Blender for baby food


Blender for baby food

Blender for baby food

Having a child is not only a great joy, but also a huge responsibility. After all, you have to solve so many important issues, most of which will concern the nutrition of the baby. Here you have to choose whether to buy baby food in the store and do it yourself at home. Of course, home cooking takes more time, but you will be sure that your baby gets everything you need.

Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

Let's look at suitable blenders for cooking baby food at home.

Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

Blender classification

Every day more and more models appear on the market, and it is more and more difficult to choose from this variety. First of all, let's see what kinds of blenders are there at all. So, they are divided into:

  • Submersible;
  • Stationary.
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

Which of these is better for children is up to you.

Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

Submersible can be used in any dish or pan, without unloading the contents into a special bowl. In the advantages of this type, you can safely write down the fact that it is small and compact, and also grinds food in mashed potatoes, suitable even for kids up to a year. If we mention the cons, there are not too many of them.

Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

An immersion blender is not always convenient to hold, they are always busy with at least one hand. Also, it is too powerful, but in this case it does not matter, because for the preparation of food the kid will definitely have enough strength. In addition, this machine and adults are able to prepare delicious cocktails.

Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

Mini-blenders can also be counted as submersible models. This is a good option for small portions, as you do not have to scrape all the contents into a bottle.

But such a machine is only a temporary solution, because children grow up, and soon your baby will have little of the portion that this blender is capable of producing. In addition, such models often break down and they have very little power, which is not always enough to grind everything correctly.

Stationary Models are machines that stand still. As a rule, a bowl is attached to them, which is attached to the base. A huge plus of such blenders is that you load the ingredients inside, set the necessary settings - and you can safely go on with your business.

Blender for baby food

If you have a large family and you want to cook food for everyone with this machine, then the stationary blender is for you.

In the minuses, you can specify the fact that to clean such a unit can be hard because of the many details. Therefore, choose a blender with a bowl that detaches - this will make washing easier.

Blender for baby food

Another significant disadvantage is that such machines are designed specifically for cooking large volumes of food, and if you need very little, then it definitely does not suit you.

Blender for baby food

Additional options

For the convenience of moms and not only, in the last couple of years such a model as a multi-cooker blender has appeared. This is a kind of stationary blender, but with the function of the multicooker. As a rule, this machine has a glass bowl.

Blender for baby food

Thus, you can not only shred write for your child, but also prepare it. The advantages of using this unit are obvious - while you are busy with other things, he will cook everything and quickly enough. The downsides are that it is rather cumbersome, and it is not easy to wash it. But the only alternative is to buy two separate devices instead of one, and this is not very practical.

Blender for baby food

There is also a variety such as a road blender. This kind of units are suitable not only for making baby food, but also for those who are constantly on the road and want to stay healthy. They are lightweight, quickly sorted out and have enough power to cook anything.

Blender for baby food

An immersion blender can also be used as a similar unit, since it is easy to take with you, and it does not take up very much space.

But here it is important to remember that you will need a container where you need to mix all the products and grind them. This is perhaps the only negative of this idea.

Blender for baby food

Criterias of choice

Everything here is completely dependent on your needs. If you want to use the blender exclusively for baby puree, then the usual mini blender will do for you. If you need to cook for yourself and someone else - for these purposes the immersion model will fit perfectly. In the event that you have a large family, and you plan to cook at all, you can not do without a stationary car. Well, for speed and better functionality, the multi-cooker-blender is the best solution.

Blender for baby food

But besides these obvious details, there are still some things that you should pay attention to:

  • Power. The more powerful the model, the better it will be able to grind both soft and hard products;
  • How capacious is the bowl. Here, again, it all depends on how many people you plan to cook. The biggest bowls are in the stationary blender or in the multi-cooker blender, and the smallest in the mini-blender;
  • List of products suitable for grinding. Be sure to pay attention to this. A powerful device is more likely to grind all hard fruits, for example, an apple, but it’s better to see for yourself;
  • What nozzles are included in the set. If you plan to cook only baby food, you do not need a large number of additional functions. But the blender can be used in different ways and each nozzle will help prepare a new dish;
  • The material from which the device is made is also very important. Moreover, in the case of kids, it is best to choose a model of metal or glass, as they are more environmentally friendly than plastic. In the event that you still get a plastic device, be careful that the material does not come into contact with food when cooking.
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

It is worth remembering that liquid food is intended only for infants and children up to a year. In the subsequent time it is necessary to gradually transfer the baby to solid food.

Blender for baby food

Browse popular models

Here we look at the most popular models, as well as read reviews to them.

We can not say about the model Avent-Philips SCF 870/22. It is easy to cook steamed vegetables, porridge, or meat and fish in its own juice. Cooked vegetables can be chopped and served as a baby food. 450 ml bowl. will help to cook enough, but for a large family, such an amount will obviously be small.

Blender for baby food

Included is just one nozzle, for simple dishes, power 400 W, which allows you to chop products well and efficiently. But one significant disadvantage of this car is still there - it is quite noisy.

Blender for baby food

Buyers in the acquired device as a whole are satisfied, a lot of positive reviews about the convenience and speed of the model. Claims for many only to the price, users believe that the cost is greatly overestimated. Several people complained about the raid, which does not wash off and the work of the knife.

Blender for baby food

Next on our list is BeabaBabycook 912130. A bowl of 600 milliliters is definitely enough for a large family. The power is lower here - only 350 W, but at the same time the machine copes well with large portions and works almost silently. On assurances of the manufacturer, this unit is impact-resistant.

Blender for baby food

Many praise the quality of parts and the volume of the bowl, as I want to cook not only for the child, but also for themselves. The model does not have a sound signal, instead a light bulb comes on, and a very double attitude has arisen to this. Someone says that it is convenient, since the child does not wake up from the sound and you can cook in the immediate vicinity of it, but someone is very uncomfortable to watch if the light bulb is lit.

Blender for baby food

Philips AVENT SCF860 / 25 - the undisputed leader on our list. It has a convenient equipment with six cups, which can be covered with a lid and left in the fridge or worn with you. In addition, this model is capable of grinding not only vegetables with fruits, but also meat, nuts and other hard objects, which will significantly expand the diet of your baby. In the set is a book with recipes and a set for feeding.

Users are very satisfied with the purchase, note its convenience and quality of parts.

Braun MR 320 Baby. Able to mash 500 milliliters of food at a time, which is very convenient if you have more than one child. The bowl is made not from plastic, but from glass resistant to high temperatures, so it can be heated in a microwave. Power 450 W helps him chop hard vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts.

Blender for baby food

For the convenience of preserving freshness, the blender is equipped with a special lid, which extracts air from the tank and makes it airtight. In addition, there are other additional features, such as a spice mill and grinding coffee beans.

Blender for baby food

Buyers are definitely satisfied with the purchase, praise the speed and ability to grind almost everything, they talk about quality. There were some complaints about the small glass, but even these people spoke positively about the model.

Blender for baby food

In the forefront among stationary models, there will undoubtedly be Rolsen SM-310MW unit. This blender, above all, is different from all others in that it is wireless. In other words, you can take it with you on trips, transfer it from one room to another, and generally use this function to the fullest. With a power of 300 watts, it is still able to grind a lot of different products.

Blender for baby food

Reviews slightly lower the bar of this unit. Users say the manufacturer description is incorrect and the blender is actually wired. What is already a huge minus. In addition, no complaints.

Blender for baby food

The next model is more expensive, but worth it - Braun multiquick 5 one of the most functional machines on the market. He is able to grind solid food, including meat, although high-grade minced meat will not work here. Thanks to the help of various nozzles, it is easy to prepare homemade mayonnaise, pates and cocktails. This model is definitely useful not only for children, but also for all family members.

Blender for baby food

Users who have tried this model do not cease to praise it. They say that it is very fast, powerful, but it does not make much noise. The only drawback on which all agreed - the price.

Blender for baby food

Clatronic MZ 2619 - one of the most inexpensive cars, but with good functionality. With its help, you can prepare food for your baby, make smoothies and mashed soups. The only negative - a small power, only 100 watts.

Blender for baby food

The reviews are mostly positive - customers like the functionality and low price. But there are many complaints about the low power and the fact that the machine heats up with long work.

Blender for baby food

Baby Bullet. This is a very special blender designed specifically for cooking for your baby. With it you can cook up to seven different dishes. In addition, the kit includes a recipe book, a nutrition guide and a container with a lid for six portions.

Blender for baby food
Blender for baby food

The model is very fast - it is able to prepare a supply of food for your baby in five minutes. It can be easily taken with you, and the body is made of durable plastic. All customers who used it were satisfied. Baby Bullet saves time and does everything efficiently and quickly.

Blender for baby food