Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best kitchen blue design


Many designers, and even psychologists, strongly recommend carefully selecting the color of the future kitchen. After all, there are colors that will negatively affect the psychological level of a person, and there are colors that will act positively.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

In modern times, many prefer the blue shade. The kitchen in blue will remind nature, coolness, the sea and the sky, which will add more comfort and comfort to the apartment.

No wonder the blue color is considered the color of calm and balance. And also a blue tint from year to year still remains relevant, and does not lose its originality and elegance.

Key elements of the blue kitchen

Of course, before you begin to decorate the kitchen in a blue shade, you should consider all the nuances.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

The most compatible shades with a blue gamut are cream, light pink, light orange, beige, and skin tones.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

This is done so that the blue tone does not seem too cold, and such warm shades can competently dilute it. Note that the blue kitchen in the photo looks much softer using harmonious shades.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

As for the choice of furniture for the blue kitchen, here preference should be given to elements of wood of light colors - this is most often: pine, bleached oak, honey birch, etc.

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

The very blue color is cold, and thanks to the warm shades of wood, the interior will be transformed for the better. Even the kitchen set should choose golden-honey shades.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

The kitchen interior in blue color is suitable not only for large rooms, but also for small apartments, where the kitchen is very small. Blue and turquoise shades visually increase the space.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

Choosing a floor for a blue kitchen

When it comes to selecting the floor in the blue kitchen, you can safely lean towards the same colors as when choosing furniture: the color of wood, honey and cappuccino.

The dark range of shades of a floor means colors of wenge, dark chocolate, saturated gray and contrast lilac.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

The floor can be both light shades and dark. Light colors of the floor will certainly add more comfort, coziness and warmth to the kitchen. While the kitchen with a dark floor will look spectacular, rich, luxurious and impressive.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

From this we can conclude that if you tend to increase the contrast in your kitchen, then surely choose the dark floor, and if you are a supporter of peace and tranquility, then the perfect solution is a bright floor.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

White floor is not recommended for use in combination with the blue kitchen. White color is able to eliminate the feeling of stability, everything will be as if airy and light, as in a children's room, but not for the kitchen.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

Another blue color in the interior of the kitchen will be perfectly combined with the gray floor. In the blue design, such rhymes as dark gray, graphite, marengo and quartz sound well.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

Bright accents for the blue kitchen.

The color of the sky in the interior can be safely supplemented with various shades of greenery. For example, green tea or olive.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

They will not make the kitchen too bright and saturated, but the design will turn out alive, and every day will give energy and a positive mood. With this approach, the table and chairs in bright yellow or orange will be a good choice.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

If you have planned the blue color in the interior design of the kitchen, then make sure that the ceiling and the floor are decorated in different color shades.

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

This way, you compensate for the cool tone of the blue hue, and add warmth to your kitchen.

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

When designing a floor covering, it is not necessary to use dark tones, because this can lead to gloominess, and visually reduces space.

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

Photo of kitchen of blue color

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue kitchen - 88 photos of the best

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos

164-Blue Kitchen - 88 Best Photos