Auger juice extractor (113 photos)
Auger juicer

During the domination of fashion for a healthy lifestyle and the fascination for proper nutrition, fresh juice is indispensable. For its preparation is to purchase a special juicer. Due to the specifics of processing fruits and vegetables, many experts recommend purchasing auger juicers.

What it is
This is a common fruit press. By type of construction they are divided into manual, mechanical and electrical models. Visually, almost all devices are similar to each other. But according to the principle of work they are divided into screw and centrifugal. If the choice fell on a screw machine, it means working on the principle of cold pressing. It works like a meat grinder. Especially with her manual options juicers.

The internal device consists of a metal twisted shaft. In the process of rotation, he grinds products that come to him from the discharge chute. The ground product enters the compartment with a fine mesh. Due to the pressure behind the next batch of vegetables and fruits, the ground mass is squeezed through a sieve. On the sieve remain particles of unmilled products. The cake goes into a separate tube, and the juice is fed into a special thicket for the finished product. This means that devices with such a device operate at low speeds.
Due to this, cold-pressed juices are obtained, which retain all the vitamins and beneficial trace elements. It is important to understand that fresh juice does not heat up and there is no foam on it.

The main burden of juice production falls on a strong and powerful auger, which is a powerful shaft. The way of working of this category of models resembles a meat grinder. Due to the specifics of the mechanism, juice is squeezed out from the crushed parts of the products. Then everything gets on the filter and under the influence of the shaft, the crushed product is pressed through the filter.

This process occurs several times. Then the juice with pulp through the channels fall into the juice tank, and all waste is discharged through a different opening. Thanks to this machine, it is easy to prepare a healthy and nutritious breakfast in the form of an apple, strawberry and kiwi smoothie.

This method of obtaining juice is very effective. Compared with a centrifugal machine, it produces 2 times more juice with minimal losses, and the cake comes out almost dry. The screw juice extractor spends much less electric power in comparison with centrifugal. This difference exceeds 10 times. The design of the device is more reliable due to simplicity.

This juicer recycles more products. This type of apparatus produces very little noise and its coefficient does not exceed 50 dB. Quite calmly, you can make some juice in the morning without waking up a small child in the next room. Good devices have a power of 100-300 watts. As mentioned earlier, they squeeze the juice rather slowly, but much more carefully.

Auger juicers are divided among themselves on the following types of structures:
• Manual Juicer the type of work resembles an ordinary meat grinder. Very difficult work process and time consuming. The result is a much smaller product than the automatic models.

• Horizontal type The design works like an ordinary electric meat grinder. Chopped up in small pieces, vegetables and fruits are dropped into a specially designed compartment. At the time of work, these chopped pieces must be pressed through with a special pusher. This model easily grinds coffee, spices, cereals and can make stuffing. Soft fruit in such a juicer easily turn into a puree.

• Twin screw design has a more complex device and a high price compared to other variants of such devices. But the result is worth it. Juice is 95% of the loaded products. With this model, you can even squeeze the juice from the seeds.

• The most compact and widest neck is vertical model. Due to this device there is no need for fine grinding of products. Thanks to the gentle spin, the resulting product leaves much more.

Advantages and disadvantages
Consider the main advantages similar type of construction:
• Due to the low speed and unique method of cold pressing, the juice is very useful.
• The unit is very quiet. Even getting plenty of juice will be almost imperceptible.
• Most parts in the unit do not rotate. Due to this feature, the juicer can work without ceasing about 30 minutes. The mechanism of such models is much more durable.

• Thanks to a roomy neck, chopped products will not come out, and the juicer itself does not slide on the surface during operation.
• Many devices have a self-cleaning function, due to which the device will be clean in minutes.
• The unit squeezes the juice thoroughly and leaves very little waste. In such a device can easily make nut or soy milk. And the variations in the preparation of juice from various products are much greater than those of centrifugal.

Despite the fact that the screw model is so good, it has several deficiencies. Basically fresh comes with pulp and resembles the composition of mashed potatoes. To make the juice more transparent, it is worth taking an additional sieve or centrifugal apparatus.
By production of tomato juice it is worth getting horizontal models.

Of course, this model can not cope with citrus.

A significant drawback is the more thorough preparation of products before processing. The neck of the device is designed in such a way that even for the widest one, the average-sized apple must be cut into 4 pieces. Due to the peculiarities of the apparatus, the spinning process is rather long than the similar one in centrifugal. For some, it seems a minus and a limited period of work. Even in the most expensive models, the duration of work does not exceed half an hour, then the device overheats and turns off.

Such juicers are a new method for obtaining juice through a special press. Thanks to a special device, they allow you to get the so-called cold-pressed and retain all the useful properties of the drink. Although they are low-speed, it does not interfere with getting a product of excellent quality. Home appliances will not deliver noisy anxiety to relatives.

Juicers of this type are of two types: vertical and horizontal. The device of the vertical type allows not only to cut the fruit, but also to tighten them. Due to what the juice goes without a pusher. The screw is usually made of special plastic. The horizontal type functions with a special pusher. Because of this, the process of juicing is somewhat slower. This model will be ideal for cooking fresh from various herbs.

Professional or industrial model deserves special attention. More components are made of stainless steel, which allows the device to work for a long time without interruption. Although these models extract juice and not as fast as centrifugal. But they are suitable for vegetables and fruits of almost any size and density.

There is a fairly extensive range of devices with manual drive.
This juicer is very small, mini size. Due to this, it is convenient to take with you on trips and various trips. For example, to the country, if it is not possible to connect other models to the power supply. Often this garden squeezer helps to process a large number of products. Sadovaya is also the press model of the apparatus. Compact juicer does not take up much space in the small-sized kitchen.

Before you opt for any particular model, you should decide on the cost of the device. It is important to realize that too low cost options are made of cheap plastic, which has a short service life.
But for very rare use, it will be very rational to purchase such a juicer.

Premium class devices will serve their owners much longer. This is influenced by the quality of the materials. These models in the kit include a large number of different devices and nozzles that make the process of getting juice more convenient and simple. In addition, there are models with one or with two screws.

Mechanical juicer due to the specifics of the work will be a little easier to operate than manual. Auger juice extractor suitable for berries with stones, for pomegranate, for garlic and onions. This is also a great option for grapes when there is a desire to make homemade wine.

The electric model is also comfortable to use and will not create much noise in the process. The screw juice extractor is an apparatus of high productivity of juice and less waste in comparison with centrifugal.

Recently, a juicer combination model is gaining popularity. It is a symbiosis of the centrifugal model and the apparatus for obtaining juice from citrus fruits. The kit for such devices is usually a sieve - a separator with a float and a cone-shaped nozzle. For the preparation of citrus fresh juice it must be installed in place of the main one

Models with 2 filters allow for better filtering, and the self-cleaning function will always keep them clean.
Comparing all types of juicers currently on the market for goods, it is the screw that should be called universal.

It is difficult to say which of the screw juicers is the best. The main role is played by the needs and desires of the owners. It is worth noting that recently they are very popular among the population.

Device and principle of operation
The principle of operation of the mechanical apparatus is that any product is placed under a press and with the help of a special lever it presses until juice is obtained. The manual model works differently. The product is placed in a special compartment, and in manual mode, the mechanism begins to operate. As a result, the auger completely squeezes the juice from a vegetable, fruit or herb. Then the fresh enters through the grid in a special container, and the cake from the opposite side to the other.
The electrical model works like a manual version. To get started, you just need to press the button and do not make any more effort, in contrast to the manual version. The product is loaded into a special hole and pushed through with a special pusher.

The rotation speed of such a device with a steel screw or plastic does not exceed 40-80 revolutions per minute. Horizontal models take up more space in the kitchen. The principle of operation of the apparatus with a metal screw or plastic is almost the same. Each of them has its pros and cons. The horizontal option can be with 1 or 2 augers.

Those that have 1 auger, are much larger in size than with 2 augers. Included are nozzles that help grind the product. Sometimes even a nozzle that helps to make pasta. Although the auger juice extractor looks different depending on the type of construction, but the principle of operation is almost the same for all. Juice is obtained under pressure from the press. The press is the auger itself. It works in manual mode or with the help of electricity. The power of the apparatus plays an important role in its work.
Powerful juicer allows you to squeeze up to 95% of the product.

How to choose
Most models of augers operate at low revs. Before you make a purchase and make your choice, you should pay attention to other characteristics of the product. It is also important to understand whether a juicer will be bought for a home, for a summer residence or for an industrial production of fresh.

• The quality of materials directly affects product quality and service life. Many experts recommend looking closely at Korean brands that pay great attention to quality materials. Chinese firms are not always distinguished by decent materials, but the low cost of goods is a significant advantage for some.

• It is important to choose a technique from a functional point of view. If a consumer likes citrus juice and will use a juicer to make this type of fresh juice, then it is worth taking one option. When squeezing the juice from different herbs, it is worth looking at completely different models. To get fresh herbal, you should choose a horizontal model. And for other types of juice should pay attention to the vertical version of the device.

• Machine power is an important feature. But it will be a delusion to think that the more power, the faster and better he will cope with various products.
• When choosing, it is important to consider the noise level. It is unlikely that the consumer will be delighted with the unit, which produces an incredible noise. This type of juicer can be quite loud.

• It is important to consider the equipment package Each juicer has its own set of additional tools and accessories. Due to this, it turns out more efficient work with various fruits and vegetables.
• Size matters. Fortunately, if the device is small and not too heavy.
If the consumer is looking for a compact model, then you should choose a vertical option.

What juices can you make
Let many manufacturers claim that the screw machines will cope with all types of vegetables and fruits, in fact this is not quite so. The essence of the work is that the juice is made from solid vegetables and fruits or greens.
Juice with this unit can be made from the following types of products:
• Hard vegetables: carrots and beets.
• Greens and wheat germ.
• Hard apples and pears.
• Hard seedless grapes (if there are seeds, you will need to clean the filter very often).
• Pumpkin, melon and corn.
• Nuts and various seeds
• Juice from tomatoes will turn out in more modern devices.
Citrus or apples of medium hardness such a device will easily turn into a puree instead of juice.

How to do it yourself
It’s pretty easy to do it yourself with your own manual screw juicer. It is quite possible to build from the old manual meat grinder. This is a good option for small volumes of juice. To optimize the design will need plastic bottles. It is necessary to take the container and cut off the bottom of it at 10-15 cm from the edge. A small bottle is inserted into the hole, making small holes in it in advance. This method is suitable for obtaining a small amount of juice for 1 person.

Review and comparison of the best models
There are a large number of different models of screw juicers, which differ from each other in some technical characteristics, cost and materials. Consider the most popular models:
• KENWOOD model 600 is a new generation of juicers. Compact, easy to use and with parts that can be washed in a dishwasher.
The undoubted advantage in terms of safety of this model is that the lid closes only when properly assembled. It has a vertical loading and small parameters that fit perfectly into a small room.

• Hotpoint-Ariston is a great device for making juice from berries and soft fruits.
Quite bulky, but powerful and fast model with a vertical device.

The noise level of this juicer is average. The juice yield is 95% of the original product.

• Zhuravinka is a juicer from a Belarusian manufacturer. In a very short time, she processes a large amount of fruits and vegetables.
Irreplaceable adaptation for seasonal dachas with a plentiful harvest.

Manual auger juicer is very practical and reliable.

• Philips electric model with the possibility of washing in the dishwasher. Stylish design and decent value due to a well-known brand. The model may refer to the devices of premium class.

• RawMID is a model with an interesting design. Due to the wide neck, it is easy to load large particles of products into it. The brand offers a whole series of various equipment designed for a healthy lifestyle. Ease of use, reliability and safety of materials represents a wide selection of juicers for every taste and color.

• Oursson - according to most consumers, is a very quiet and powerful model that copes with lots of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to the extra nozzles and containers, this unit makes it easy to prepare raspberry or strawberry puree. Good return and the maximum result even from 1 product.

Switzerland is home to the production of juicers. Of course, the Swiss technology is known to the whole world for its excellent quality. Sanaa with a wide loading opening enjoys great popularity. Due to the wide opening of more than 75 mm., You can put apples and pears in it without cutting.

Italy, Odessa, Japan produce good versions of screw juicers. Manufacturers of juicers appeared in Kazakhstan. Many try to compare the screw and twin-screw juicers, but each has its advantages and disadvantages. Before buying, you can ask to arrange a special test apparatus and look at his work.
This model provokes a heated discussion among supporters of raw foods and lovers of grassy juices. In their opinion, it is indispensable in home use.

Cost of
The cost of the screw juice extractor depends on the brand, the country of the manufacturer and the quality of all components. Budget options juicers start at 1900 rubles. The average price range varies in the region of 4000 - 8000 rubles. Premium - class or professional begin from 19 990 rubles and above.

Most people love the invention of a juicer. Mechanical or electrical, they are very popular. First of all, all buyers note the excellent quality of equipment, the quick preparation of juice and ease of operation. Modern juice extractors are presented by the big range for every taste and a purse. Many consumers are sure that even at a fairly low cost, they were able to buy quite quality juicer models.