Blenders vitek (72 photos)
Blenders Vitek

- Types of models and functions
- Stationary
- Submersible
In the market of home appliances, there is a huge selection of blenders of various brands. They differ in quality, individual characteristics and cost. One of the most popular manufacturers of these devices is the company Vitek. Vitek blenders are in the first positions of the popularity rating. All products are different from the analogs of the democratic price and excellent quality.
Types of models and functions

Vitek blender is a device with a whisk and nozzles for grinding and dicing various products, such as vegetables, fruits, meat, ice, coffee, as well as for mixing food components. This Premium device is equipped with high-quality knives, and also resembles a mixer and a food processor, but is more compact with respect to the second instance. The combine is multifunctional enough, but often too large to fit in a small kitchen. The mixer, in turn, is small in size, but the number of functions is rather limited.
Combining the work of two devices at once and optimizing the actions of the hostess, Vitek desktop blender becomes a truly indispensable companion of every hostess.

Blenders are of two types: fixed and submersible:
This product is powered from the network, can have a power of 600 W, 800 Watts and consists of a bowl with a knife, as well as a stand with a motor. The device is quite convenient, as it is autonomous, so that it does not need to be held in the hand all the time, unlike the submersible model. Perfectly copes with large volumes. Blender Vitek allows you to make various cocktails, mashed potatoes, smoothies, homemade mayonnaise, chop meat into minced meat, chop vegetables and fruits, knead the dough, grind coffee and even chop ice.

If the device is equipped with a self-cleaning function, it makes it even more convenient to operate.
Usually it is a small and light in weight device, which is a handle with a special nozzle-knife. It is often sold without a bowl, so you can use it with any convenient container. Vitek Immersion Blender is designed for grinding or mixing small portions and for smoothies. It is not very convenient to use, as it must be kept on weight all the time, which may cause additional troubles.

Advantages and disadvantages
Among the variety of models of submersible blenders Vitek, presented on the market of kitchen appliances, there is a huge variety of these devices. To choose the most suitable option, you need to study the range, deal with the technical characteristics, as well as read the reviews.

The advantages of the Vitek blender are:
- Compact dimensions. Bulky appliances are a thing of the past, the tendency to reduce the size is visible to the naked eye, which allows you to significantly increase the useful space of the kitchen.
- Affordable price. Not everyone can afford to buy the latest, trendy and expensive models. The popularity of immersion blenders is due precisely to this factor.
- Ease and ease of use. Virtually everyone will be able to easily use with this device.
- It is not necessary to have special dishes, to use this device, it is enough to take any container of the appropriate size. Of the minuses can be distinguished emitted noise in the process.

The functions of the device are as follows:
- Grinding of solid and semi-solid products. Allows you to cook vegetable and fruit salads.
- Beat liquids. Helps to make a wonderful air omelet.
- Cooking dough. Replaces the mixer - no need to use several devices at once, one small submersible blender is enough.

Choosing a device Vitek, You should also pay attention to the functionality and material of which the nozzles are made. Cheap Vitek blender models come with three nozzles and a knife, more expensive ones are a whisk, a vacuum pump for pumping out air, a chopper, a knife nozzle for shredding and cutting.

From the advantages of a stationary device Vitek can distinguish the following:
- Self cleaning function. A very useful feature, without which it is too difficult to clean the device.
- No need to hold your hand. It works independently after pressing a button. The device is autonomous, which allows during its operation to do other household chores, saving time.
- Suitable for cooking large amounts of food. There is no need to mix the same ingredients several times.
- The presence of different modes and speeds contributes to the preparation of a variety of dishes.
- Does not affect surrounding objects. The presence of the bowl allows you to make the cooking process as accurate as possible and will not give the hostess any extra hassle with cleaning.

Among the disadvantages are relatively large sizes. In addition, there is not always a self-cleaning function, because of what vegetables are not ground to the desired size, and there is a lot of noise in the process.

To choose the right stationary Vitek device, it is recommended to pay attention to power, number of functions, speeds and nozzle material. Power depends on the quality of grinding products. The bowl may be glass or plastic, the second is more durable, but at the same time absorbs extraneous odors.

Vitek Stationary Blender features:
- chopping and shredding;
- mixing dough;
- beating liquids.

Blender Vitek is an indispensable assistant to any hostess in the kitchen, as it combines the functions of a combine and a mixer, while saving usable space. For young mummies who care about the health of their children, this device is extremely necessary, because often for a baby, vegetables, fruits and meat have to be ground into a homogeneous mass. It perfectly complements the soup cooker, due to the presence of the bowl. To do this with a knife or a grater is almost impossible. Understanding the need to purchase this product, it is important to know what it is equipped with.

Depending on the model and price, a different package of products is presented, consisting of:
- nozzle hooks for mixing dough;
- Corolla, for example, for the preparation of cocktails;
- nozzles for making mashed potatoes;
- vacuum pump for pumping air from containers;
- chopper heads for vegetables, fruits or meat.

A wide variety of models of Vitek blenders can be found on the shelves of home appliances retail stores, hypermarkets, as well as in online stores. When buying a product, you always want to find the perfect ratio of price and quality. To do this, you must first examine the detailed information about a particular instance. Usually all features can be found on the Internet.
An important factor when choosing a Vitek blender is the power and functionality of the device, because the price of the product directly depends on them. Product quality is the key to a long service life, so this feature is worth paying attention to first.

Reviews and cost
Judging by the reviews of numerous buyers of Vitek blenders, they are a necessary attribute of almost every kitchen. A well-known brand produces high-quality appliances with beautiful, life-facilitating functions. Housewives especially focus on stationary blender models with large glass bowls, noting their strength, durability and convenience in preparing food or drinks.

Young mummies prefer budgetary submersible models for cooking baby food. The device significantly saves time, allows you to feed your child with natural food with the most useful composition.

Goods are also used by men. They are attracted by ease of use, self-cleaning function and, of course, the build quality of the unit.

The cost of blenders on average varies from 2,000 to 7,000 rubles and is directly dependent on the level of functionality of the product, as well as its capacity. The most budget brands are considered Vitek, Scarlett, Polaris and Redmond, which are not inferior in quality to more expensive brands, such as Bosch, Braun, Philips, Moulinex.

Comparison with other firms
The huge selection of blenders greatly complicates the selection process. To make the most correct choice of this device, experts recommend to get acquainted with other manufacturers in more detail. The most famous among them are the following brands:
- Vitek;
- Scarlett;
- Polaris;
- Redmond;
- Braun;
- Bosch;
- Philips;
- Moulinex.

Submersible models are very popular Vitek. With them, you can easily grind even the hardest products. The package bundle is quite rich: a chopper knife, a measuring cup, a nozzle mill, a whisk and a bowl. It is possible to switch speeds, which allows you to prepare dishes for any taste without much effort: create milkshakes, smoothies, make stuffing, beat an omelette, finely chop vegetables, fruits and more.

From low-cost models, you can select devices, the power of which ranges from 250 to 400 watts. These are representatives Scarlett, Polaris and Redmond. To extend the life of such products, you should pre-cut vegetables or fruits with a knife. The Scarlett brand is quite economical, but often inferior to Vitek in build quality. The stationary model from Redmond, whose power is 350 W, is equipped with a travel bottle, which is very convenient when feeding a baby outside the house.

If the device is used daily, it is worth looking at the more powerful models: for submersibles it averages 500 watts, and for stationary ones it starts at 750 watts. The latter are most often equipped with rather small bowls, which is not always convenient, while their knives are relatively short-lived, which leads to frequent breakdowns. In the category with such power, popular proven brands, such as Bosch, Philips and Moulinex, do their best job.
But the units of the company Braun are famous for their reliability, due to the good protection of the motor against external factors. Accounting for customer feedback allowed this brand to minimize the breakdown of a similar device.

In the case when it is necessary to constantly grind such solid products as coffee and ice, a device whose power will vary from 750 W to 950 W will be suitable. But here it is worth considering the fact that these devices are very noisy. With this task, the Polaris blender combines perfectly. It is less noisy, in comparison with competitors, better equipped and multifunctional.

The most expensive models of Vitek are devices with a power from 800 W to 1500 W, as a rule, they are also the most multifunctional. When buying expensive fixtures, low-quality copies should be avoided. In order to distinguish a high-quality product from a low-quality one, it is necessary to pay attention to the following nuances when purchasing:
- it is not necessary to purchase goods of an unknown manufacturer;
- the outlet must also have certain fame and credibility;
- the appearance of the device should not cause doubts in quality. Excluded chips, scratches, cracks. The joints of parts must be smooth - which indicates a high-quality assembly;
- the brand name and model must be spelled correctly;
- the presence of a warranty card is mandatory;
- the instruction manual is no less important and it should be written in Russian;
- price below market should alert the vigilant buyer.

In conclusion, it is worth noting the need for the presence in the kitchen of every housewife of such a necessary device as a blender. In the modern world, especially to the inhabitants of megacities, there is always not enough time. In order to save a lot of money, it is often necessary to resort to the use of various assistants: a whisk, a blender or a food processor. To optimize and reduce the cooking time of products will help such a versatile device, such as Vitek blender. Depending on the needs and preferences, you should choose the best option between stationary models and submersible ones.