Violet color in the interior of rooms

Design and decor

Features purple color in interior design

It is always important to know how to create a flower arrangement correctly, so that it blends into the overall interior of the apartment and blends in perfectly with other tones. To decide on the choice of finishing materials, view photos and videos of finished interiors, ask designers about the features of the purple palette, consult the vendors. Following the rules of the combination of shades, you can create an incredibly beautiful and unusual interior.

  • What colors does purple match?
  • Violet Shades
  • Rules for using purple in the interior
  • Features purple

    Visually purple color in the interior narrows the space. Perceived as a cold, heavy, rich palette. Although light violet shades improve sleep, relieve tension, stress, calm, you should not overdo it. Too much lilac in the interior can tire and cause an attack of depression.

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    What colors does purple match?

    Purple color is ideal for decorating bedrooms, rooms intended for cinema viewing, meditations, and relaxation. You can not use the lilac palette in offices and children. This color is suitable for interiors of Victorian style, as well as modern styles, futurism, hi-tech, pop art.

    Tip: Do not use a rich purple color as a background. Better present it as an accent shade in accessories and decorating objects.

    Luxury purple tones should appear on the background of other shades in minimal quantities. If you intensively use the lilac palette in the room, you get an unnatural interior. Neutrality is the most correct solution. A great option - white walls and purple furniture. An interesting combination will be obtained if you combine the light colors of the walls with pillows, carpets, and curtains of purple color.

    To create a color palette from a single accent shade, it is recommended to combine violet with blue, pale pink and blue. Neutral shades are combined with brown, white, green, gray tones. Black and purple in the interior should be avoided. The original contrast is obtained in combination of violet with yellow, red, orange.

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    Purple looks good in combination with blue and blue. If you want to create a contrasting design, use a lilac-yellow combination. It will be appropriate in public places. Violet-brown palette is suitable for decoration of hallways, kitchens, baths. In the interior it is advisable to use natural materials such as wood and stone, as well as painted surfaces.

    Lilac and lilac shades can be used with sandy and mustard tones. If we consider the lilac-white combination in the interior, you can get an elegant design. Originally looks in the kitchen, the design of which is made in white with a touch of gold in the decor, purple dishes. This color palette gives the interior freshness, vitality, contrast.

    Purple is the darkest color. It holds vital energy and tranquility. In interior design, it looks noble and elegant, but at the same time it remains mysterious and mysterious, which makes it a little gloomy. To reduce this impression, you need to choose colors that will be combined with it. The perfect color in combination with purple will be white. It is most often used to create the main background of the interior.

    171-purple color in the interior

    Photo: violet-brown palette is most successful for decorating the bathroom

    Photo: violet-brown palette is most successful for decorating the bathroom

    171-purple color in the interior

    Violet Shades

    Purple has many different shades. The most common are:

    • dark purple (heavy shade with an admixture of black, symbolizing power and a constant desire to master something);
    • light violet (aka lilac) - a positive shade, denoting softness, calmness, poise;
    • lilac (color that characterizes dreams, immaturity, youth).

    Violet color in the interior is a fusion of warm and cold tones, symbolizing internal contradictions. With it, it is quite difficult to create a harmonious color palette. It is ideally combined only with pale pink and crimson hues. The interior should not be a lot of dark purple, because It adversely affects the psycho-emotional state of a person. It can be used in the design of design only the ruling person.

    Only experienced designers can create interesting interiors, combining various tones in modern compositions. Tenderness, romance, luxury give rich lilac and lilac shades of purple.

    The combinations of violet with pale blue, red, yellow and pink shades look good in the interior. Do not forget that the prerequisite in the interior - compliance with the saturation of the color balance.

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    Rules for using purple in the interior

    Purple color in the interior is not for everyone. This color is not ideal for pragmatists and ordinary people. Its light colors allow you to dilute the usual color palette.

    In the kitchen, purple is welcomed in a bright bright palette on glass, tile, and ceramics. Exquisitely it looks and on openwork napkins, glasses made of durable glass, which has the ability to change saturation, taking into account the thickness of the glass bottom and walls.

    The bedroom is better to make out in blue and purple shades. It looks original with the addition of golden, lilac and white tones. The color is especially pleasantly perceived when the bedroom is sufficiently lit, and the interior contains transparent lilac-purple draping fabrics, for example, boudoir, fleecy carpets, multilayer curtains.

    Tip: If you use in the bedroom a bright purple palette, combined with high-quality decorating elements, you can create an interesting and exciting atmosphere.

    Photo: the original design of the working apron apron purple hues

    Photo: the original design of the working apron apron purple hues

    171-purple color in the interior

    Photo: bedroom in the attic

    Photo: bedroom in the attic

    In the bathroom, all shades of purple are welcome, which makes it seem cold and overwhelming. To introduce a note of relaxation and tranquility is possible by installing plumbing lilac and lavender flowers. If you want to diversify the room, dilute the lilac palette with decorating objects of gold and white shades.

    For dining fit the colors of lavender and grapes. They will add elegance to the interior style. You can additionally decorate the kitchen with paintings, photos, tablecloths. This design will create a feeling of warmth in the cold season, and coolness in the summer.

    Ideal colors for the decoration of the living room - grape, plum, lilac, eggplant. The right decision - a light background and a dark floor. The main task here - do not overdo it with shades of purple to closeness. Do not forget that a lot of purple in the guest should not be.

    The design of the nursery requires the use of light colors, such as lavender and purple on a white background in the room for boys and lavender and lilac in combination with pale pink - for girls. In general, gentle lilac shades successfully harmonize with crimson, creating a special creative atmosphere and cheerfulness in the room.

    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior


    171-purple color in the interior

    171-purple color in the interior

    Photo: glass table in the dining room interior in purple

    Photo: glass table in the dining room interior in purple

    Tip: If you want to make the cabinet finish lilac, choose the wine shades. They will bring a zest to the interior, filling it with luxury and refinement.

    An eggplant-colored floor covering is suitable for the floor, especially when the black finish is tired. For a study such a palette is suitable, like no other, improving the perception of information.

    In the bathrooms there are no restrictions on the use of purple shades. Sometimes a dim light and original tile can create an incredibly beautiful interior.

    Violet shades are considered to be rather heavy, therefore they require dilution with golden, pale blue, beige tones. So the room will not look unaesthetic, annoying and cause depression and aggressiveness.

    The violet range is ideal for the design of rooms of suspicious, sentimental, sensual personalities. Also, such a palette for decorating their homes can be chosen by failed people who have a great life experience and creative potential behind them, but for some reason they could not reach the heights.