The ceiling on the balcony in a modern style - 55 photos of
Deciding to make repairs on the balcony, do not forget about the ceiling. This is a very important part of a small extra room.

If the ceiling, for example, will leak, then the floor with walls will also become unusable.

Choosing material for finishing the ceiling on the balcony, try to match it to the design and functionality of the room.

Stages of finishing work
Before starting painting or covering the ceiling on the balcony, be sure to carry out the preparatory work.

First of all, make a waterproofing. Conducting the protection of the structure against the penetration of water will allow you to comfortably spend time on the balcony in any season.

If you live on the top floor, ceiling waterproofing should be carried out from the balcony and from above.

When the neighbors live above you, then by agreement you can hold protection from moisture and they. That is, you do waterproofing the ceiling, and they - the floor.

You can not neglect this type of preparatory work, otherwise the water will penetrate into the concrete floor, the metal will succumb to destruction, and this already threatens an emergency situation.

Do not regret time or funds for pre-finishing the ceiling plate. These investments will provide you peace of mind for many years.

No need to once again think about repairing the ceiling on the balcony.

Materials such as bitumen mastic (liquid rubber) and a PVC membrane have good insulating properties. True, the second type is expensive, but it is long and easy to use.

Just like waterproofing, it is also important to insulate the ceiling on the balcony. Basalt cotton wool, foam plastic, foam plastics, and polyethylene foil insulation are used to conduct thermal insulation of the room.

Usually these materials are fixed on a skeleton made of wooden bars or metal. You can make a frame on the ceiling on the balcony with your own hands or contact the master. Read here! Wardrobe on the balcony - a good choice of functional lockers on the balcony (70 photos)

The next step will be the installation of facing materials. On the question of the ceiling on the balcony - what to do, the managers of building stores will give an exhaustive answer, as there are quite a lot of materials used for plating. Among them are such as:

Wooden lining is quality and attractiveness. This type of finishing material is environmentally friendly, durable, easy to assemble, suitable for country style or eco.

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Plastic ceiling on the balcony - this panel, which is an economical option for surface cladding. The advantages of this material - a variety of colors and simplicity in the care.

The ceiling, lined with metal slats, is strength and durability. Such facing can be applied on balconies of any type. Metal slats are suitable for high-tech ceilings.

A good material for covering the ceiling on the balcony is drywall. It is affordable and easy to install.

Stretch ceiling on the balcony and decorative tiles - these are popular materials, but they are quite expensive. Their quality parameters are worth the money spent.
Ceiling painting
Paint the balcony ceiling paints intended for outdoor use. The most resistant and suitable for facade decoration - water-based and acrylic.

They are not affected by weather conditions and temperature fluctuations.
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The range of colors in paints is wide, but it is better to cover the ceiling with light colors. This will visually expand the small area of the balcony.

Especially often use white color. It not only visually increases the space, but also helps a person to relax, but dark colors, on the contrary, spoil the mood.

If you want to get any individual shade of paint, mixing several colors, you need to make a large portion, otherwise with a lack of paint to achieve the same tone is unlikely to succeed.

To paint went smoothly, it is necessary to fulfill some conditions. Experts advise:
- it is impossible to engage in finishing work during cloudy, rainy weather, otherwise
- uneven drying may result in stripes;
- Before painting, you need to prepare the surface.

Finishing the ceiling coverings, you will receive a cozy additional area for recreation. You can be sure of it yourself, you just have to look at the photo of the ceiling on the balcony, taken in one of the apartments after the repair.
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Ceiling leaks - causes
Ceiling leakage occurs for several reasons:
- seams or joints between panels are not sealed;
- low-quality top plate installed;
- missing or incorrectly installed drain from the roof.

In the case of repairs carried out in violation of the technology, water may seep inside during rain.

This is fraught with unpleasant consequences. On the ceiling and walls can grow moldy fungi.

In addition to the non-respectable appearance - it is also harmful to human health. Experts advise at the first signs of leakage to immediately eliminate the problem.

Photo of the ceiling on the balcony