The combination of colors in the interior - create harmony

Design and decor

Simple rules for combining colors in the interior

There are very few people who are not worried about whether a bright pink sofa will fit the lilac walls and what this color combination will look like in the interior. As a rule, these are people who, in principle, do not distinguish colors - color blind. All the others relate to the solution of this issue thoroughly, giving him a lot of time.

Some fear that they will be suspected of lack of taste and ignorance if they do not use more than two tones in the interior, as the designers recommend. Others can not sleep at night, thinking about the new design in anticipation of the upcoming repair. And all the fault of a rich palette of colors, which has become available to the consumer in recent times.

It used to be seven colors, and now each main element has many shades that have become equal members of the color spectrum. Considering that modern screens are capable of displaying 16 million tones or more, the one hundred that we can attract with the combination of colors in the interior is a drop in the ocean. The optimal combination is the use of three main components and several additional. In rooms intended for housing, it is better to use minor colors, and their shades, which will allow you to combine what seemed not to be combined.

40-color combination in the interior

40-color combination in the interior

40-color combination in the interior

40-color combination in the interior

40-color combination in the interior

40-color combination in the interior

40-color combination in the interior

  • Color combinations in different rooms
  • Bedroom
  • Living room
  • Children's
  • Kitchen
  • Combination theory
  • Effect of color palette on the psyche and health

    People create their own atmosphere, which affects the overall physical condition and mental. You should not forget about this, determining which palette will be main and which additional one. The selected colors should correspond to the characteristics of the character, reflect it, so that the stay in the room is comfortable.

    Color can affect our mood, state of health. We absorb it with our whole body, not only visually. In ancient times it was believed that the right color combination in the interior contributes to the speedy cure of the patient. In China, Japan, these properties have been used successfully.

    So, it is known that white is the color of spirituality, it allows you to gain self-confidence, but at the same time, if you stay too long in a room decorated in a white tone, the ability to evaluate yourself correctly decreases. A person may underestimate his self-esteem or, on the contrary, feel higher than others.

    Red has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, promotes the growth of red blood cells, improve blood flow. But it also increases the production of adrenaline, excites.

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Photo: many different paintings in the framework will be the best decoration for a white wall

    Photo: many different paintings in the framework will be the best decoration for a white wall

    Tip: Do not use a lot of red in the room where the person will be prone to increased pressure, as this color contributes to its increase.

    Yellow - the color of optimists, energizing, giving warmth and a sense of security. Yellow palette improves digestion, stimulates mental activity.

    Green has soothing properties, in a design where this range dominates, it will be good for a claustrophobic person. Also the use of this color helps to cure viral and lung diseases.

    Blue - promotes relaxation, sleep, causes a dreamy state. Copes with migraines and childhood diseases.

    Purple - develops imagination, helps to cope with despair.

    Brown - makes people more independent. In the apartment, where the brown color combination dominates in the interior, there is a balanced sense of joy and fun.

    Photo: a yellow color that fills with energy, gives warmth and a sense of security is best for optimists.

    Photo: a yellow color that fills with energy, gives warmth and a sense of security is best for optimists.

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Photo: blue color helps to relax, sleep, so it is best to choose it for bedroom decoration

    Photo: blue color helps to relax, sleep, so it is best to choose it for bedroom decoration

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Photo: purple - the color of creative individuals

    Photo: purple - the color of creative individuals

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Color combinations in different rooms

    Choose a combination of colors that will harmoniously look in the design of this particular room is not an easy task and not everyone can cope with these. After all, besides the taste preferences of each of the household, it is still necessary to take into account the properties of flowers, their influence on a person, how the chosen palette will affect guests of your apartment, children and other nuances.


    The bedroom is the place in the apartment that should most of all contribute to rest and have a soothing effect and the ability to recuperate. What colors will best do this job? In the unanimous opinion of designers, a comfortable and unobtrusive aura will create a combination of cream, beige, peach color in the interior. Quite often in this room is used such a technique as bleached areas.

    If the inhabitants of this room prefer bright colors, then the juicy palette of green in combination with wood will be the classic combination of colors in the interior, which will inspire tranquility in the evening, and cheerfulness in the morning. Lovers of creative fit combination of colors in the interior, based on the contrast, for example, white and black. This palette should be used carefully, so as not to have the feeling of being in a hospital ward or in a dark crypt. Want to achieve a more intimate atmosphere in the room, stop at the warm and dark colors.

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Photo: a combination of black and white will help you add a bit of creativity to the interior.

    Photo: a combination of black and white will help you add a bit of creativity to the interior.

    Living room

    The living room is without exaggeration the heart of the apartment. This is the place where the whole family gathers, guests are received, so the atmosphere in it should be comfortable and friendly. To achieve this, you should follow some rules:

    • The use of warm shades (yellow, olive) in the decoration of the walls and soft colors in the interior, will make the homely atmosphere cozy;
    • Coffee, beige palette will contribute to relaxation.
    • If lilac tones are combined in a room with a white, brown, milky color, a feminine slightly playful atmosphere is obtained, where silver or golden textures will fit well.

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Tip: Do not use white furniture, which will dissolve the whole range of colors.


    The combination of colors in the interior of the children's room should perform several functions:

    • Stimulate mental activity;
    • Promote rest;
    • Do not strain psychologically.

    The palette should be selected depending on the age of the child. Places intended for different activities can be made in different combinations of colors in the interior. The place reserved for rest, sleep, should relax, so greenish shades would be more appropriate. Corner for creativity can be arranged in purple tones that encourage flight of fancy. It is better to make the ceiling white or light blue, and light flooring will help to visually add room to the room.

    40-color combination in the interior

    Photo: ceiling imitating the sky

    Photo: ceiling imitating the sky

    40-color combination in the interior


    The health of the whole family depends on the atmosphere in the kitchen. In this part of the apartment is cooking and most often its use. The mood that prevails in the process of both of them is important. Combinations of the following colors in the interior of the kitchen are considered to be the best options: orange, green and yellow. This cheerful palette contributes to good appetite. Also in the kitchen design, you can use white in combination with red, bright blue, purple.

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Tip: Use the blue color with caution, because, according to psychologists, it can interfere with a sense of satiety.

    Combination theory

    The rules for combining colors are variants of their combination, formulas that were developed in the process of finding an answer to the question of how the color palette is in harmony with each other. The best way to determine the harmonious combination of colors in the interior, is to use the color wheel. The principle of its operation is based on the following: having three primary colors: red, blue and yellow, you can get three additional colors by mixing the main ones. So:

    • Mixing red and blue, we get purple;
    • Mixing yellow and blue, we get green;
    • Mixing red and yellow, comes out orange.

    If the main and additional tone are combined, the resulting palette is called an auxiliary one. For example, yellow and green will give lime. So the color wheel turns out.

    In a circle, adjacent colors occupy adjacent sectors, complementary ones are located opposite, monochrome - the lightest shade of one color is located in the center, the darkest - from the edge.

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    40-color combination in the interior

    Working with a circle is based on the formulas:

    1. Triad - combines three basic tones, which are located at equal distances from each other.
    2. Complementary double division: two colors are combined, well combined with each other and diluted with two opposite ones.
    3. Complementary separation - just three components are involved in this formula. The main and opposite color is taken. But instead of the chosen complementary tone, a palette of two colors is used, located to the right and left of it in equal segments.
    4. Antipode - two contrasting (complimentary) colors are taken.

    Tip: choose along with 2-4 primary colors, a few more additional tones. To the blue, red and pink, add a monochrome pale pink and bluish.

    In addition to the circle, there is another way to arrange a competent combination of colors in the interior. The table of combinations of different colors is a real savior, both for professional designers and for beginners. It contains the rules for the recommended color combinations, it is clear which colors are not combined at all, which effect can be obtained as a result of mixing. There are a great many variants of such tables.

    Photo: color compatibility table - a triangle that is inside the circle, shows with its sharp corners in two colors that are in harmony with each other, on each side

    Photo: color compatibility table - a triangle that is inside the circle, shows with its sharp corners in two colors that are in harmony with each other, on each side

    Someone thinks monochrome coloring is boring, but for someone this is the option of decorating an apartment, when the design retains its unique look, sings its song, while inviting to dance with other colors. If you want your home to become your family, you need to arrange it for yourself, use a combination of your color, and not what is fashionable, relevant, and so on.

    Realizing a rich fantasy, do not forget that there are rules for mixing paints, which are still worth observing. Whatever colors you use in the design, you will get a 100% good result if it is done correctly. Your house will be original, original, beautiful, and certainly not banal.