufacturers in the characteristics of this type of refrigeration equipment must indicate, in addition to dimensions, also the size of the niche recommended for its installation, which is very prudent.

Built-in refrigerators with freezers are:
- Bottom Freezer the volume of 259 liters (177 x 55.9 x 54.4 cm);
- With two lower freezers with a volume of 566 liters (177 x 111.8 x 54.4 cm);
- Multichamber volume 406 liters (179.8 x 60 x 65.6 cm)

Built-in single-chamber refrigerator with freezer compartment:
- Mini fridge volume of 131 liters (82 x 59.8 x 54.8 cm);
- Volume 189 l (121.8 x 54 x 54.9 cm);
- Volume 249 l (139.5 x 55.9 x 54.4 cm);
- Volume 320 liters (177 x 55.9 x 54.4 cm).

Built-in wine racks are offered in a variety of variations:
- Volume 22 l (86.5 x 14.5 x 42.5 cm);
- Having a volume of 95 liters (81.6-86.6 x 59.7 x 57.1 cm);
- Volume of 127 l (45.5 x 59 x 55.5 cm);
- The maximum amount of 195 liters (121.8 x 55.7 x 55 cm)

From these characteristics it can be seen that the height of embedded refrigeration does not exceed 2 meters for high models and 900 mm. for compact.

Number of cameras
Very often, a single-door unit is chosen as a built-in refrigerator, since it is easier to revet its door with finishing panels.

Options with upper or lower freezer. There are also multi-camera models, the location of the cameras in which is both classic and horizontal.

Installation Features
Judging by the user reviews, the built-in models not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also work quieter than their freestanding “brothers”. This is primarily due to the technical characteristics for this category of refrigerators, but the fact that the appliance is hidden in the depths of kitchen furniture is also important.

There are 2 installation options:
- Partial, wherein the device is installed in a decorative niche. It is convenient to use the factory door, especially if it is equipped with a touch screen and ice maker.
- Full embed option, in which the device is completely merged with the kitchen.
It must be remembered that any embedded technology requires a nearby outlet, the use of extension cords in this case is absolutely unacceptable.

It is not recommended to install the built-in refrigerator on your own, because if the installation technology is violated, the factory warranty on the device will cease to be valid.

The main features of the installation of embedded refrigerators:
- Do not install directly on the floor.: for ventilation, there must be a grille at the bottom of the device;
- Cap left partially open;
- Do not put the back panel close to the wall;
- On the sides are left about 7 cm;
- Fastening decorative panels to the door it is safer to produce on the hinges than on the guide runners.

Control type
Embedded models may vary according to the type of control.
- The easiest to use will be electronic control. The display at the same time can be both touch, and push-button, but all indicators of operation of the device are reflected in it anyway. This type of control is suitable for incomplete installation, preserving the factory appearance of the doors.
- Mechanical control, which is also called semi-automatic, This is due to the fact that most of the parameters are set by the device itself, but the user can adjust some indicators on his own.
- Manual control, which is expressed in setting the temperature mode of the freezer.

power usage
Energy class is indicated on a label attached to the wall of the device. The most economical is a device marked with the letter A. The more advantages it will be indicated, the higher its efficiency. Premium class models have an A +++ indicator (they allow saving 50% of the usual electricity costs), budget units are usually marked A +, which also provides sufficient energy savings (from 40% to 30%).

It is not necessary to purchase equipment that has a class of energy consumption below B.
Climate class
For the stable operation of technology, there is such a characteristic as a climate class. It means in what temperature conditions and at what humidity the operation of this device is permissible.

Russia is in the zone belonging to the middle climate class. For this class, the normal working conditions are considered to be external temperature from +10 to +32 degrees Celsius.

Accordingly, labeling devices must be in the range from N to SN, or N-SN.

Defrost cameras
The type of defrosting of the freezing and refrigerating chambers is one of the most important characteristics of the device. Currently there are 3 options:
- Manual defrost, when it is required to turn off the power supply and wait until the ice "fur coat" melted on the walls of the refrigerator melts;
- "Direct cool", or a defrost drip system, in which condensate that freezes on the walls is thawed automatically after a certain period of time, after which it flows down in the form of droplets in a tray, from which it is then evaporated by a running compressor;
- "No Frost", also called windless or “frost-free” technology. It is carried out due to the presence of an evaporator and constant ventilation of the air, which, when passing through the evaporator, leaves all microparticles of ice formed during freezing. Thereby the air is dried, and the left ice crystals melt and drain into the tray.

Noise level
The characteristics of any refrigerator indicate the level of noise that it produces in the process. In Russia, there is GOST 16317-87, which sets the maximum allowable value of the hum of the refrigerator to not more than 53 dB.

Devices with the system "No frost"noise in the range of 44 to 47 dB. The operation of the unit with a manual or drip defrosting system will be quieter: 34-42 dB.

additional characteristics
In addition to the defrosting mode, important points to pay attention to when buying a built-in refrigerator are:
- The presence of a "zone of freshness"and its parameters (humidity and temperature);
- Additional Modes freezing and cooling;
- Antibacterial treatment coating;
- Opportunity to re-hang doors;
- The presence of the regime "vacation".
- Does the device require with an ice generator connect to the water supply.

Price and brand
Since the demand for embedded refrigerators is constantly growing, they are produced by almost all major manufacturers of household appliances. To choose a good option, it is necessary to review the best brands.
Beko offers two options on the Russian market:
- The two-chamber refrigerator with the lower arrangement of the Veko CBI 7771 freezer, volume 243 l, refrigerator with drip defrosting system, freezer NoFrost, there is a zone of freshness, anti-bacterial coating and re-hung doors. Sizes 177 cm / 53.5 cm / 54 cm The average price is 39 000 rubles.
- Freezer Eyelid BU 1200 HCA, having a volume of 87 liters, electronic control, manual defrost system. Sizes 82 cm / 54.5 cm / 59,8 cm. Price from 18 000 rubles.

Hansa offers a built-in model of a refrigerator with a bottom freezer HANSA BK 316.3 with a volume of 273 liters, manual defrost, mechanical control. Dimensions 177.6 cm / 54 cm / 54 cm, the average price is 26 000 rubles.

Smeg introduced premium segment refrigerators:
- Smeg model FA860PS Coloniale with bottom freezer, total volume 229 l, combined defrosting system, electronic control, dimensions 180 cm / 60 cm / 64 cm, without handles. The cost of 84 000 rubles.
- Side-by-Side Smeg FQ60CAO, having 4 doors; total volume 610 l, defrosting system "No frost", the presence of a dry zone of freshness. It has an antibacterial filter and wall coating, odor filter. There is an ice generator, a large selection of freezing modes. Dimensions 187 cm / 92 cm / 74.7 cm. Price 260 000 rubles.

Korting offers KSI 17875 CFN dual-chamber inline model, the total volume of which is 260 liters, which has a combined defrosting system, superfreeze mode, “vacation”. There is the possibility of re-hanging the doors. Sizes 177 cm / 54.5 cm / 54 cm. Cost 54,000 rubles.

Miele, a well-known manufacturer of embedded technology, can offer the following models to the domestic consumer:
- Two-chamber refrigerator KFN28032D ws with a volume of 308 liters, "No Frost", supercooling and super-freezing modes, shelf for storing wines. Dimensions 87 cm / 60 cm / 62.5 cm, the average cost of 70 000 rubles.
- KD28032 ws, having 2 cameras and a volume of 310 liters. In this model, there are manual and drip defrost system, alarm door opening and temperature increase. Sizes 181.7 cm / 60 cm / 65 cm. Price within 50,000 rubles.

Haier offers a built-in model of the Haier BCFE625AWRU combi-cooler with a volume of 241 l, with the system "No Frost" in both branches, which has rehangable doors. Sizes 177.3 cm / 54 cm / 55.5 cm. The average price is 49,500 rubles.

Sharp can please the buyer with premium class devices:
- Two-chamber SJ-SC59PV BK, volume 433 l, with the system "No Frost", freshness zone, antibacterial coating, air purification, filter and ionizer. Sizes 185 cm / 80 cm / 72.5 cm. Cost 96 000 rubles.
- The SJF-96SPSL is a model with four "Side by Side" doors.The total volume is 605 l, the combined defrosting system works, there is a freshness zone, ice generator, super-freezing mode and “vacation", There is a built-in air deodorizer. Sizes 183 cm / 89 cm / 78.7 cm. Price from 135,000 rubles.

Teka offers military options:
- Built-in countertop freezer Teka TGI2 120 D, with a capacity of 96 liters., with manual defrost mode. Dimensions 82 cm / 59.8 cm / 54.5 cm. Cost 37,000 rubles.
- Two-compartment refrigerators, such as Teka CI 320, volume 283l, having a lower location of the freezer, a combined defrosting system, the presence of freshness zone, antibacterial coating. Dimensions 177 cm / 54 cm / 53.5 cm. The average price of this model is 60 000 rubles.

Kuppersbusch produces embedded kombi - Refrigerators with a bottom freezer, the volume of which is 292 liters. More simple models have a manual defrost, in the luxury defrost system "No Frost". All have reversible doors and a wine storage basket. Kuppersberg NRB 17761 trimmed with antibacterial plastic, equipped with an ionization system. Sizes 177.3 cm / 54 cm / 54.8 cm. Prices start at 50,000 rubles.

Vestfrost can offer the following options:
- VF465EB, which has two cameras, the total volume of which is 435 liters. In both branches, the system provides "No Frost", there is a zone of freshness with adjustable humidity. Touchscreen display, retractable ice maker chamber, a variety of freezing modes. Dimensions are 182 cm / 70 cm / 68 cm. The average price for this model is 70,000 rubles.
- Three-chamber VF 910 X- This is a huge 620 l refrigerator with the "No Frost" system, a "fresh zone", an air purification system, and a variety of modes, including a vacation one. A touchscreen display and pen lights adorn this model. Sizes 185 cm / 91 cm / 75 cm. The price is 160 000 rubles.

Candy offers combi fridges, for example, Candy CKBC 3180E / 1 Krio Suite with a capacity of 250 liters, having a manual defrosting system of the freezer and a drop zone in the refrigerator compartment, a “wet” zone of freshness. The size is 177 cm / 54 cm / 54 cm. Cost is 43 000 rubles.