Wardrobe in the nursery - what to choose

Design and decor

A wardrobe in the children's room is not just a piece of furniture for storing clothes and other things. This is the space in which the child can show independence by putting the items on the shelves at their discretion and maintaining a certain order. Selection of a suitable cabinet is not such an easy task as parents can imagine.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Before you go shopping, you can view photos of cabinets for the children's room in the online catalogs. Due to this, there will be an idea of ​​the existing models and possible choices.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

The child is in the nursery for most of his home time. Here he plays, is engaged in creative work, does his homework, or simply rests reading a book or talking with friends. That is why all the furniture located in the nursery should be not only functional and practical, but also comfortable for the child.

With proper selection of furniture, you can create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, which is so important for any person, and especially for children.

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Options for wardrobes in the nursery

Cabinet for toys

Let's start with the smallest. Here the brightness and attractiveness of the design comes to the fore. The child learns the world, develops and manifests his imagination. In this case, the cabinet can serve as a peculiar subject of the game. After all, it is stored in it all the children's treasures and live toys.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

For the latter should be allocated open shelving and shelves of the cabinet. So you can ensure order in the room and arrange everything you need in front of the child.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Special plastic or wicker boxes are suitable for folding toys, the arrangement of which becomes problematic due to their unstable design. It may be parts of the designers, periodically rolling out from the shelves of the machine and balls. Note! Children's room 12 square. m. - the secrets of a perfect layout and stylish design (100 photos)

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Laminated cabinet doors can be a canvas for a little artist. Markers are well scrubbed and do not leave marks. Children's furniture IKEA has a simple design in a bright design and is quite suitable for the baby.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Loft bed

A loft bed with a work surface and a wardrobe for toys will be a fascinating piece of furniture for a child. Such a kit takes up much less space than if each part of the headset were bought separately. In addition, it is an excellent option for zoning children's space in the event that a child does not have a separate room.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

A wardrobe bed is practical to purchase for a small nursery. Also in a small room corner cabinet will fit well, which does not take up much space, but accommodates everything you need.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what


Wardrobe in the nursery is convenient to install for older children. Already, the clothes have accumulated quite a lot, and it takes more space than the kids. Recently, this option is in good demand due to its functionality.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Sliding door system saves additional space. The closet can be located along the wall, near the bed or be built into a niche.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Built-in closet

Built-in wardrobe in the nursery contains a variety of shelves for storing children's clothes, bedding. It also provides a bar for hangers and pull-out drawers for small items. The height of the bar should be adjusted according to the height of the child so that he himself can reach the necessary hangers with clothes. In addition, it is convenient to allocate a separate shelf for textbooks, notebooks and other stationery.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

The facade of the wardrobe should blend harmoniously into the interior and become part of it. Dark colors preferred for adults are not suitable for a child’s room. It is better to stick with light warm colors or decorate the facades with photo printing. This design will enliven the room and add personality to it. As elements for the design, you can choose the characters of cartoon characters or the favorite animals of the child.

Sliding wardrobe - the best option cabinet for two children. In this case, things older child can be placed on the upper shelves, and for the younger - take the lower tier. Each family member needs a personal space that he can customize. In addition, the maintenance of order and cleanliness in personal belongings is one of the factors in bringing up a child’s discipline.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

As they grow older, priorities in tastes change. The furniture becomes more stylish, teenage. In practice, this is the same furniture for adults, with only a small difference. The design of the cabinet may contain various decorative elements and the original color scheme.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Double wardrobe

For boys, a regular double wardrobe will fit, including a trouser bar, shirt hangers and several shelves for other clothes. Girls are known to need more space to place their wardrobe. In this connection, the cabinet should be more spacious. It is good to have separate boxes for jewelry, jewelry and other accessories.

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The doors of the cabinet can be decorated with various patterns or stained glass drawings. A separate mirror part of the facade will certainly appeal to a young fashionista. A wardrobe with curtains replacing the doors is also a good solution for a girl's room.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Selection Features

It must be remembered that any children's furniture must meet certain requirements:

Sustainability. The cupboard should stand firmly on the floor and not stagger, as children may try to climb up the shelves. The correct ratio of design parameters will help to avoid trouble. Narrow and high cabinets are not suitable for children's room. It is better to give preference to not too high, but wide models without legs. If you additionally fasten the cabinet to the wall, you can be sure of its complete safety for the child.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Security. No sharp corners and protrusions. Cabinets for young children should not be glass and mirror elements. Well bolted handles on doors and drawers should be large in size and not contain small unscrewed parts. On separate sections, you can install internal locks, so that the child could not get certain things out of the closet.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Environmental friendliness. Solid wood is the safest option. It is certainly not cheap, but it is completely replaced by laminated MDF or veneered chipboard. Dyes for materials must be natural and water based. When buying, you can ask the seller a certificate of quality for the goods.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Hygiene. It is necessary to regularly wash off dust from any furniture and periodically clean individual shelves and components. Good laminated surfaces.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Functionality. This criterion implies spaciousness, because in addition to the mass of children's clothing, it is necessary to place toys, baby bedding and towels in the closet. The older the child, the more complex the storage systems can be used. A variety of modules that combine drawers and open shelving will appeal to a teenager.

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

Photo cabinets in the nursery

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what

138-wardrobe in the nursery - what