Art nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a


Many are bored with classic designs, so more often young people and mature people choose modern.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

The style does not have strict requirements, and the combination of aesthetics and multifunctional originality will appeal to many.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

New home appliances will fit perfectly into the modern kitchen design.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Characteristic features of modernity

It assumes beauty, conciseness and clear organization of free space.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Distinguishes modern from the classics - the lack of artsy details. You can apply your ideas, but consider the recommendations of designers:

  • Existence of surfaces, smooth with gloss, with a minimum of details (handles from metal).
  • Materials (metal, plastic, glass), which gives a modern approach.
  • But stone and wood are not features of modernity, they are for the loft or country, although they are sometimes encountered.
  • Experts advise horizontal drawings on the material (wood, etc.).
  • Mandatory combination of 2 or more materials in the kitchen (glass and plastic, for example).
  • Fashionable frosted glass with plastic or wood.
  • The mirror apron, from a glass tile, an original mosaic is possible.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Modern style does not require a large space, it can be used in a small room. We offer the best solutions of modern kitchen, photo designs in different colors.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

"Furniture" modern

It is better to choose a modular kitchen for modern in a small room. These are wall cabinets and cabinets, periodically changing their places, you can easily and drastically change the design.

Chrome fittings fit well into the kitchen interior in modern style.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

The colors are varied: from monochrome design to bold combinations, fantasy is welcomed.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Color - the main feature of the finished interior of modern. Desirable built-in modern technology.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Various devices can not be in sight, it does not match the style, they are best hidden in cabinets and shelves. Extra details should not be. Read here! The ceiling in the kitchen - the perfect combination of options and stylish design (75 photos)

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Modern corner kitchens are very popular.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

They are original and practical, they can hide the dishes and other kitchen utensils.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

The table and chairs are ideal for round shapes with curved legs.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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Light in modern

This style requires a lot of light: large windows, a lot of lamps.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

It can be: a chandelier, lamps, hanging on cords, spotlights, ceiling lamps, etc. Round, oval-shaped lighting fixtures are welcome.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Unusual shapes (drop, ball, etc.) with colored light bulbs are possible.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

With a multi-level ceiling in the design of the kitchen in a modern style spectacular LED bulbs that will highlight a specific area (bar or dining table).

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

The lighting should be bright, but diffused. Warm lamps to bring it closer to natural light. You should think about expanding windows, this is only possible in private homes.

  • Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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  • Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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  • Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Only thin merry curtains will suit, better asymmetrical.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

They should beautifully complement the stylish interior of the kitchen. Roman short curtains with dramatic folds of transparent fabrics will look beautiful to let the sunlight in well.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Small kitchen in modern style

For a small kitchen, modular headsets will be the best option. You can implement any ideas.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

It is ideal to abandon the traditional right angles, as these are attributes of a classic design.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

When buying standard furniture, try to combine it with frosted glass or forged parts.

  • Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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  • Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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  • Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior
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Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Suitable furniture with soft forms, curved legs (back) chairs or stools. Shelves and cabinets better decorate fashionable pattern (ornament).

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Elegance will add an arch instead of a standard doorway.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Stucco for the arch and on the ceiling is ideal for fans of modern, it will give the interior of a modern kitchen completeness.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Color kitchen modern

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Light colors are ideal for modernity in small spaces: pearl gray, beige, light green, mint, as well as dark pink, orange, blue and other shades.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

In spacious kitchens, living rooms, kitchens can allow rich tones of bright colors.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Beautiful white kitchen modern, which can be decorated with contrasting notes: colored mosaic on the wall or kitchen apron.

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

The same color furniture upholstery, light curtains, a tablecloth on the table, a vase, a bright picture, etc.

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Photo kitchen in modern style

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Art Nouveau kitchen - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior

Kitchen in modern style - 67 photos of the best ideas of a modern interior