The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a

Design and decor

By the design of the children's room usually fit even more carefully than the adult bedroom. A safe and beautiful design of a child's room is the basis for the development of the child's psycho-emotional development. The design of the ceiling in the nursery, as evidenced by the photo, becomes a continuation of the overall interior, must complement it, harmonize with it.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

A stylish, modern ceiling with quality materials will help create a fairy tale for your baby.

Color solution

Color when finishing the ceiling matters. Traditional white is not desirable here, especially if the walls and furniture are made in bright colors. The choice of color for the ceiling will depend, first of all, on the overall color palette of the room. Often the ceiling finish is performed in neutral pitch, light colors. For example, light beige, sand.

  • In the room, girls use light pink, peach, pale lilac, light green tones - if they intersect on a color palette with wall or furniture decoration.
  • For the boy's room, light gray, blue, and blue shades are habitually chosen. It can be an imitation of a clear blue sky, over which clouds float or an image of a starry sky.
  • An interesting technique - the one-to-one color of the ceiling corresponds to the color of the walls, being their continuation. In this case, the room visually expands, there is a feeling of open space, lack of borders.
  • Another option is light pastel walls and a bright ceiling, the color of which is supported only by textiles on the bed. In this form, you can make stretch ceilings in the nursery for a teenage girl.
The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Light fabric used for the decoration of the ceiling, making the interior soft and comfortable

The psychological meaning of flowers

Psychologists, speaking of the effect of different colors on an immature childish psyche, give their recommendations on the choice of colors for the ceiling in the nursery:

  • The blue color is considered to be soothing, it brings a sense of reliability, gives confidence. Choose a blue color for the ceiling is better if the child is afraid of the dark, does not like to fall asleep alone.
  • Green is associated with natural greenery in humans, it is believed that it helps to develop a sense of responsibility, promotes mutual understanding between people. With this approach, it is better to choose the green color for the ceiling in the room where two children live, especially if they are of different ages or do not get along well with each other.
  • Blue tone - cheerfulness, openness, creativity. For mobile and emotional children, it will allow to create a feeling of space, will allow them to feel their element. In calm, on the contrary, will contribute to the development of imagination, aesthetic perception of life. One of the best options for the nursery.
  • Yellow - invigorates, tones, develops mental activity. Choose yellow for small, diligent, balanced babies. Those who like to sleep longer, he will help to wake up, cheer up, recharge your batteries for the day.
  • Pink. Light shades of pink in the girl's room contribute to the development of femininity, sensitivity. Want to grow a real princess out of a girl? Choose pink tones for walls only, but also for the ceiling.
The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Space ceiling will bring kids in complete delight

Color combinations for high ceilings

For multi-level gypsum or stretch ceiling structures in the nursery, it is recommended to choose a combination of colors - a light tone as the main and additional, brighter: blue, rich purple, coral, yellow and others. You can choose a white base with bright contrasting details or make a bright pattern in the central part, and the perimeter of the room, on the contrary, in pastel, restrained colors.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Combinations of different colors in a plasterboard construction will make it more voluminous

Modern materials provide an opportunity to translate original ideas. For example, a blue sky with clouds turns into a starry one at night: the stars, caused by fluorescent paint, which are imperceptible with natural light, begin to glow with magic light.

Important! You should not get carried away with excessive decorative ceiling, especially if the walls, furniture and the rest of the decor in the nursery is bright. Total should be in moderation.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Drywall will help to realize the most daring fanatziya

Plasterboard ceilings in the nursery

Drywall is often used to create multi-level ceiling designs, including in the children's room. Only plasterboard sheets can create an unusual interior.


The main advantages of this material are hypoallergenic and environmental friendliness. These two qualities are most important in the nursery. Among other positive qualities:

  1. Fire safety - only the top layer of paper can burn in gypsum sheets, the gypsum itself does not burn.
  2. High strength - on the plasterboard ceiling, in contrast to the stretch ceiling, you can place any lighting system, suspended structures.
  3. High sound insulation - the noise of "cheerful" neighbors will not interfere with children's sleep.
  4. Easy installation and low cost - any bends, complex configurations are easy to make from drywall, it is easy to cut, bend, which makes it possible to create the most bizarre designs.
The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Drywall helps create amazing interiors in the nursery


Among the shortcomings, the most important thing is that it will reduce the height of the ceiling, which can become noticeable in low apartments. Drywall requires additional finishing - putty, sealing of connecting joints, finishing will take some time, in addition, these materials may contain dangerous for the child chemical compounds.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Light clouds on the ceiling of plasterboard will give kids a strong and sweet dream

Installation of plasterboard sheets is a time-consuming process; it is impossible to install them yourself, especially if you want to create a multi-level composition. But the result will please: an unusual design, well-thought-out built-in lighting will allow you to create a unique interior in the room where your child lives.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Bright colors on the ceiling create a cheerful interior.

Stretch ceilings in the nursery

A popular ceiling finish option - stretch ceilings - are often installed in a children's room. Parents are attracted by the ease of installation - the work of specialists takes only a few hours, and neither dust nor dirt is formed.

Design advantages

The tensioning fabric does not absorb moisture, dust does not accumulate on it, so for an allergic child it is one of the best options. Besides:

  • The stretch ceiling for the children's room, as the photos show, gives a wide scope of fantasy: the rich color range, various textures and the possibility of applying various drawings make them popular.
  • The stretch fabric can be combined with other ways of finishing - for example, with gypsum cardboard: having created a figured framework from gypsum cardboard, a matte or glossy canvas can be pulled onto it. Such techniques are used to create multi-level ceilings in spacious rooms with high ceilings or for zoning a room.
  • Stretch ceiling allows you to install any lighting system in the nursery. The photo shows the options - suspended and ceiling chandeliers, spotlights, LED strip.
The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Stretch ceiling is considered one of the easiest ways to design the ceiling in the nursery

Stretch ceiling in the boy's room

The rich possibilities of the stretch ceiling allow you to realize any fantasy of your child. Stretch ceilings in the nursery for the boy, if you do photo printing on them, can depict a map of the starry sky, become a continuation of the picture on the wall. Sea space, wild jungle, an illustration of favorite TV shows, embodied on the wall and ceiling, will create a 3D effect that allows the child to enter the role of the captain of a starship, pirate, and explorer of uncharted countries.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The general marine style of the children's room completes the stretch ceiling with blue sky photo printing.

A variety of design options stretch ceilings in the nursery for a boy can be seen in numerous photos. Choose a design with the child - he lives in this room, and the environment should like the boy.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

3D photo printing on the walls and ceiling reflect the wonderful world of the seabed

Stretch ceiling in the girl's room

Stretch ceilings in the nursery for girls, you can choose matte or glossy. If the furniture has shiny facades, it is better to make the ceiling dull. Otherwise, a little gloss girl does not hurt.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

White painted walls harmonize perfectly with the glossy pink ceiling.

Numerous photos show that for a child’s room for girls, pink-lilac range of stretch ceilings or cream tones, light coral, are more often chosen. Choose the color scheme, the design of the ceiling with the girl, she may want to live surrounded by flowers, butterflies, fairies or birds.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Pink color fits perfectly into the interior room for a romantic girl

In the nursery for a teenage girl, it is better to choose plain-colored matte stretch ceilings - the photo presents a variety of options for how to decorate the ceiling with the help of a monochrome canvas and unusual lighting. A teenager girl who enjoys music, fashion, may like unusual ceiling lights with multi-colored LED lamps.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The backlight can be installed around the perimeter of the stretch ceiling or hidden

The disadvantages of stretch ceilings in the nursery

However, this design has a number of drawbacks that stop parents from choosing stretch ceilings for the nursery:

  • The artificial origin of the material. The stretch fabric does not allow air, it does not have the desired hygroscopicity, vapor permeability. On the environmental situation, if there are synthetic materials in the room, we can not speak.
  • Insufficient strength. Sometimes a toy tossed around when playing can damage the ceiling, which is expensive.
  • High price. It also leads to doubt - whether to install suspended ceilings in the nursery. Yes, they are beautiful, yes, the child likes fairies, butterflies, flowers. But literally in a few years the girl will grow up, and such an environment can no longer suit her.
The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

In order not to reinstall the ceiling in the future, you can pick up neutral motifs when you make a children's room

Important! Psychologists recommend changing the environment of the child in 5-7 years. What is suitable for a 3-year-old child will be uninteresting for a teenager. The design of the children's room should "grow" with your child.

Choosing expensive finishes, such as suspended ceilings in the nursery, consider this. Perekleit wallpaper, repainting the walls is easier than replacing costly tension structures. The photos represent the design of the children's room with suspended ceilings, showing how a monochromatic finish complements the original wall decoration.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Monochrome ceiling will delay the need to repair the ceiling in the nursery for a long time

Wallpaper on the ceiling

Inexpensive, original, not boring finish option - wallpaper. It can be plain or patterned wallpaper, liquid, embossed, matte or glossy. There are options for wallpapers that go to the walls - they allow you to create a common composition, a single space.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

You can create a fabulous sky with the help of ordinary wallpapers.

Monochrome wallpaper can be chosen for a newborn baby. Calm tones, which will look at the baby, will make his psyche balanced. Psychologists do not recommend creating bright designs for children for kids.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Wallpapers on the ceiling and walls with the same pattern look great in the interior.

Wall mural on the ceiling of the nursery

For children from 3 years old, ceiling wallpapers will be a good option. Compared to printing on a stretch ceiling, this option will cost less, while it is possible to create a small kingdom in a room where the main one is a child.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Wall murals that go from the ceiling to the walls of the nursery, create a complete immersion in a fantastic world

Paper wallpaper - eco-friendly, inexpensive. They are easy to stick - no special skills, invitations to specialists are required. They do not “steal” the usable space. The kid will grow up, his interests are changing, in this case it is easy and inexpensive to replace the ceiling trim.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

White ceiling with a picture of butterflies, creates an airy atmosphere in the girl's room

Ceiling painting

On the one hand, the easiest and most inexpensive finish option, which can be made by hand. On the other - the choice of paint for a child’s room must be approached meticulously: choose only quick-drying harmless formulations.

Types of paint for a child's room

The best and safe options can be considered coloring compositions:

  • Water emulsion They do not have toxic properties, with the addition of a color scheme it is possible to get any shade. It is easy to paint the ceiling with such paint, and it is also easy to repaint it by renovating the interior.
  • Acrylic. Dry quickly, have no odor, do not require additional surface preparation.
  • Silicone, latex. Retain their properties for several years.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The painted surface will complement the design of a child’s room of any style, and it doesn’t have to be a uniform color.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Painted ceiling design

Modern methods of drawing a picture, for example, airbrushing, will make it possible to create any patterns on the painted ceiling, even the most fantastic ones, invented by the child himself.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

On the smooth-painted surface of the ceiling, you can apply drawings with fluorescent paint - at night it will glow: the stars, planets will create the effect of the absence of the ceiling, moving apart the boundaries of the room.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

You can buy ready-made stickers - they will also allow you to create an extraordinary design. The simplicity of applying paint and decor will allow you to frequently update the design of a child’s room so that a child or child is older, whose interests change with the appearance of each new cartoon series on the screen, without getting bored with their own room.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior


Proper lighting in the nursery involves the creation of light levels. The brightest should be the lighting of the play area, where the child spends more time. A chandelier and spots are appropriate here. In the central or corner part, where the soft corner is located, an average level is necessary, and the most muted lighting is necessary for the sleep zone.

  • The working corner, as a rule, located by the window, is additionally illuminated with table lamps, additional lamps;
  • Do not choose massive chandeliers for children’s glass and crystal chandeliers; spot built-in lamps will be a good choice if the ceiling is plasterboard or suspended; spotlights - the direction of the light can be adjusted if necessary;
  • The lighting of the nursery should be soft, avoid bright light, you should not choose fluorescent lamps - they quickly tired eyes.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

Create an interior with an older child. This is a person whose interests should be taken into account. You can not create a design "for growth", but you can choose a compromise that will allow to design the interior in the child's taste and not hit the parent wallet. Making out the ceiling of the children's room, do not forget that it is a continuation of the walls, give the same attention to its design, then the children's space will be harmonious.

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior

The ceiling in the nursery for the boy and for the girl - a photo in the interior
