What wallpaper to choose for the hallway

Design and decor

Which wallpaper is better to choose in the hallway?

Hallway - a place in the house, second only to the popularity of the kitchen. This is the first thing with which the guests get acquainted and what they can judge about the hosts. If their eyes are dark, spotty walls, in some places worn and do not inspire general confidence, acquaintance is unlikely to last for a long time. Therefore, it is important for the owner to think over everything in advance, and begin, of course, with wallpaper. Examples of a successful choice of wallpaper for the hallway are clearly visible in the following photos.

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

At the heart of the hallway is the space at the front door. However, often cunning architects combine it also with the corridor. The modern layout gives a respite and often rewards us with spacious hallways, worthy of even sable furs. The following wallpaper selection tips are suitable for such happy occasions, and for rooms that are deprived of square meters.

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

Suitable views

Before the direct choice of wallpaper for the hallway it would be nice to decide on their appearance. Fortunately, paper wallpapers have long been outlived. For such a room they would be extremely undesirable. Why?

A place where there is a constant threat of high humidity and pollution, needs special conditions. Wet jackets, fur coats, umbrellas, boots and shoes leave their marks not only on the floor, but also on the walls. Often the splashes remaining on them, over time, are transformed into dark, dubious-looking stains, which are practically not removed from paper wallpaper. In this case, it would be better to choose modern types of wallpaper.

  • Washable wallpaper - the best and easiest of what you can stick in the hallway. They differ from ordinary ones with a protective coating, due to which, in fact, pollution is eliminated, whatever they may be. Simply this - just paint all the walls with paint.
  • Another option is vinyl wallpaper. They are popular due to the abundance of textures. They can be wiped with a damp cloth, without fear of damage to the design and the surface itself. You can pick them up for any room in the house. In addition, they can be painted in any suitable color.
  • Whatever the hallway in size, it is perfect liquid wallpaper. This is an innovative type of coating that is applied directly to the wall with a spatula and does not require special care. It is better not to pour water over them from top to bottom, but they are not afraid of small seasonal sprays.
  • You can also choose wallpaper from bamboo or cork. This is a 100% natural material on a paper or fabric basis that is easily wiped with a damp sponge. They can be glued both on one wall, and they can be decorated with the whole hallway.

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

Photo: Vinyl Wallpaper

Photo: Vinyl Wallpaper

Photo: Bamboo Wallpaper

Photo: Bamboo Wallpaper

Photo: liquid wallpaper

Photo: liquid wallpaper

Further on the photo you can see that, whatever the material of the wallpaper, each of them is able to decorate any hallway.

The choice of colors

As you know, the color of the walls sets the basic tone for the whole room. Therefore, taking care of which wallpaper to choose for the hallway, it is important to think about it.

Tip: if the store did not find the desired color of the wallpaper, you can buy any suitable texture. At home, they can simply be painted at their discretion.

Everything is simple here. The main thing that is worth achieving is the expansion of space. Halls are often very small. Therefore, for them you need to choose a very light tone, perhaps even just white. Both warm, and cold colors will be suitable for a hall. In this room, we, as a rule, do not stay long, so it is unlikely to be able to greatly influence our mood.

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

This is where extreme sports lovers will be able to recoup. What they could not afford in the remaining rooms of the house, they will embody in the hallway. You can arrange it in pastel colors. Then she will be gentle and will immediately envelop the person who has entered home in a warm and pleasant homely atmosphere, as shown in the photo.

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

And you can, and vice versa, glue the wallpaper of juicy, screaming flowers — orange, lemon, scarlet. Then, meeting the owner of the house after work, they will hint as if the day has just begun. You can even choose the wallpaper in black. However, this decision will incur some troubles. It will be important to take care of the light balance: install additional lighting, paint the doorway in a light color, add cheerful accents.

134-Which wallpaper to choose for the hallway

Photo: striped wallpaper will help you visually enlarge the hall.

Photo: striped wallpaper will help you visually enlarge the hall.

And to correct the shortcomings of the room can be due to a combination. In order to make the hallway seem more spacious, you can glue the wallpaper of a lighter shade to the upper part of the wall, and choose darker ones to the lower part. For a beautiful match, right in the store, you can also choose a curb, which can later be painted to match the color of the lower or upper tier.

Before you pick up the wallpaper in the hallway, it is useful to take into account the overall style of the house or apartment. Starting from it, you can choose both wallpaper with an ethnic pattern, and traditional stripes. The universal choice will be, of course, monophonic option. So the key wall decoration in the hallway will harmoniously fit into the interior.