Wallpaper in the children's room
Perhaps every parent wants his child to grow up active and healthy. Literally everything that affects them, including in everyday life, influences children. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design of the room where a representative of the younger generation spends most of his free time - his personal space. One of the most popular building materials used for wall decoration in the children's room is wallpaper.

Most often for the walls in the children's room choose the wallpaper
Quality criteria
The room where the child rests, plays and develops at the same time must meet certain conditions. This also applies to the materials used to finish it. As for the wallpaper, intended for the children's room, they should:
- Have a “breathing” structure;
- Be comfortable and easy to maintain;
- Have a nice look.

A wide selection of wallpaper for the children's room allows you to quickly find "your" drawing
And the components used for their manufacture must be:
- Exceptionally natural;
- Eco-friendly;
- Hypoallergenic;
- Non-toxic.

For the children's room you need to choose a wallpaper made of safe materials.
Tip! To make sure that the chosen coatings are really safe for the health of the child, when buying, ask the consultant to show documents confirming the quality of the materials from which they are made.

Bright wallpapers must not contain toxic ingredients.
Types of wallpaper for the children's room
The modern market of building finishing materials offers a wide variety of wallpapers that can be applied to the walls of a nursery. Consider the features of each species.
- Vinyl - easily glued, masking the small imperfections of the walls, do not fade with frequent exposure to sunlight. In addition, they are durable, they can be washed.
- Paper - the most affordable. In addition, in their production does not apply artificial ingredients. However, children's paper wallpaper is not too durable, they do not withstand the slightest contact with water.
- Flizelinovye - more durable than paper. They are plastic, they can be easily glued to the wall, and repainted several times. One of the main drawbacks is their poor air permeability, which does not allow children's walls to "breathe." If the room is heated and also has good ventilation, this problem can be avoided.
- Photowall-paper - help to create original design of the room and to embody any children's dreams. The most popular wall murals, where there are characters of animated films. However, you can put your own image on them. It is advisable to choose a wallpaper for one or two walls, and for the rest of the surfaces use plain wallpaper of muted tones.

Bright wallpaper with floral print is ideal for a girl's child's room.
Very important! Do not stick the wallpaper on all the walls of the nursery, because the abundance of bright, colorful pictures will not allow the child to focus, constantly distracting from other activities.
Less popular than previous types, due to its higher cost, are options such as liquid and cork wallpapers. Also on the shelves you can find glass fiber wallpaper.
- Liquid - like decorative plaster. They are very practical, withstand repeated repainting.
- Cork - made of a completely natural material, pleasant to the touch, provide good sound insulation of the child's room.

Cork wallpapers create incredible comfort in the children's room
It is undesirable to use fabric wallpaper, for example, velor fabrics, for decorating a child, because dust settles on them and various contaminants are absorbed, making them time-consuming to clean.

The world map wallpaper will perfectly fit into the children's room interior
Wallpaper and age of the child
Choosing wallpapers for the walls in the nursery, such as in the following photos, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will have to be re-glued quite often, because children often draw on them or tear them away from the walls, making their appearance untidy. In addition, there are certain nuances of the design of the personal space of the child, taking into account the particular age of the small room owner.
For the room of the newborn
So, for a room where a newborn baby "dwells", it is advisable to choose canvases of pastel colors, since saturated colors can cause his anxiety. Since such children sleep most of the time, their choice should be made in favor of delicate shades that promote relaxation. At the same time, it is undesirable to purchase canvases with cartoon characters that are capable of scaring a baby.

Neutral tones are perfect for a newborn's room.
1-2 years
But for children between the ages of one and two, it is even recommended to admire walls with bright, lush drawings. However, here you need to comply with the measure and do not glue the most colorful elements in front of a place to sleep.

3-4 years
When making a room representative of the next age group, which is three or four years old, designers are advised to take into account his own taste preferences. Surely these will be the characters of their favorite cartoons, various animals, but it is advisable to make the main part of the room in one tone (preferably pastel), which will make it possible to place children's drawings on the walls placed in stylish frames. And the more energetic and mobile the child is, the calmer the color scheme of the wallpaper for the children's room should be, as can be seen in the photo below.

Attention! Cartoon characters in size should not be larger than the child himself.
5-6 years
The next age group are children of five or six years. They most clearly begin to show creative abilities that need to be developed in all available ways. The original solution will be a combined wallpaper for the children's room: decorating the upper part of the walls and wrapping the bottom of the plain paper materials on which to draw, or intended for painting, allowing you to easily hide the resulting defects. Also very relevant will be on the wall images of animals, plants, numbers, letters of the alphabet, a map of the world.

7 years
For a first grader's children's room, it is advisable to choose coverings of soothing colors or “striped” options to help concentrate on studying.

Wallpaper and the floor of the child
Deciding to make repairs in the room of the youngest member of the family, who was eight or nine years old, it is worth considering his gender, since it is from this age that the design of the children's room of the little man will differ from that of the young lady.
Wallpaper in the room for a boy
Before you create a "boyish" room, you must take into account the peculiarities of the temperament of its owner, as well as ask about his taste preferences.
Color spectrum
For a calm and phlegmatic child, it is advisable to choose warm colors. To increase the activity of too passive children who are prone to laziness, it is better to use saturated and bright colors, as well as rich color accents. And on the contrary, the decor of a child's hyperactive child should be kept in cold, but not gloomy colors. Often used to decorate the room blue, green, purple tones. You can also see yellow, brown colors here.

Experts recommend that in the room decor of a teenage boy it is dosed to use black, harmoniously combined with portraits of various celebrities and graffiti.

The choice of patterns that are present on the canvases of wallpaper should be entrusted to the child himself, because one may like the images of cartoon characters or animals, and the other - monochromatic colors. The most universal is considered to be floral patterns or floral ornaments. It should be borne in mind that too motley and repetitive pictures can tire the child's nervous system, and also soon get bored. It is advisable to fit them into the overall style in which the room is decorated. For example, the image of butterflies present on the walls can be supplemented with a green bedside table imitating a meadow.

It is highly undesirable to use abstract designs in the design of children, since they are focused on the perception of an adult, as well as patterns on all vertical surfaces of the room. The best option is the use of combined wallpaper in the children's room, when one of the walls is covered with canvas with prints, and the rest with plain canvases, which is shown in the following photo.

Thematic Plots
In addition to the usual drawings, a maritime theme, various landscapes will be a wonderful addition to your own corner of a teenage boy. The image of the water surface, the sun, the coast, boats, boats and even sea pirates-robbers will not leave indifferent either a young thinker or an active adventurer. Knights, Indians - frequent guests on the walls of the room teenager. Appropriate will be technical or sports topics.

Wallpaper in the room for the girl
In a special way and make out the room a little woman. Since childhood, girls are usually brought up as future housewives, so for decorating her personal territory they often choose shades that can emphasize comfort.
Color spectrum
In the design of the nursery for girls, experts advise using delicate tones: beige, peach, pink. Appetizing orange, turquoise color will look very organic. It is necessary to avoid depressing dark shades.

Tip! If in the future it is planned to decorate the walls with various objects, for example, with photographs, it is better to paste monochrome canvases that serve as background for them.
The choice of drawings for wallpaper intended for the decoration of the girl’s room should be made by analogy with the room of a representative of the opposite sex. The important point is that when looking at a particular pattern, children learn to distinguish between geometric shapes and colors, as well as develop their mental processes.

Thematic Plots
Undoubtedly, there are girls who are close to the "boyish" theme - sports, technology. Nevertheless, in general, they are more romantic and will not give up such style decisions as the room of the princess or the forest fairy. In the first case, the room is aged in delicate pink shades. Here you can meet heroes of fairy tales, see castles and many hearts. The second option involves the presence of butterflies, flowers and various animals on a green background in a variety of its tones.

Wallpaper in a room of different-sex or children of different ages
If a common room is provided for children of different sex or age, then it is important to divide it into separate zones for each of them. In general, the room can be kept in neutral colors, and within its own territory give the child the opportunity to arrange it independently.

Drawing wallpaper
Creative manifestations of a child left on the walls often cause horror among parents. But they are not scared by what is depicted there, but by a hopelessly damaged coating. Fortunately, today on sale you can find special wallpapers with not completely painted over patterns - this opportunity is given to the young artist, helping him to develop creative abilities.

There are also wallpaper applications that allow you to create a voluminous mosaic using glue, a brush, and an assembly scheme. As an option, you can use the coloring for the walls, where it remains only to find the right colors for your favorite characters.

If children's "art" on the walls are undesirable, it is worth buying a large board where the child can draw with felt-tip pens or colored chalk. For the same purpose, a transparent panel made of plastic or glass can be mounted on the wall. An alternative is a self-adhesive film from which children can do whatever they want, then cut it out and attach it to the wall. On sale you can find ready-made stickers.

Decorating a child’s room is no easy task. The correctness of the materials from which all the interior parts are made, including the wallpaper, which color solution is chosen for them and what is depicted on them, determines the mood of the child and even his success. And being in a harmonious and beautiful environment, a small family member will be able to develop a sense of beauty from an early age.
