5 best models of juicers - 2019-2020 rating and reviews
The best models of juicers: rating and reviews

Everyone knows that natural juice contains more vitamins than the one that is sold in stores. The manufacturer can write anything on the packaging, but whether this is true is unknown. Therefore, it is better to buy a juicer. Squeezed juice at home allows you to know for sure that it contains no foreign components and is safe to eat.
The juicer is also very convenient in that it is possible to make fruit or vegetable fresh juice in it. Families with small children will need it most urgently. After all, many children do not eat some healthy vegetables, and in the juice they will not be visible.

Features and benefits
There are two main purposes of juicers, each of which has its own characteristics.

Designed for squeezing only citrus fruits. This juicer has a compact size that allows you to place it in a small kitchen. It consumes little electricity, and its cost is much less than a universal squeezer.
Consider the features and nuances of work:
- mechanical is the simplest and cheapest juicer, the juice from which is squeezed out manually. But it requires tremendous physical strength in order to squeeze all the juice from the fruit.
- press - the fruit is crushed with a press.
- electric - very convenient and fast juicer. The whole process is automated, and therefore does not require additional force and does not take much time. To get a fruit or berry drink, you do not have to apply physical force.

Equally well squeezes all kinds of vegetables and fruits. It costs more than citrus, but it is possible to squeeze the juice from nuts, herbs and cereals.
Classification of universal lighters:
- centrifuge is designed to produce large quantities of juice. But she does not have the function of automatically discarding dry meal. You will need to clean the device yourself. Therefore, this type is not suitable for use in a large family, because it is necessary to disassemble the device very often in order to peel it.
- conical separator allows you to separate and discard the cake in a separate container. This type of juice squeezer is ideal for frequent use. After use, the remains of fruits and vegetables are simply thrown out of the container.
- auger is a device reminiscent of the way the meat grinder works. The fruit is loaded into the tray, from where it falls on the screw screw. This screw rubs the fruit and its juice appears from one hole, and the skin and pulp are sent to another compartment.
The screw juice extractor consumes little electricity and squeezes out almost all the juice from the fruit. It works quietly, which can not be said about other types of juicers.

What is better: juice maker, juicer or food processor?
This is a device with which you can boil juice. There are two types of juice cookers: electric and with an external source of heating. Both species work equally well. With the help of steam, the device evaporates all liquid from the fruit.
Sokovarka consists of several parts, which are located one above the other. In the lower pan pour water and put on the stove. When water boils on it put a container with a special tube through which the juice will flow. At the top put a colander with fruit and fix all the lid.
In stores you can buy a juice cooker of any size. It has two sections: one for water, the other for berries or fruit.
The advantage of the juice cooker is that freshly brewed juice can be preserved. Such a product will not deteriorate and, unlike fresh juice, will stand for a long time.
Sokovarka easy to use and care. The only negative is a long cooking process (more than an hour). In addition, it weighs a lot and takes a certain amount of space.

Food processor
This is a multifunctional unit that includes a grater, a device for grinding, a kneader, a beater, and, of course, a juicer. It can replace many kitchen appliances, and therefore has a rather large size. The device works from electricity and is turned on using a special button.
There are models equipped with two interchangeable nozzles for squeezing juices. This is a citrus and versatile attachment.
For a large kitchen, a combine can be a good helper in cooking. It is designed for everything: kneading dough, making mashed potatoes, grinding food, whipping cream and grinding cereals. And it has a shredder feature.

This device allows you to squeeze the juice from fruits, vegetables and berries. It is intended for short-term storage of the resulting product and domestic use involves a small amount of squeezed liquid.
All three devices have their pros and cons, so when you buy you need to clearly represent why this device is purchased.
A compact juicer is suitable for a small kitchen, but its functions are limited.
For long storage of products suitable juicer. Banks with juice will stand for a long time and will delight with their taste in winter. To give sokovarka can be the perfect solution to engage in canning.
For the raw food eater and those who like cooking, the food processor will be the ideal option. You can chop raw vegetables for salad or make mashed berries in it.

Top best models
- Philips HR 1869 is a powerful device that has an automatic meal ejection function. He has a fast work speed, is easy to care for and works quietly. This juice squeezer is mainly used for apples. The disadvantages include the fact that cleaning can get into the main compartment.
- The Bosch MES4010 is a 1200 watt unit. It has a large container for discarding cleanings. Cutting vegetables or fruit is not necessary, because they fit completely into the wide neck. This is a high-quality juicer with three speeds. Customer reviews are only positive. Bosch MES4010 can overpower any products, including solid vegetables. In addition, it has an interesting design and legs on suckers.
- Polaris PEA 0818A is a small, but very powerful household appliances, made in a modern design. The device has two speeds that are fast in operation. It is easy to wash and inexpensive. But the engine is prone to overheating and can not always cope with citrus. According to users, Polaris PEA 0818A is suitable for small families to squeeze 3 to 4 servings of juice at a time. But his work justifies his money.
- Philips HR 1871 - long-term juicer, whose power is 1000 watts. It includes 2 operating modes and a 1.5 l container. It can be easily washed in the dishwasher. But in a small kitchen, such a device will take up a lot of space and it is prone to overheating.
- Panasonic MJ-DJ31 - a device whose power is 800 watts. It is equipped with an automatic discharge cleaning system. The kit includes a blender and chopper, which allow you to make fresh and chop nuts. The Panasonic MJ-DJ31 has a roomy container for collecting the peel and a large neck for loading. Buyers are completely satisfied with the work of this unit and it has not found any shortcomings.
- Zelmer 476 - 800 W power, automated discharge cleaning, overload protection. The device is easy to maintain, and the legs - suckers allow it to steadily stay on the surface.

- Braun MPZ9 is a very simple and cheap device for extracting liquid from fruits. Its power is 20 W, and it is very easy to use. Its main drawback is its small size. Large vegetables or fruits will have to be finely chopped. Numerous reviews suggest that the Braun MPZ9 is quite durable and very practical.
- Kitfort KT-1101 is a 150 W technique with an automatic system for separating the cake and cleaning the filter. Kitfort KT-1101 can handle even pitted berries, such as grapes. The only thing with which he can not cope - so it is with apples. Buyers note the simplicity and ease of use of this device. Cost corresponds to quality.
- Oursson JM8002 - the unit for berries with stones. It works almost silently and its power is 200 watts. You can cook berry puree, jam and ice cream in it. But regular washing and disassembling difficulties can spoil the overall impression. Users respond to Oursson JM8002 exclusively positively and write that it makes the juice perfect. In order to make a drink from a pomegranate, this juicer will fit better than others.
- VES 3005 - high speed and high power allows you to squeeze vegetables without much effort. This centrifugal juicer is inexpensive, but works very noisy. The general opinion about the VES 3005 is good. The device is best suited for small and small fruits. Big, he just will not master.

- SUPRA JES-2010 - the juicer is made of stainless steel and has a capacity of 850 watts. She has a special spout, from which the liquid enters a separate container. It is compact and does not take up much space.
- Tefal ZE7001 Elea Duo is a 500 W device with two working speeds. A special glass with a tight lid will not allow the drops to fly apart. Juice can be poured directly into the glass that comes with the Tefal ZE7001 Elea Duo.
- Braun MP80 - unit with a stylish design and reasonable price. Its power is 600 watts. But he has only one speed limit and a narrow neck, so the vegetables or fruits will first have to be cut. Buyers complain about the complexity of cleaning the filter from the cake.
- Mystery MJE-1910 is the simplest and cheapest juicer. Its power is 25 watts. It consists of a measuring cup and a quiet motor. A tight lid prevents drops from splashing, and the sturdy legs firmly hold the appliances on the table. But for large volumes, this technique is not suitable.
- Gorenje JC800G is a safe and simple device with a power of 850 watts. It is very practical and easy to use. It has a wide neck and non-slip feet. If Gorenje JC800G is incorrectly assembled, then it will not be able to turn it on, which can be attributed to positive qualities. Make a drink of solid vegetables, such as beets, can this juicer.

Very many brands are in great demand. Different companies and manufacturers in good faith relate to the manufacture of small household appliances.
The manufacturer of kitchen appliances Bosch is considered very popular. The stores offer a wide range of juicers from this company. They are of high quality and long service life.
The devices comply with the prescribed specifications. They work for a long time and can withstand work without interruption. Almost all models have a wide neck, which allows you to place the fruit completely. To disassemble and assemble them easily and care does not require much effort. In general, the opinion about Bosch is positive, and therefore this company is in great demand in the market of home appliances.
Domestic manufacturers are not so well known, but they all find their buyers. But the Neptun, Salyut and Rossoshanka juicers are not inferior to foreign technology. They are durable, simple and convenient to use, and you can even squeeze a drink out of the beets.
Professional juicers are less in demand because they are more expensive than usual and have large sizes. They are designed to produce a large amount of juice, so for home use it is better to choose a compact technique with a small volume.